Expert reminder: If these 5 symptoms appear on the body, it means that the blood sugar level is very high, don’t ignore it

As living standards continue to improve, people are beginning to pay more and more attention to physical maintenance, but there are some people who don’t care in their daily lives. When diabetes or other chronic diseases occur in the body, if the disease is not controlled and allowed to develop in time, it will cause life-threatening and serious complications.

Hyperglycemic diseases will not decrease significantly over time. If you cannot go to the hospital for timely treatment or control, the blood sugar will continue to rise and cause insulin secretion Insufficient, diabetes, will induce other diseases, seriously damage the life safety of patients.


What is the blood sugar standard for middle-aged and elderly people?

Under normal circumstances, the fasting blood sugar level should be maintained at 3.9~6.1, and the blood sugar level two hours after meals is generally controlled at 4.2~ Between 4.9, small fluctuations will not cause substantial changes.

Each person’s blood sugar level is affected by physical condition, dietary reasons, exercise gap, age, disease development factors and other factors, and it is normal to have individual differences.

The ability to control blood sugar levels is closely related to age. When there are some abnormalities in the health of the elderly, even if the fasting blood sugar is controlled within If it is below 6.9, then the blood sugar two hours after a meal should also be controlled at 8.1, which is the normal and reasonable range.

With the continuous development of living standards, most elderly people will suffer from hyperglycemia or diabetes. Doctors check their blood sugar in time in their lives level, it is more helpful to stabilize blood sugar and prevent unexpected situations.

Experts pointed out: the elderly should pay attention to these points when measuring their blood sugar at home, measure blood sugar within two hours after eating breakfast, and after eating lunch Measure blood sugar within two hours, measure blood sugar within two hours after eating dinner, measure blood sugar once before going to bed, a total of 4 times, record and observe data changes in time.


When blood sugar rises What are the symptoms of high?

1. The stomach is always hungry

When the blood sugar of the human body continues to rise, the most obvious typical symptom is the feeling of hunger in the stomach and stomach. The excretion of urine in the body will gradually lose the blood sugar and other nutrients in the cells, and the lack of sugar will always feel hungry. feel.

2. Weakness of limbs

low The typical symptom of blood sugar is weakness of limbs. Patients are prone to apathy and physical fatigue. In this situation, it means that their blood sugar is constantly rising and cannot be integrated into cells, resulting in lack of energy for life activities and abnormal mental conditions. .

Some patients may also experience a small amount of skin itching, transient vision loss, inability to see objects, body, and bad breath.

3. Rapid weight loss in a short period of time

Excluding the factors of weight loss, if you lose weight in a short period of time, you still feel tired and weak, and your back pain is more serious, it is very likely that the blood sugar in the body increases, and the blood sugar of your own is continuously excreted through urine. .

Life activities do not have enough nutrients and energy substances, which will continue to consume body fat and cholesterol, resulting in a gradual weight loss in a short period of time.

4. Increased abdominal fat

Women’s waist circumference should be controlled at 80 cm, and men’s waist circumference should be controlled at about 85 cm. If it exceeds the above value, it means abdominal obesity, which will lead to more accumulation of internal organs and abdomen. Fatty substances cause central obesity, increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and chronic diseases, and cause hyperglycemia and diabetes.

5. Frequent urination

People with high blood sugar will experience a continuous increase in the number of urinations and the amount of urine, especially at night. Generally speaking, the frequency of urination in adults is about 6 to 8 times a day, and the amount of urination during the day will often increase. Basically keep it at 1-2 times at night.

If you go to the toilet a lot, it is very likely that the kidneys are abnormally functioning, especially when urinating, the urine has some odor, and it turns yellow and foamy , you should go to the hospital for examination in time to check blood sugar, urine routine and kidney function to avoid some abnormal conditions in the body.


What causes Raised blood sugar in the body?

1. Long-term heavy drinking

I believe everyone knows that drinking too much alcohol is not good for liver health. Why does drinking alcohol affect blood sugar? In fact, not only will it damage the liver, but there will also be some significant changes in blood sugar levels. People who drink for a long time will cause hyperglycemia.

2. Emotions are too depressed

Anxiety or depression in daily life may cause some significant changes in blood sugar levels. If a patient is often in a state of grumpiness or upset, blood sugar levels will follow the mood. Significant changes , blood pressure rises sharply.

Emotions are not released, which is even more harmful to physical health, resulting in severe contraction of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, causing other discomforts.

3. Long stay up late

and It is now the normal life of young people. If you stay up late for a long time, it will form a vicious circle and endanger your health, which is not conducive to the detoxification and detoxification function of the liver, and reduces the self-repair and regeneration ability.

If you can’t get enough sleep, it will reduce insulin secretion in the body, make insulin more sensitive, and blood sugar will deteriorate sharply. It is recommended that friends in front of the screen They go into deep sleep before 11 pm, which is more helpful for the body to recover.

4. Unscientific diet

As the old saying goes: Disease comes from the mouth, which means that the disease comes from the mouth. If you eat the wrong food, it will induce high blood sugar, which will cause the blood sugar to continue to rise in the body.

We recommend that you try not to put sugar when cooking or boiling soup. Inadvertently ingesting too much sugar will cause your blood sugar to rise silently. high, endangering cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

5. Physical inactivity

Exercise helps to promote myocardial metabolism and blood circulation. Proper exercise can strengthen physical health and control blood sugar within a reasonable range. If you do not exercise for a long time, blood sugar will quietly rise, and the pressure on blood will continue to increase. .


Read the extension- How to lower blood sugar levels in the body?

1. Keep moving

During exercise, it can strengthen cardiopulmonary function, promote metabolism, effectively dilute blood concentration, and stabilize blood sugar.

Take half an hour to an hour every day to do aerobic exercise, and then stick to it step by step, it can promote physical health and prevent chronic disease and cardiovascular disease.

2. Take flaxseed

According to clinical medical research, the active ingredients in flaxseed can reduce the postprandial blood sugar level, which can control the blood sugar level below 35%, or use flaxseed oil instead of edible oil to effectively control triglyceride As well as changes in blood sugar, prevent blood sugar from rising.

3. Drink some green tea appropriately

Generally speaking, green tea contains a lot of phenolic elements when it is not fermented, which can bring strong antioxidant capacity to the body, inhibit excess free radicals in the body, stabilize blood sugar, dilute blood concentration, and bring health care effects to the body.

4. Adjust the dietary structure in time

Part of the reason for high blood sugar is due to the daily diet. You should control your diet in time, reduce the intake of fat and triglycerides, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat less meat, and drink water half an hour before meals , can enhance gastrointestinal satiety, reduce calorie and fat intake to a certain extent.

not only helps to stabilize blood sugar, but also controls the growth of body fat, helps to lose fat and lose weight, and maintain a good figure.

#Xiafang Health Guide#