“Level 1 carcinogen” may be revealed, WHO calls for stop eating, please tell your parents after reading

When malignant tumors appear in epithelial cells, they are collectively referred to as cancer cells. Cancer has now become the main culprit in harming human health.

A variety of reasons in life may cause cancer cells to work in the body. I believe most people feel extremely frightened when they hear about cancer. After all, in current medical treatment, there is no specific drug that can effectively treat cancer.

There is no way to fundamentally remove cancer cells, and when most elderly people are diagnosed with cancer, they feel that life has passed At the end, I even want to give up.

In the treatment of cancer, in addition to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, targeted drug therapy, bone marrow transplantation can also be used , organ transplantation, dialysis treatment to control the growth rate of cancer cells in the body and prevent the spread.

The biggest difference between cancer cells and ordinary cells is that cancer cells can multiply and differentiate rapidly in the body, and in just a few Within a day, it can spread to other organs such as lungs, bones, blood, liver, stomach, brain, heart, etc., and even all cells and tissues of the body are swallowed by cancer cells.

In one’s life, in addition to eating, it is necessary to sleep, and poor eating habits and daily routines may be It can lead to the outbreak of cancer in the body. The following foods may have been listed as first-level carcinogens by the World Health Organization.

If you find something you like to eat, get out of the table as soon as possible to avoid causing cancer in your body and endangering your health.


“Class 1 Carcinogen” Announced

Class 1 Carcinogen List Announced – Aflatoxin

Aflatoxin is a fungal substance in daily life. In grains and organic products, aflatoxins multiply faster.

In the 1990s, aflatoxin and was classified as a first-class carcinogen by the World Health Organization. The toxin of aflatoxin is strong and diffuses It is powerful, about 68 times higher than the toxicity of arsenic to the human body.

The harm caused by aflatoxins to the human body is mainly produced in the liver tissue and will destroy the vitality of liver cells. If the situation is serious, it may even lead to cancer Aflatoxin B1 is common in naturally contaminated foods, with strong toxicity and strong carcinogenicity.

In the UK, hundreds of thousands of turkeys died suddenly, which was confirmed to be related to peanuts imported from Brazil. Research by pathologists and nutrition experts found that the peanuts were infected with toxic contaminants from fungi.

In the final investigation, medical researchers found that aflatoxin will bring toxic metabolites to the body, which will directly attack the body’s liver. It can easily lead to liver cirrhosis, functional failure, and even liver cancer.

There have been many cases of aflatoxin poisoning at home and abroad. In Heilongjiang, there was a family of 10 who accidentally ingested Aspergillus flavus. Food with more toxins resulted in the death of 7 people who were not rescued, and 2 were severely coma.

If the human body continuously ingests 0.1 mg of aflatoxin, it will lead to obvious poisoning reactions in the body. If the continuous intake of more than 20 mg of aflatoxin of aflatoxins, which may directly damage human life.

The World Health Organization recommends that if the general public finds that the food in the kitchen is moldy or deteriorated, they must throw it into the trash can as soon as possible and do not use it again.


WHO calls for Stop eating, please tell your parents after reading

Diligence and thrift is a good thing, and it is also a promotion of the excellent traditional Chinese culture And carry forward, but excessive frugality will also have some adverse effects on the body. The following foods are likely to contain a large amount of aflatoxins and microorganisms. If they appear at home, please throw them into the trash as soon as possible.

1. Bitter melon seeds

< span>I believe that everyone keeps some melon seeds at home during Chinese New Year and festivals. Sunflower seeds are also an artifact for chasing dramas. It is also a good choice to take them out to entertain guests when they come.

World Health Organization researchers have extracted aflatoxin from bitter melon seeds. Once the bitter melon seeds are eaten by mistake, they should be removed as soon as possible. , Rinse your mouth with water to rinse the mold in the mouth to avoid aflatoxin from harming the body and affecting the health of blood and liver.

2. Fungus that has been soaked for too long

The fungus is usually dry, so it should be soaked in hot water for 15 minutes and 20 minutes before use. However, the fungus that has been soaked for too long may also be infected by aflatoxin and produce fungi and bacterial substances. .

If the fungus has shape grooves or peculiar smell after soaking, it means that there are signs of rot, and it is not suitable for cooking. Throw it away in time to avoid food poisoning.

3. Moldy staple food

The common staple food in life includes steamed bread and rice. In fact, the steamed bread just made is soft and delicious, with a strong sense of satiety, and is loved by many northern friends.

However, there is a lot of moisture and moisture in the steamed bread, and it is easy to produce aflatoxin and other pathogenic bacteria during storage, and green spots appear. phenomenon, which already means that the steamed bread has been moldy.

Even if it is stored in a refrigerator with a relatively low temperature for a long time, there may be mildew and deterioration. It is recommended that you buy less steamed bread or It is less steamed steamed buns, eating and buying now is more conducive to health, and the taste of steamed buns is also good.

4. Moldy Nuts

Aflatoxins are toxins produced by toxins such as Aspergillus flavus.It can be stored in moldy nuts, including peanuts, walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, and more.

After being infected by aflatoxin, the nut structure will be destroyed and a large number of toxins will be produced. Once the nut shell is found to be moldy, or It tastes bitter and smelly, so it must be thrown away in time.

Even exposure to the sun will not remove aflatoxin, and even increase the spread of aflatoxin in food, causing the body Poisoning is more serious.

5. Vegetable oil that has been moldy and deteriorated

< span>There are a lot of aflatoxins in spoiled vegetable oils, including corn oil, sesame oil, olive oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, etc., which may be infected by aflatoxins.

If the body takes too much aflatoxin, it will cause direct damage to liver cells. Long-term consumption of spoiled vegetable oil for cooking vegetables, It will increase the risk of liver cancer and intestinal cancer, and endanger people’s health.


Read Extension: If Long-term intake of food containing too much aflatoxin, what kind of poisoning reaction will the body have?

1. Chronic poisoning

If the human body ingests food containing aflatoxin for a long time, it will lead to chronic poisoning, which is mainly manifested as clinical liver cell damage, including reduced liver function, liver cirrhosis, etc.

On the other hand, it is very likely that the patient’s weight will continue to drop in a short period of time, the growth of children is too slow, and Complications in the human body, etc.

2. Acute poisoning

The toxicity of aflatoxin to the body far exceeds that of solvent pesticides and other harmful substances such as cyanide. If a person weighs 70 kg as a healthy adult, the body will consume more than 20 mg of Aspergillus in a short period of time. The toxins are likely to cause acute poisoning of the body, and even lead to the failure of rescue and death.

#Xiafang Health Guide#