How do you know if cancer chemotherapy is working? If there are 5 kinds of performance, it is worthy of praise

After the occurrence of cancer, it is necessary to go to the hospital for scientific treatment. The continuous development of medical technology and many new treatment methods can relieve the pain of patients. After the tumor treatment, surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy are the “troika” of cancer treatment, and still play a leading role.

Some patients need chemotherapy and radiotherapy after surgery. No improvement yet?


How do I know if cancer chemotherapy is working? If there are 5 changes, I will be happy

1. Organ function gradually returns to normal

The so-called fear comes from the unknown. The scariest part of cancer is that cancer cells will follow Blood circulation, body metabolism, and diffusion, transfer and infiltration occur, and we cannot understand the next destination he goes to. In particular, lymphatic metastasis, blood metastasis, and intraperitoneal metastasis, which are known clinically, seriously damage the health of the body, cause the function of various organs to decline, induce a series of complications, and endanger life.

Current medical treatment is mainly to control the spread of cancer cells while preventing other organs from being implicated. Therefore, A course of chemotherapy is required. After radiotherapy, the doctor will check the patient’s overall organ function to ensure that there are no signs of cancer cell metastasis and damage in other parts. If the result is normal, it means that the patient’s condition is stable and worthwhile.

2. Clinical examination

Physicians can know the changes of some positive signs related to cancer through physical examination, which is also a reference for evaluating the effect of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

If symptoms are consistent, such as central lung cancer, tumor compressing lobar bronchi, no lobe tension, no breathing sounds on auscultation , If the treatment is effective, the lobes of the lungs gradually regain tension and breathing sounds can be heard.

3. Changes in subjective existence

< p data-track="12">After the cancer appeared, there were no clinical symptoms that the patient had before treatment. After radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the original clinical symptoms and signs gradually became lighter, or To improve the patient’s sleep, spirit, and appetite, or to observe the patient’s physical signs, it is possible to judge whether the chemotherapy effect has achieved the desired effect. Therefore, there is no scientific basis for judging whether radiotherapy and chemotherapy are effective or not only based on a little subjective consciousness. of.

4. Pathological diagnosis

The pathological diagnosis is reliable. A period of neoadjuvant therapy is performed before the operation, and finally the cancerous cells are cut off and sent to the pathology department. The doctor observes the regression of the tumor under the microscope. If the tumor cells are dead, the pathological evaluation of the effect of neoadjuvant therapy is accurate. The most reliable standard is a tumor regression grading (TRG) standard, which is used to evaluate the status of tumor regression. The cells did not shrink, and other treatments were required after surgery.

5. Imaging examination

The means of imaging examinations to evaluate the effect of chemotherapy. In simple terms, imaging examinations, CT or B-ultrasound examination results to see the swellingThe size of the tumor and whether there is a new tumor, the doctor can judge the size of the lesion according to CT, B-ultrasound and other photos, and evaluate whether the tumor is in complete remission, partial remission, progress or stability.

Tumors can detect non-solid tumors of the blood system such as leukemia and lymphoma, and need to use PET-CT to understand actual situation.


What should I pay attention to after cancer chemotherapy?

1: Regularly review blood routine and liver and kidney function< /strong>

Chemotherapy can lead to the inhibition of the body’s ability to make blood, resulting in leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia and other complications. One week or so after the end of chemotherapy, blood must be checked to see if there is any abnormality in the blood indicators. If the white blood cells are low, a white needle should be given. If anemia occurs, nutrients must be supplemented to promote the ability of hematopoiesis. Liver and kidney examinations are also required. Function, look at whether the kidneys and liver are damaged after chemotherapy.

Two: Diet

Focus on digestible foods:

For Patients who have undergone chemotherapy will have more or less gastrointestinal side effects. During this period, patients are prone to a series of symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite, and it is difficult to ensure the nutrition that the patient’s body needs.

Therefore, patients after radiotherapy and chemotherapy need to be treated according to the patient’s eating habits, condition, appetite and digestive ability. Control the diet and choose some different types of food, such as semi-liquid food, soft rice, regular food or liquid food.

Third: keep warm and avoid cold

After chemotherapy, many patients suffer from bone marrow suppression, and are prone to neutropenia, leukopenia, and low immunity. At this time, we must pay attention to warm work, To prevent respiratory tract infection, it is necessary to avoid going to places with many people. If the white blood cells are low, it is necessary to take a white-boosting drug appropriately.