People with low immunity should eat as little as possible 6 kinds of vegetables, doctor: listen to advice

As the saying goes: Diseases come from the mouth, the high incidence of diseases in the modern population has a lot to do with the lack of dietary restraint after the improvement of living standards, such as skipping breakfast , smoking and drinking, overeating, ordering takeaways, eating late-night snacks, etc. ##################################################################### , so that the body is in a sub-health state, and the body’s immunity continues to decline.

The human body relies on a strong immune system to maintain good health. Once the immune system is low, it is easy to be found by various diseases. Such as influenza, diarrhea, etc.

In order to improve immunity, food supplements are essential. After the improvement of living standards, many people choose vegetables If you are indecisive and don’t know what to eat, if you want to know how to eat vegetables in spring, you might as well read this article.


First of all, let’s understand what immunity is

The exact term for “immunity” should be called “immune system function”. It is the ability of the human body to resist diseases and maintain the physiological balance of the body based on immune organs and immunoglobulins. In short, it is similar to our own disease resistance.

Immunity can identify normal and abnormal microorganisms in the human body through the human immune system, and respond through the immune response To exclude internal and external pathogenic microorganisms and degenerated and senescent cells.


Immune System and Health

—Immunity What are the effects of decreased strength on the human body?

The human body inhales more than 3 billion bacteria and viruses every day, and if the immune cells in the lungs decrease, the Directly lead to cough, cold, asthma and other diseases.

Digestive system immune cells are concentrated in the stomach and intestines, and the intestinal immune cells are reduced, resulting in viruses entering the stomach and intestines , Toxins can not be removed, gastroenteritis, stomach pain, gastric ulcer concentrated attack.

Immune cells in blood pressure decrease, and the virus grows in blood vessels, which leads to blood glucose and blood lipid metabolism disorders in blood vessels, and induces diabetes , hyperlipidemia, hypertension.

The liver responsible for detoxification and the kidneys responsible for excretion once the immune cells are missing, the liver and kidneys will continue to accumulate toxins and their functions will be impaired. Often manifested as long facial spots, men often manifested as backache, fatigue, and uncoordinated married life.

Reduced immune cells, decreased immunity, frequent constitution, trance, palpitation, shortness of breath, insomnia and dreaminess, Induce intractable insomnia.

If people eat whole grains, how can they not get sick? Sickness, aging, victory = health, longevity.

It can be said that the stability of the number and activity of immune cells is closely related to our health.

—Immunity and Longevity

Scientific research has found that with the increase of age, the total amount of hematopoietic tissue and the differentiation ability of bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells are significantly decreased, and hematopoietic stem cells become immune cells. The ability to differentiate is reduced, resulting in a decline in the function of various immune cells, and even the number of some immune cells will also be reduced.

In 2008, a study of the Swedish elderly population found that different immune status was significantly associated with life expectancy.

2013, International authoritative journals report:

The total number of immune cells in the blood of both men and women decreases with age, but Men’s immune cells decrease significantly faster than women, which may be one of the reasons why women live longer than men.Immune function decline significantly affects the health, disease and death of the elderly.

Immunity is the best doctor.

A person’s health is closely related to immunity, and its importance cannot be overstated.

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People with low immunity, 6 kinds of vegetables should be minimized Eat, Doctor: Be advised

Vege 1 – turquoise Tomatoes

The rapid development of greenhouse technology makes fresh tomatoes available all year round. We Most of the tomatoes I saw were bright red and very attractive. Ripe tomatoes looked more appetizing and tasted sweet.

< span>Ripe tomatoes are rich in trace elements and vitamin C. Eating a tomato a day can effectively improve the body’s immunity, as well as beauty and beauty , Anti-aging effect.

When buying tomatoes, try to choose tomatoes that are soft to the touch and bright red in color, rather than hard to the touch and green in color Tomatoes are likely to have been injected with hormones during the growth process.

Tomatoes turn blue, indicating that they are not fully ripe yet, and the solanine contained is extremely toxic. 0.2 g to 0.5 g of solanine can cause food poisoning, causing nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and in severe cases, organ failure and life-threatening.

Second vegetable –Auto-growing, oversized cucumber

Perhaps due to the development of technology, the vegetables and fruits we eat in our lives are getting bigger and bigger, Especially cucumbers, the growth is particularly obvious.

Larger cucumbers have high water content and taste very crisp and refreshing, so it is likely to be added Bloat or certain hormones that will automatically grow even if left standing still.

These cucumbers, which have been added with hormones or bulking agents, can cause serious damage to the body when eaten. It is recommended that when you buy cucumbers, you should try to choose those that look fresh and well-proportioned, and don’t pay too much attention to the size of the cucumbers.

Cucumbers have grown larger after they are bought and left for a period of time, so they must not continue to be eaten. Possibly a bulking agent was added.

Vegetable 3 – Vegetables Taped

When we go to the vegetable market or supermarket to buy vegetables, we often see that some vegetables are arranged by The tape is tied, and the original intention of the salesperson may be to facilitate consumers to buy.

However, when we buy vegetables, try to avoid buying such vegetables, because the tape contains a certain amount of Formaldehyde, the surface of green leafy vegetables wrapped with tape will adhere to formaldehyde, which exceeds the edible standard of formaldehyde and has adverse effects on human health.

Vegetable 4 – Light Greens

In general, when we buy vegetables, we choose vegetables with beautiful colors, which are fresher. However, in the vegetable market, we can also see vegetables with abnormal colors.

For example, the leaves of vegetables are not dark green but green, and we often eat such vegetables, which does not guarantee our health.

Vegetable No. 5 –Hericium erinaceus

< p data-track="45">Hericium erinaceus belongs to fungi. People with a history of fungal allergy are not suitable for eating Hericium erinaceus. Although Hericium erinaceus has the effect of regulating immunity, the People who are too low are not suitable for consumption, so as to avoid dizziness after consumption.

Hericium erinaceus is rich in The protein, fat, carbohydrate, crude fiber, calcium, thiamine, riboflavin, amino acid and other nutrients have a great tonic effect, so it is not suitable for people who are too obese or lose weight.

Vegetable No. 6 –Corn

It is best not to eat corn for people with weakened immunity. Because everyone knows that the dietary fiber content in corn is very high, if the daily intake of fiber is more than 50 grams , the absorption of protein in the body will be hindered.

And the utilization rate of fat is not high, it is easy to cause the dysfunction of the human heart and blood, thereby reducing the Human immunity.


Extended – Top 10 Vegetables for Spring

< span>1. Leek – strengthens the spleen and nourishes the stomach, supplements yang qi, and can also sterilize and reduce inflammation, and improve immunity.

2. Bamboo shoots – appetizers promote digestion, enhance appetite, and can be used to treat indigestion and other diseases.

3. Purslane – clearing away heat and detoxifying, lowering blood sugar, anti-aging, and promoting gastric ulcer healing.

4. Spinach – detoxification, preventing spring dryness

5. Pea sprouts – promote bowel movements and keep bowel movements smooth.

6. Bean sprouts – good for dredging liver qi, strengthening spleen and stomach.

7, Toona sinensis – there are tonic and aphrodisiac, invigorating essence and kidney, anti-inflammatory, hemostasis, pain relief, qi Blood, stomach and other effects.

8. Dandelion – has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling, diuretic and antibacterial.

9. Chrysanthemum-promoting digestion, increasing appetite, refreshing.

10. Houttuynia cordata – antibacterial, antiviral, improving immunity, diuretic and other effects.