Every woman has a blooming tulip in her heart (Salute to women)

Tulip is an elegant and noble flower. As early as the 17th century in the Ottoman Empire, tulip was used as a flower specially for the royal family.Tulip is The world-famous bulbous flower is also an excellent cut flower variety. The flowers are strong and straight, the leaves are elegant and beautiful, and the flowers are dignified and attractive. In Europe and the United Statesthe tulipis regarded as a symbol of victory and beauty.

Some people say that tulips are rich, some people say that tulips are enchanting, some people say that tulips are pure, and some people say that tulips are mysterious. to all. Using tulips to represent women is the most appropriate metaphor.

Wolf, a famous British female writer, described a woman in “A Room of One’s Own”: “In the imagination, she is the most important, but in reality, she is completely insignificant In the poetry volume, she is seen from the front cover to the back cover, but there is no trace of her in history; in the novel she dominates the life of kings and conquerors, but in fact, she is the slave of any boy, as long as The boy’s parents forced her to wear a ring. In literature, some of the most inspirational, some of the most profound thoughts are spewed from her lips, but in real life she is barely literate, barely able to read Spelling, husband’s property only.

This passage profoundly describes the true portrayal of women in the old society. In the long history of human development, women are the same as men Playing an indelible contribution, however, it is only in recent decades that women have entered the public sphere as individuals.

In the past history, the male voice and male vision have been more embodied and expressed than the female vision and voice. It is precisely because of such traditional thinking that many women Involuntarily, he recognized this kind of male authority from his consciousness, and believed that it was only natural that men should be superior to women.

There are only two types of women we see on television or in literature. One is a coquettish and beautiful woman, who will conquer the country and the city, but in the end bring disaster to the country and the people;

Under the guidance of this culture and values, the real life of women cannot be reflected and expressed, and can only disappear behind the false image of women. False female images lead women to pursue unrealistic fantasies, and cannot help women discover their true self and deal with their real situations.

In fact,A woman of peerless elegance is rare, and the best age for a woman is 18 to 25 years old, which is only a small segment in a woman’s long life. Certain cultural phenomena in society put various labels on women, requiring women to be chaste, kind, obedient, gentle, virtuous, etc., otherwise they are not good women.

Behind such a culture, it is actually objectifying women in real life, using women as an object, only attaching importance to women’s work ability, not treating women as flesh and blood, thoughts and feelings. Man, this is unfair to women, because women have their own feelings and their own dreams just like men.

Women are actually stronger than men. Lao Tzu has a saying in Tao Te Ching, “Know the male, keep the female”. At first glance, this sentence seems to be saying that as a woman, you must understand men, and then you must obey women’s character and obey men to be a good wife and mother. However, the deep meaning of this sentence is to express the more tenacious endurance and broad-mindedness of women. They don’t care about men, they give power and status to men and they are willing to be the heroes behind the scenes.

There is a saying in China: if you find the right woman, you will be happy for three generations, and if you find the wrong woman, you will be unlucky for nine generations. The happiness of a family depends on women, and the success of generations depends on women.

Chinese history has the story of Meng’s mother moving three times, and the story of her mother-in-law’s lettering. We can’t deny the influence of women on a family and even a family. When a woman no longer depends on others, when a woman has no hope, the strength in her bones is immediately aroused, and she does things as if she were inferior to men.

This phenomenon just shows that women hide themselves consciously or unconsciously in their self-consciousness. They forget that they are omnipotent and indestructible, because they are protected by men. Treated as weak sheep, they spend their whole lives doing laundry, cooking, and caring for the family. They are proud of their male pride and their husband’s inferiority complex, and they bury their hearts deeply in the trivialities of life. middle.

As everyone knows, life is the whole of life. Whether women or men are busy with life, all struggles are serving life. To eat a delicious meal, to have a warm place to live, to cultivate an excellent child, and to make life happy, this is the goal that everyone pursues.

Every woman who does laundry, cooks, takes care of children, they get up early and pay back, is it not the foundation of life? If you don’t take these as the foundation, but only take money and material things as the foundation, you will not be able to truly enjoy happiness in life.

We should pay more attention to more real female images and real lives of women The situation is not only important to women, but also more important to men. Men cannot live in harmony with women with unrealistic expectations of women, and it will definitely make him extremely miserable.

Not Every youth is full of sunshine, and every growth must contain pain. The so-called healthy growth is also naive in a sense, blindly expecting happiness and beauty to admit the ugliness of the world, and then to gain energy to face this imperfection Not everyone can accomplish this kind of growth. But only those who can grow eventually will become the most beautiful part of this world, blooming like tulips.