Is China worried about the effectiveness of “dynamic clearing”? Zhao Lijian responded

On April 11, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian presided over a regular press conference.

At the press conference, a reporter asked that China still adheres to the policy of “dynamic clearing” in Shanghai. ‍‍Now the number of infected people in Shanghai has surged, and many of them are asymptomatic. Concerned about the effectiveness of current policies? Is China considering full opening up in the future? ‍‍

Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said, ‍‍The current global ‍‍COVID-19 epidemic ‍‍ is still ups and downs, ‍‍The Chinese government‍‍ adheres to the idea of ​​people first, ‍‍life first, in the spirit of being responsible to the people of the country and the world , ‍‍implement the general policy of “dynamic clearing” of epidemic prevention. For more than two years, China has been one of the countries with the lowest infection rate and mortality rate of new coronary pneumonia in the world. Practice has proved that China’s epidemic prevention policy is in line with China’s national conditions and needs for epidemic prevention, and it is effective, making important contributions to the global fight against the epidemic. ‍‍A few days ago, a senior WHO official said that China has taken very strong measures to contain the epidemic. The infection rate, death rate and hospitalization rate are very low. and society can continue to function well, and I believe that the Chinese government can allow the people to be protected to the greatest extent possible. ‍‍You mentioned the epidemic situation in Shanghai just now. Our central government, as well as the relevant localities, provinces and cities, attach great importance to the epidemic situation in Shanghai. It can be said that we have dispatched a large number of medical staff all over the country, and also There are volunteers and a large amount of materials are allocated to help Shanghai. We are all cheering for Shanghai. We believe that with the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the unity of the people of the whole country, and the help from all over the country, the epidemic in Shanghai will definitely be contained soon. Regarding the epidemic in other parts of China, we also have absolute confidence that we will eventually overcome the epidemic. Finally, I would like to say that there is no epidemic that will not pass, and no war that will not end.