Fruits are not a substitute for vegetables

Fruits cannot replace vegetables

Some people think that fruits and vegetables are plant foods , they contain more vitamins and substances, and fruits are sweeter and more convenient to eat than vegetables, so fruits are used instead of vegetables. In fact, this approach is to believe that

Early fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C and substances, but the content varies greatly. In addition to fresh dates, mountain bridges, citrus, kiwi and strawberries that contain more vitamin C, other common fruits such as apples, pears, bananas, peaches and watermelons have less cinnamon C and minerals than vegetables, especially not as good as vegetables. Lots of green leafy vegetables. In addition, the content of B vitamins, vitamin D and carotene in general fruits is far lower than that of green leafy vegetables. Therefore, it is difficult to meet the body’s needs for vitamins and minerals by eating fruits alone.

Fruits contain a lot of sugar, and most of them are monosaccharides such as glucose and fructose and disaccharides such as sucrose, which are absorbed in the human body Faster, if the intake is too much, it is easy to cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels, making people mentally unstable, dizziness, lack of concentration, fatigue and other symptoms. After these sugars enter the liver, they are easily converted into fats, which can make people fat, and also increase triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, thereby causing hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia. Vegetables contain more cellulose, which can reduce the digestion rate of food, remove toxic substances in the intestines, treat constipation, and prevent diseases such as colorectal cancer, diabetes, and gallstones, which are very important to human health.

All kinds of food have their own characteristics and nutritional effects. No one kind of food can meet the various needs of the human body. In order to ensure a comprehensive balance Nutrition, all kinds of food should be eaten in conjunction with each other. Therefore, fruits cannot be used in place of vegetables, and the two should be eaten in a proper combination.

Most fruits contain various organic acids, which can stimulate the secretion of digestive juice and help digestion. Eat more.

Fruit is also not suitable for dinner

Some women want to To prevent the body from gaining weight, or in order to lose weight, often only eat an apple or orange when eating, and resolutely do not eat other foods, especially foods rich in protein. In fact, from a nutritional point of view, it is unscientific to take fruit as a meal.

The main nutrients in fruits are carbohydrates and some vitamins, while protein, fat and cellulose are relatively lacking. Eating only fruits is easy to cause Malnutrition. Moreover, most fruits contain less iron, calcium and vitamin B12. Eating only fruits for a long time will cause a lack of these substances in the body, which can easily lead to anemia and induce other diseases over time. In addition, most fruits contain more fructose, and long-term consumption of large amounts will cause the accumulation of body fat, but it will not achieve the ideal weight loss effect.

In order to maintain the balance of hard nourishment, it is not possible to use fruits as a main meal, but to eat some soybeans, eggs, dairy, and fish. and make internal food.