I received three emergency departments a day, all of which were ruptured corpus luteum. What is the corpus luteum? women should know

Menstruation is a “barometer” of women’s health. You can judge your physical state through menstruation. In fact, not only that, the rupture of the corpus luteum will also cause harm to women’s health. . #xiafanghealthguide#

Have you heard of corpus luteum rupture?

Few people know that progesterone rupture can have a huge impact on women’s health. Some time ago, the gynecology department received three emergency patients in one day, all of whom came to the doctor because of progesterone rupture.

First Emergency Patient – 25-year-old girl

The girl was sent to the emergency room by her boyfriend in the middle of the night. With a painful groan in the stomach, after an emergency examination by the doctor, it was found that it was caused by the rupture of progesterone and the abdominal pain caused by excessive blood in the abdominal cavity.

Second emergency patient – 19-year-old female student

The girl was in shock because of severe stomach pain. After her parents found her, they rushed her to the hospital. After a series of The examination revealed that there was a large amount of blood in the abdominal cavity, and the diagnosis was caused by the rupture of progesterone.

Third emergency patient – a newlywed couple

When the newlyweds were living together, the wife suddenly felt a pain in her stomach, so she went to the hospital for examination with her husband. Later, it was found that there was a large amount of blood in the abdominal cavity caused by the rupture of progesterone, which caused the abdominal pain.


First of all, let’s understand, what is the corpus luteum and what is it used for?

Maybe when many people see this title, their first reaction is to think, what is the corpus luteum? In simple terms, the corpus luteum is transformed from the follicle after ovulation. If the egg is not fertilized, it is called the menstrual corpus luteum, and if it is fertilized, it is called the gestational corpus luteum.

Luteal rupture is one of the common acute abdomens in gynecology, and it usually occurs in young women aged 14-30. “Youth Killer”. In fact, the harm of corpus luteum rupture varies from person to person, and the clinical symptoms and manifestations are also very different.

The function of the luteal cells is to make the glands in the uterine mucosa develop to the end stage, the uterus is congested, the endometrium thickens, and prepares for the implantation of the fertilized egg.

Actually, the corpus luteum is not an organ in the body, but a tissue that is transformed from follicles after ovulation. The transition of the physiological cycle is of great significance. If a woman becomes pregnant after ovulation, the corpus luteum will also grow and enlarge, and the endometrium will thicken to prepare for the subsequent development of the fetus.

Therefore, the corpus luteum is very important in women’s early pregnancy, and it can be said that it is a decisive factor in whether women can get pregnant successfully.

Of course, there are also some women with luteal insufficiency, and their luteal development will also be incomplete, especially for those female friends with short menstrual periods, it is very likely that Because the corpus luteum is not fully developed, if the corpus luteum cannot be maintained normally, it may lead to miscarriage or even infertility in women.


What happens to the corpus luteum Will it break down?

1. Rupture due to its own reasons

The rupture of the corpus luteum caused by its own causes is called spontaneous rupture.

Some women have a small amount of blood in the corpus luteum. If the coagulation function is poor, the pressure in the corpus luteum may increase, which may cause the corpus luteum to rupture unexpectedly.

2. Traumatic rupture

In addition to spontaneous rupture, there is also a rupture of the corpus luteum that is caused by external shocks. The rupture of the corpus luteum caused by this reason is very common. Jump or run.

All of the above conditions may lead to a sudden increase in abdominal pressure, which can cause rupture of the corpus luteum and persistent abdominal pain.

3, corpus luteum cyst

if Women with corpus luteum cysts are also prone to rupture of the corpus luteum.

Because there are abundant blood vessels on the surface of the corpus luteum cyst, the presence of these blood vessels makes the corpus luteum particularly prone to rupture and hemorrhage, resulting in abdominal pain.


Luteal rupture can occur What are the symptoms? Get to know early

1. Unbearable abdominal pain, especially in the lower abdomen (similar to dysmenorrhea);

2. Pale face, blood pressure gradually decreased;

3. Abnormal bleeding, such as non-menstrual bleeding;

4. Excessive internal bleeding causes anal bulge;

5. In severe cases, shock and other manifestations may occur.

Women should have a simple understanding of these symptoms of corpus luteum rupture, and they should be able to detect problems in time and do screening after symptoms appear.


In addition to corpus luteum rupture, Lower abdominal pain is also associated with 3 diseases

1. Pregnancy-related diseases span>

In recent years, diseases of early pregnancy, premature birth, and teenage pregnancy are very common. Pregnancy-related diseases will cause abdominal pain, and the symptoms of pain vary with the amount and speed of bleeding. There are differences, the pain will appear miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, bleeding and other symptoms.

In addition, if some pregnant girls have private abortions, it is easy to cause infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease or trauma to the pelvic organs and reproductive tract, and even endanger the disease. life safety.

2. Ovarian cyst

Yes About 3% of ovarian cysts may rupture, which may subsequently cause abdominal pain.

The characteristic of this disease is that, if there is ovarian cyst complicated with infection, it may cause fever in the human body, but after pregnancy and dysmenorrhea are excluded, there is no Fever, most likely related to ovarian cysts.

3, ectopic pregnancy

If women have frequent lower abdominal pain, they should consider whether they are pregnant without any contraceptive measures. Of course, the main reason for lower abdominal pain is probably ectopic pregnancy. occur.

Because the gestational sac will implant in the uterus under normal circumstances, and once the gestational sac implants in the fallopian tube or other places, it is an ectopic pregnancy happened.

Of course, about 95% of women will experience dull pain in the lower abdomen when they have an ectopic pregnancy, which is more dangerous. The fallopian tube is ruptured, causing some heavy bleeding, so women should pay attention to the pain in the lower abdomen.

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Extended reading – Will rupture of the corpus luteum heal itself? 3 situations to know

1. Since corpus luteum rupture affects everyone differently, whether it can heal itself varies from person to person.

If the condition is mild and there is only a small amount of bleeding, then bed rest is required, and drug treatment can be used to recover; if the amount of bleeding is large, shock may occur in severe cases, and immediate surgical treatment is required.< /p>

2. Mild corpus luteum rupture generally does not have much impact. Patients need to strengthen nutrition, do not do heavy physical labor during the recovery period, and avoid contact with cold water and cold drinks. , and also prohibit married life.

Mild corpus luteum rupture, just need to pay attention to the above problems and it can heal itself.

3, however, if the If the corpus luteum rupture has occurred, in the future, you should eat more foods rich in vitamins such as meat, eggs, and soy products, and fresh vegetables and fruits to speed up the recovery of the body. Appear.
