Does lipoma need surgery? Chinese medicine is effective, less painful, and less likely to recur

Lipoma is a common benign soft tissue tumor that can occur anywhere in the body with fat. It is most common in the shoulders, back, neck, breasts and abdomen, followed by the proximal extremities (eg upper arms, thighs, buttocks). Primarily under the skin, they are called superficial lipomas, but they can also be seen between the deep part of the limb and the muscle belly, called deep lipomas. Deep lipomas often grow along the muscle and can penetrate deep into the periosteum, but rarely invade adjacent bones.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that lipomas are mostly caused by spleen deficiency, endogenous damp-phlegm, and stagnation of qi and blood. Depression damages the spleen, and is attacked by exogenous pathogens. The spleen dominates the muscles. Excessive worrying affects the spleen. Deficiency of the spleen causes abnormal transportation and transformation, and muscle dystrophy. . When the spleen and stomach are weak and yang is deficient, the emphasis should be on warming the yang and improving the function of the spleen and stomach. Only when the function of the spleen and stomach is improved can it play the role of transporting and transforming dampness. Too much phlegm and dampness accumulates under the skin, which is the phlegm nucleus.

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment:

1. Phlegm-damp condensation

Syndromes : There may be single or multiple lumps all over the body, no pain, drowsiness and fatigue, fullness in the chest and flank, vomiting and phlegm, loose stools, pale tongue, white and greasy coating, slippery or wet pulse.

Treatment principle: resolve phlegm and dampness, disperse knot.

Huatan Sanjie Decoction

Composition: tangerine peel, pinellia, melon, zhe fritillary, tianzhu yellow, Dannanxing, Prunella, Alisma, Polyporus, Psyllium, Salvia, Zelan, Forsythia, Licorice. Shuijianbi.

2 blood stasis and qi stagnation

Syndromes: dark and thin face, swelling in limbs, shoulders, back or peritoneum, pain There is a fixed place, or accompanied by numbness of the limbs, numbness of the limbs, blue lips, dark purple tongue, or blood stasis plaques or spots, and the pulse is thin and astringent.

Treatment principle: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, dispelling knots.

Huoxue Sanjie Soup

Composition: peach kernel, safflower, salvia, angelica, chuanxiong, red peony root, Shudi, Zelan, leech, stinging insect, earthworm, Bupleurum, turmeric, vine pear root, licorice. Shuijianbi.

3. Accumulation of heat toxin

Syndromes: lumps, hard, painful, or lumps in the limbs or trunk Ulceration, accompanied by fever, irritability, irritability, thirst, liking cold drinks, dry stool, yellow and red urine, red tongue, yellow dry or greasy coating, fast or slippery pulse.

Treatment principle: clearing away heat and detoxifying, dispelling stagnation.

Qingre Sanjie Soup

Composition: double flower, forsythia, chrysanthemum, mulberry leaf, skullcap, platycodon, Gongying , Diding, Baijiangcao, Polygonum cuspidatum, Fritillaria, Prunella, silkworm, centipede, whole scorpion, leech,, yellow medicine, licorice. Shuijianbi.

4. Deficiency of Qi and Blood

Syndromes: The mass is increasing day by day, accompanied by a dull complexion, less gas and laziness Words, limb fatigue, decreased appetite, body weight loss, sometimes low fever, pale tongue, thin white coating, deep and thin pulse.

Treatment principle: nourishing qi and nourishing blood, dispelling knots.

Yiqi Sanjie Soup

Composition: Codonopsis, Atractylodes, Poria, Astragalus, Poria, Lingzhi, Shudi, Angelica , Chuanxiong, Paeonia lactiflora, Zhe Fritillaria, Prunella vulgaris, Salvia, Zelan, Gansong, vine pear root, whole scorpion, licorice. Shuijianbi.

In addition, this key factor of kidney yang cannot be ignored. One is that spleen yang depends on the warming of kidney yang in order to recover better; twenty kidney yang deficiency is not conducive to qi transformation, which can lead to the accumulation of phlegm and dampness. Therefore, in some patients with cold constitution or deficiency of kidney-yang, warming and tonifying kidney-yang can often have unexpected curative effects.