Peel the fruit and rinse your mouth after eating

Peel the fruit when eating

Many people eat fruit without peeling the skin , wash and eat. In fact, eating fruit like this is very unsanitary.

In order to prevent pests and diseases, fruit farmers often use a variety of pesticides during the growth of fruit trees, some of which can penetrate and remain in the waxy layer of the peel. Therefore, the pesticide residues in the peel are much higher than those in the pulp. Moreover, these residual pesticides in the peel are difficult to wash off with water. If you eat without peeling, over time, you will experience vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, chest tightness, skin allergies and other reactions, and serious damage to the stomach and health.

In addition, most fruits contain pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasite eggs on the peel. It can cause dysentery, ascariasis and other diseases if eaten in the stomach.

Rinse after eating fruit

Some people I like to eat some fruit after meals, instead of gargling, to achieve the purpose of cleaning the mouth. Actually, there is no scientific basis for this.

In fact, most fruits contain more sugar, and these sugars and fruit residues embedded in the gaps between teeth and gums It will gradually ferment and become sour in the mouth, which will corrode the teeth over time, easily form caries, and eventually produce cavities. Therefore, eating fruit does not clean the mouth. On the contrary, after eating fruit, pay attention to gargle to remove the sugar in the mouth.