Zhaosu County: The vehicle fell into the river, and 3 auxiliary police officers on vacation came to the rescue

Pomegranate Cloud/Xinjiang Legal News reporter Li Xuqun Correspondent Liu Min

On April 8, the herdsman Bazarbaek Awuhan still had lingering fears when he recalled the scene where he fell into the river three days ago.

What happened? Why did the vehicle fall into the river?

It turned out that at about 17:00 on April 5, Bazarbaek and his friends drove five sheep and passed a rural road near Kalatubai Village, Zhaosu County. The water suddenly collapsed, the car tilted instantly, and then plunged into the river. After a while, the river submerged half of the car body, and Bazarbaek and his friends were struggling in the car to ask for help. Fortunately, this scene was discovered in time by three auxiliary police officers from Zhaosu County Public Security Bureau who were on vacation.

“At that time, we heard a loud “thump” sound not far from the Karatuba Bridge. After a closer look, we found that a white pickup truck fell into the river.” Auxiliary policeman Zhang Liangzhen told reporters .

Several people are rescuing the drowning vehicle.

Zhang Liangzhen and colleagues Li Quanliang and Ding Yixiang didn’t hesitate, they quickly ran to the scene and jumped into the icy river. The river had submerged the car, and only the roof was exposed. Pulled by a colleague and a cadre of the Urban Management Brigade of Zhaosu County Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau, Delidar Turhanbek, who passed by, he approached the trapped vehicle smoothly. Zhang Liangzhen was unable to open the door due to the large difference in pressure inside and outside the vehicle in the river. In desperation, Delidar quickly threw a large rock on the car, hitting the co-pilot’s window glass. Zhang Liangzhen took advantage of the situation to rescue two Kazakh herdsmen from the car in the icy river water, and then salvaged the sheep ashore with a tow rope.

Because of the timely rescue, all those who fell into the water were not seriously injured.

“Aren’t you afraid when you jumped into the river to save people?” Zhang Liangzhen’s colleague asked.

Zhang Liangzhen replied: “At that time, I couldn’t care about fear, I couldn’t watch the car sink into the water, and I had to save people quickly.”