Laboratory doctor: Uncover a “check scam”, an unnecessary check item

The current health check-up is a new way of self-care and is an active check. ################################################################### There is no feeling, but the disease that has occurred should be treated early to minimize the disease.

When the body is in a critical state between healthy and unhealthy, a timely physical examination can seize a good opportunity to adjust psychological and physiological conditions.


First of all, the necessity of a medical examination

Some people call the physical examination “the fifth cornerstone of health”. It can be seen that the importance of physical examination to human health, but in the 21st century, there are still many people who do not pay much attention to physical examination and think that physical examination is completely unnecessary. , a waste of money and time.

Some young people think that they are young and strong, and there is nothing wrong with the physical examination. If you have no money to spend, what are the benefits of a physical examination?

Through physical examination, many potential diseases of the body can be detected in time to protect health.

Many diseases of the body have a complete process of occurrence and development. Prevent and intervene in time to reduce unnecessary troubles in the later period.

Modern people have come to the point where they talk about the discoloration of cancer, and consider cancer as a terminal and incurable disease, but The World Health Organization pointed out after investigation that 30% of all cancers are completely preventable, and 40% can be cured through early detection, early detection, and early treatment.

So everyone can know how important the physical examination is to the human body.

And now many people in our country are in a sub-health state, staying up late for a long time, lack of sleep, stress Overweight, overworked, and irregular diet are all symptoms and causes of sub-health. Through physical examination, some problems in the body can be detected early and the disease can be stifled in the cradle.


Laboratory Physicians: Debunking a ‘Check Scam’, an Unnecessary Checkup

—A drop of blood can detect dozens of cancers

“99.99% accuracy of genetic testing, a drop of blood can detect dozens of cancers, and more than 1,000 hereditary diseases…”

This “one drop of blood can detect dozens of cancers” test has been packaged as a genetic sequencing project with advanced detection technology by many medical institutions and physical examination centers.

Many medical institutions or physical examination centers will arrange for people to do gene sequencing projects, claiming that dozens of cancers can be detected with a drop of blood or genetic disease.

In fact, none of the gene sequencers and related reagents and software used in China have obtained the national approval for medical devices. It can be said that this is an illegal medical practice.

In addition, gene sequencing has been abused by many medical examination centers or medical institutions, exaggerating its test results, claiming that a drop of blood can Hundreds of diseases are identified through genetic screening, and the inspection items are in the thousands or hundreds of thousands.

In fact, gene sequencing is only for genetic disease inspection. Some illegal institutions will abuse this technology, which is easy to cause genetic inspection. The results were inaccurate, causing unnecessary panic to people.


Must-check items that need to be paid attention to in the physical examination of the elderly

(1) Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular examination.

This is the focus of the physical examination for the elderly. Including blood pressure measurement, electrocardiogram, cerebral artery examination to understand blood pressure, myocardial and cerebral blood supply, arrhythmia, etc.

(2) B-ultrasound and chest radiography.

B-ultrasound can detect whether there is liver, gallbladder, bladder tumor or calculi, and neck ultrasound can find out whether there is a tumor or stone in the neck. Whether there is plaque in the lining of the artery.

Because this is a non-invasive test, older adults can have multiple tests. Chest radiography can detect tuberculosis and lung cancer early. The chest X-ray examination has been canceled from the physical examination program due to the large amount of radiation.

(3) Blood sugar and blood lipids.

Old people who are obese or have high blood pressure or arteriosclerosis should pay special attention to this.


What are the different check items for different age groups?

What should the inspection items be different for different age groups?

①Under 20 years old

The child’s physical examination is mainly to screen for genetic diseases, including broad bean disease, thalassemia, premature beats, arrhythmias, etc., to check whether there are parasites in the body, etc. Wait.

②20-30 years old

Beginning at the age of 20, it is necessary to start regular medical examinations. People in this age group tend to live irregularly, have more frequent sex, and are more susceptible to various infectious diseases.

③30-40 years old

After the age of 30, the most common health problems encountered are high blood pressure, diabetes, high blood lipids, fatty liver, mainly because people’s living standards improve, often Big fish and big meat. Therefore, people at this age should pay special attention to blood sugar and blood pressure.

④40-50 years old

After the age of 40, people embark on the road of aging. This age is also a high-risk period for health. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases often come to you. In addition, It is also easy to get cancer, and it is necessary to have regular check-ups.

⑤50-60 years old

After the age of 50, the biggest health problems they face are osteoporosis and gastrointestinal tumors. In addition to these health problems, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular screening cannot be ignored.

⑥Over 60 years old

Older people usually need to pay attention to their physical health in an all-round way. In addition to doing general physical examinations, they should always pay attention to any discomfort in their bodies.


Health Tips – What are the fasting physical examination items?

Medical items that require fasting include:

1. Blood test for liver function, renal function, blood lipids, fasting blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin, electrolytes, blood flow, etc.

2, abdominal ultrasound (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidney) requires fasting examination to prevent intestinal Interference from tract contents and gases. The gallbladder shrinks after eating, and gas production in the bowel can affect the test results.

3, C -13 Helicobacter pylori breath test requires fasting, and electronic gastrointestinal endoscopy is also a fasting item. The fasting time for blood drawing items is generally 8-12 hours, so fasting blood drawing is best before 10:00, too late. Affect the accuracy of blood glucose, blood lipids and other results.

4. Thermal imaging examination, thermal imaging examination is also required Fasting, thermal imaging is a method of detecting various organs of the human body through infrared rays. Under the condition of fasting, the human body is systematically checked, which can reflect the initial state. If you check after eating, because the operation of each organ generates a lot of heat, the thermal imaging will be The inspection is interfering.