How did uremia come about? Doctor’s reminder: If there are 2 odors, or need to pay attention

In today’s society, many people suffer from uremia. Because of insufficient kidney function, the body cannot detoxify, so they go to the hospital for dialysis for a long time. I have symptoms, but I don’t pay attention to it, and I don’t feel regret until the time of diagnosis.

The formation of uremia is partly caused by chronic diseases. Uremia itself is a chronic kidney disease, but It is the late part of all chronic kidney disease. If it is ignored at this time, it will develop into uremia over time, so everyone needs to pay attention.


What can cause uremia?

1. Diet

Some people suffer from glucose metabolism disorders or underlying diseases. If they do not control their diets in life, they often eat sweet or salty foods. High food, such an unhealthy diet is prone to uremia.

Because of people with poor renal function, long-term intake of carbonated beverages can cause hyperphosphatemia, kidney failure.

Kidney damage due to immune disorders such as Sjögren’s syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid , These diseases cause damage to multiple systems in the body, and the most damaged organ is the kidneys.

2. Chronic urinary tract blockage

< p data-track="10">Chronic urinary tract blockage is a very common urinary system disease and one of the main causes of uremia. Generally speaking, chronic urinary tract blockage will appear Diseases such as bilateral ureteral calculi, urinary tract stenosis, kidney stones and prostatic hypertrophy are the main causes of uremia. If chronic urinary tract blockage is found, active treatment methods and targeted treatment are required before Can prevent disease.

3. Hypertension

Some patients with hypertension will be directly converted to advanced uremia, kidney failure, high blood pressure will increase the pressure of glomerular capillaries and affect the kidneys , Over time, it will make glomerular arteriosclerosis, renal interstitial fibrosis, reduce renal function, and induce uremia.

4. Diabetes

The poor control of blood sugar in diabetic patients can lead to many complications. Diabetic nephropathy is one of them. Diabetic nephropathy is also one of the primary causes of uremia. will suffer from this disease. Kidney damage caused by long-term high blood sugar can lead to disease over time.


If there are 2 stinks, you need to be vigilant

  • Urine odor

The urine of patients with uremia has a smelly smell or ammonia smell, because the content of uric acid in the urine is high, the end stage of renal failure, the kidney is damaged, the excretion capacity and the absorption capacity are damaged, and the ammonia water in the blood increases. High, the concentration of urea nitrogen in the urine rises, and there is a distinct odor as the urine is excreted.

  • Halitosis

In life, many people have bad breath. The condition is caused by the food eaten, in addition to the effect of digestion on the oral cavity.

renal insufficiency , toxins cannot be excreted in time, thus uremia is found, garbage toxins enter the intestinal tract through blood circulation, are affected by normal temperature flora and decompose into amines.

Suffering from uremia, the intestinal flora is imbalanced, and the bacteria increase, so that the intestinal flora can enhance the effect of urea and produce ammonia gas. Excessive ammonia gas in the mouth will also rule out bad breath at this time. , simply brushing your teeth cannot solve it.


How to prevent uremia?

1. Keep the urinary tract open

urinary tract When it is blocked and blocked, it will increase the water pressure in the renal pelvis and affect the kidneys Therefore, it is necessary to drink more water, urinate more, and use reasonable medicines to make the urinary tract unblocked. Kidney patients have poor immunity and resistance, and are prone to infection. Whether it is bacteria or fungi, viruses will become pathogenic bacteria, which will cause skin, The urethra or lungs will be affected and the kidney function will deteriorate, so we must actively prevent infection problems.

2. Control diet

Patients with kidney disease should pay special attention to their diet, preferably a light diet, eat more fruits and vegetables, avoid high fat and high cholesterol intake, such as animal offal, Fatty meat, etc. In addition, kidney disease patients need low sugar, low salt, and low fat diet. In addition, do not overeating.

The above are some ways to prevent uremia. I hope everyone can develop good eating habits and living habits, and exercise As a daily thing that should be insisted on, be responsible for your health and prevent uremia.