What should I do if the transaminase levels are found to be high? How high is hepatitis?

Nowadays, many people in life have done a lot of things that hurt the liver because of working overtime and staying up late and drinking. detection.

Most people know that transaminases are related to liver disease, such as viral hepatitis, which can easily lead to elevated transaminases , so it is particularly sensitive to the transaminase value on the test sheet.

When they see elevated transaminase levels, many people worry about whether they have viral hepatitis and high transaminase levels. How long does it take to be considered hepatitis? How can I find out if the transaminase levels are high? Now let’s learn this together.

Elevated transaminases, why? Is it related to liver disease?

There are many factors that cause elevated transaminase, and liver disease is only one of them, so the elevated transaminase cannot be judged as a liver disease.

At the same time, everyone should make clear this point, that is, whether there is a problem with the liver, you can’t just look at transaminase as an indicator , transaminase is only a reference.

Elevated transaminases may be associated with hepatitis, fatty liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. When these liver diseases occur, It may not necessarily cause elevated transaminase. If transaminase is elevated and other indicators are also rising, most of them are caused by liver disease, and a detailed examination should be done.

In addition to liver disease, elevated transaminases may be associated with heart or muscle problems. Transaminases are also found in the heart and muscles.

Some elevated transaminases are physiologically elevated and have nothing to do with the disease, but are affected by some factors , such as drinking, staying up late, strenuous exercise, and the influence of drugs, these factors will lead to elevated transaminase, but this is only temporary, and it can be recovered after a week.

How high is the transaminase level to be considered hepatitis? Preliminary judgment based on 2 values

Aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase are very important and the most sensitive enzymes, and there are many reasons that affect the liver cell membrane The permeability of these two indexes exceeds the standard.

Don’t worry too much when you see the increase in transaminase, first look at how much the increase is, if it’s not doubled, don’t worry Afraid, you can wait and see.

If the transaminase is doubled, the ratio of aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase can be used to preliminarily judge the severity of liver disease. Related types:

  • Fatty liver: Elevated aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase, but Alanine aminotransferase is mainly elevated;
  • alcoholic liver disease: alanine aminotransferase is normal, and aspartate aminotransferase is elevated Mainly, related to the mitochondrial toxicity of alcohol;
  • Acute viral hepatitis: alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase Elevated, reaching 50 to 100 times the normal index, and in most cases, alanine aminotransferase was elevated;
  • Liver cirrhosis: Aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase are slightly elevated, which is that liver cells cannot produce enough aminotransferase and are basically used up.

Elevated transaminases, what should I do?

After monitoring for a period of time, if it is found that transaminase is only temporarily elevated, then there is no need to deliberately treat it, as long as you adjust your living habits and lifestyle, try not to stay up late, Don’t take medicine indiscriminately, you can avoid the repeated elevation of transaminase levels, which is detrimental to the liver.

If the transaminase increase is doubled and cannot be decreased, further examination of the liver should be done in time For example, doing B-ultrasound can more accurately identify the cause, and then treat the cause in time.

If the transaminase rises and the following discomfort symptoms appear in the body, then it is necessary to be vigilant, Liver disease should be treated as soon as possible, because the disease develops rapidly, and the longer it is delayed, the more difficult it is to treat.

Progressive yellowing: If you notice gradual yellowing, If you look like you are sick, you may have jaundice, which is a common sign of liver disease.

Healthy stomach but frequent diarrhea: If you used to like fried food very much, but you feel nauseous when you see fried food recently, it may be that your liver is damaged. This is because the liver metabolizes bile abnormally and cannot effectively digest fat. It is easy to cause indigestion and diarrhea.