Taking the characteristic road to increase income, Hetian City’s greenhouse watermelons grab the “fresh” market

In recent years, Hotan City has always put agricultural efficiency and farmers’ income in a prominent position, adhered to the work idea of ​​”adjusting measures to local conditions, market orientation, and variety optimization”, actively optimized the structure of the planting industry, vigorously developed high-efficiency facility agriculture and implemented fruits and vegetables. Picking industry, promote the development of science and technology agriculture, green agriculture, and characteristic agriculture, and inject new momentum into rural revitalization.

In the past two days, the first batch of watermelons with yellow flesh and fruits in greenhouses in the Agricultural Industrial Park of Hotan City have been listed as “fresh”. On April 10, in the greenhouse of the grower Ren Jinqi, the reporter saw bowl-sized watermelons hanging on the vines in an orderly manner, making people salivate.

Bowl-sized watermelons hang on the vines in a random pattern

Ren Jinqi told reporters that this kind of yellow flesh Gift watermelons have the characteristics of thin skin and high sugar content. They are very popular with consumers and attract many urban residents to come and pick them.

“I heard that there are watermelons that can be picked in this place. I came to pick watermelons with my friends today. Not only the watermelons are fresh, but they can also experience the fun of picking and relax. I feel very good.” Wenming Tao, a citizen of Hotan Say.

Hetian citizen Wenming Tao found that some melons were also ripe.

“I just tasted the watermelon and it was very sweet. I’m going to pick a box and take it home to my relatives and friends. I’m really happy to be able to eat such a fruit this season. ” said Zhang Longyu, who was picking.

Ren Jinqi, who is in his early 50s this year, is a planting expert in Yuye Village, Jiya Township, Hotan City. With the support of good local policies, his family has contracted 8 greenhouses this year, mainly planting special fruits and melons . Ren Jinqi is full of confidence in continuing to increase his income this year because the fruits he planted came into the market early, with good varieties, and were favored by the market. He said: “My greenhouse mainly grows watermelons and muskmelons. At present, the watermelons are ripe, and many people come to pick them on weekends, so sales are not a problem. The income of a greenhouse is about 30,000 yuan, and the annual net income is more than 150,000 yuan. .”

It is reported that there are 2,500 agricultural greenhouses in Hotan Agricultural Industrial Park, which mainly develop characteristic planting of vegetables, melons and fruits, and realize the simultaneous development of production, ecology, leisure, tourism and other functions. A revitalization road for modern agriculture to help rural development, radiating and driving more than 1,000 farmers in surrounding villages to increase their incomes.

Qin Zhenhua, deputy director of the Management Committee of Hotan Agricultural Industrial Park, exchanges planting techniques with growers

” In the next step, the Hotan Agricultural Industrial Park will vigorously promote the business model of ‘company + cooperative + base + farmer’, relying on characteristic industries such as fresh table grapes, winter jujube, and melon, and further improve the interest linking mechanism of agricultural enterprises. The development idea of ​​integration, relying on the industrial park agricultural complex, promotes the integrated development of the entire industry chain of characteristic rural tourism, and continuously radiates and drives the farmers in the surrounding villages to continue to increase their income.” Qin Zhenhua, deputy director of the Management Committee of Hotan Agricultural Industrial Park, said.

(Reporter Zhang Shuhua is the owner)