The “champion” of activating androgen is announced, wolfberry is not on the list, men can eat more to enhance masculinity

A man is not judged by his good looks, but by his masculinity. If he is not masculine, no matter how good-looking he may be, Known as the “mother”.

And to judge whether a man is masculine, it depends on whether he has sufficient androgen, if it is male Men with sufficient hormones generally look hormonal and masculine.

Androgen in men is not static, affected by many factors and aging, androgen in the body The secretion will be reduced, and the body will also have some abnormalities.

If men have the following symptoms, 80% of the male hormones are insufficient< /span>

: Low hair volume and slow body hair growth

The hair growth of the human body mainly depends on androgen. When the secretion of male hormones decreases, the growth rate of body hair will gradually slow down. For some middle-aged men, Due to stress and the decline of bodily functions, the male hormones in the body are often reduced, which will lead to a decrease in hair volume and sparse shedding.

If the body hair is prosperous, but the hair falls off in large areas, 80% of the reason is that the secretion of male hormones is insufficient span>.

: Mood swings

Like women’s menstrual period, when men have abnormal hormone secretion, it is usually accompanied by irritability, irritability and other negative emotions, endocrine disorders and inexplicable irritability. , and may also be accompanied by a decline in memory.

So, when your significant other is in a sulky and irritable mood, you should With a little more understanding, this kind of boring mood is a difficulty that female compatriots must overcome every month.

: Frequent fatigue

Because male hormones are secreted to maintain the normal functioning of the body, endocrine stability is the key to promoting health. Many men suffer from insufficient androgen secretion after endocrine dysfunction, which in turn leads to poorer mental state, so they often suffer from fatigue and lack of energy.

If there is obvious fatigue, it may be that the secretion of male hormones is insufficient.

worse skin, bigger belly

If a male friend finds that his skin is getting rougher, less luster than before, and wrinkles are gradually appearing, this is also due to Low levels of male hormones in the body can make people appear aging on the face.

And the male hormones secreted in the male body are insufficient, resulting in an endocrine imbalance in the body. The state of an enlarged abdomen.

The “champion” of androgen activation was announced, wolfberry is not on the list, men can eat more, Enhance masculinity

When it comes to tonifying the kidney and nourishing qi, the first thing that comes to your mind is wolfberry, which is good at Mingmu, also commonly known as “Mingyanzi”, treats dim vision and night blindness caused by insufficient liver blood and kidney yin deficiency, and often consumes wolfberry.

Eating wolfberry properly can indeed promote the secretion of male hormones, but it is not the wolfberry that really activates the secretion of male androgen , but these kinds of food.

First, shrimp and fish

Seafood such as shrimp is one way to boost vitamin D levels, which is strongly linked to large T, and researchers found that men with higher levels of vitamin D also had higher levels of testosterone.

This is also why men and women with higher blood levels of vitamin D tend to have stronger upper body and Lower body muscle strength. Many people lack enough vitamin D in the winter haze, which can cause your testosterone levels to plummet.

Get more vitamin D: cod liver oil, herring, salmon, sardines, mackerel.

Second, Chestnut

Chestnut has been a precious fruit since ancient times, and it is the leader among dried fruits. It is praised as the first fruit that is most beneficial to the human body in the Book of Figures and Materia Medica. Chestnuts are not only fragrant and sweet, but also contain a large amount of starch, protein, fat, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and other nutrients.

Chestnuts are sweet and warm in nature, and have the functions of promoting blood circulation, stopping bleeding, nourishing the stomach, strengthening the spleen, nourishing the kidney, strengthening the waist, Strengthening tendons, reducing swelling and other effects, for men, eating chestnuts often can also nourish blood and nourish the face.

Third, Okra

Anyone who has eaten okra knows that okra has a sticky feeling. It is this viscous liquid that is rich in various nutrients, not only beneficial to Gastrointestinal health, help digestion, soluble dietary fiber can also promote the excretion of organic substances in the body, reduce the accumulation of toxins in the body, and protect the liver.

The king of kidney-tonifying vegetables, okra, is also the best way to solve physical fatigue. Okra is not only a delicious health-care dish , At the same time, okra also has the effect of diet therapy, which can not only benefit the kidney and strengthen yang, but also play a certain role in relieving diabetes.

Fourth, pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which are good for body maintenance. In addition, pumpkin seeds also contain zinc that the human body needs. Sufficient zinc supply is also beneficial to health and can improve the level of sex hormones.

Therefore, men can eat pumpkin seeds properly to nourish their bodies. A state of health that prevents lowering of hormone levels from affecting health.

Summary: Whether it is too much or too little androgen secretion in the human body, it will have some effects on the body. In life, you must observe your physical condition more, supplement your body with nutrients, and enhance your physical quality, so as to be more conducive to the development of physical health.