Men should not be too frugal, eat 5 kinds of food openly, or can supplement androgen, enhance male attractiveness

Androgens are hormones that promote the maturation of male sexual organs and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, which can maintain normal libido and reproductive function. Under the regulation of the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, there is a complex relationship between the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and the gonadal hormones, which are interrelated and restrict each other, and participate in the regulation and control of reproductive activities.

As the saying goes: “Forty-one flowers for a man”, the next sentence says that a woman is sad, but she cherishes ten people Nine do not know.

Androgens play a leading role in men throughout their life, promoting the development of sexual organs, Stimulate the production and maturation of sperm, but with the increase of age, the secretion of androgen in the body decreases, and endocrine and metabolic diseases are prone to occur. At the same time, it will also lead to the decline and disorder of multiple organs in the body.

The main symptoms are sexual dysfunction, abdominal obesity and osteoporosis, memory loss, insomnia and depression. Therefore, male maintenance should focus on supplementing androgens.

If you want to know whether the secretion of male hormones in the body is sufficient, you can pay more attention to these symptoms of the body.


Whether the “androgens” in a man’s body are strong, these 6 manifestations may be judged, and we should know earlier

Performance 1: Thick and growing body hair

Men with strong androgen secretion have fast hair growth, black hair, less gray hair, and less hair loss.

In addition to hair, other body hair grows faster and looks very dense, especially It is the beard. Men with strong androgen secretion may need to shave every day, and the stubble will grow out without shaving one day.

Exhibition 2: Adam’s apple

Men with strong androgen secretion look more masculine, which is an important substance in determining the development of male characteristics. If we want to distinguish the gender of a person in disguise in some film and television dramas, looking at the Adam’s apple is the most direct way.

It can be seen that the Adam’s apple is a typical feature of men, so the male with more prominent Adam’s apple must secrete male hormones. In conclusion, the Adam’s apple is relatively small in men with insufficient androgen secretion.

Exhibit 3: Desire is stronger< /p>

There is also a certain connection between androgen and physical desire. If it is a male friend with sufficient androgen secretion, the desire will be relatively strong.

Performance 4: Warm hands and feet p>

Under healthy conditions, the hands and feet are always kept warm. If the body is too cold, the hands and feet will be cold.

Generally speaking, men’s hands and feet are warm. If the hands and feet of male friends are not warm, the ice will feel cold to the touch. , indicating that the secretion of male hormones is insufficient, and it leads to low immunity of the body.

Performance 5: Good sleep quality

Having a good night’s sleep is essential for Physical health plays a very important role. If you stay up late for a long time, it will endanger your health and cause hormone secretion disorders.

Therefore, the good quality of sleep among male friends also indirectly reflects the adequate secretion of male hormones.

Performance 6: Vascular Health p>

Only when the blood vessels are healthy, can the nutrients and oxygen needed by the body be smoothly delivered to all parts of the body. The health of blood vessels is also inseparable from the secretion of hormones.

If the secretion of male hormones is strong, it can well nourish blood vessels, protect the health of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular will be less affected by chronic diseases.

These six typical manifestations represent sufficient androgens in men, precisely because androgens are important for male friends. It is a very important hormone, so once it is found to be insufficient, it should be supplemented in time.


Men should not be too frugal, eat 5 kinds of food openly, or can supplement androgen, enhance male attractiveness

Type 1: Oysters

< span>For seafood, oysters are also a very suitable food for everyone’s health care. Oysters are also called oysters.

Doctors suggest that men who are trying to conceive may wish to eat more oysters, because oysters contain a lot of zinc ions. It can improve the vitality and activity of sperm, and can also promote the secretion of male hormones and improve the changes of male hormones in the process of eating oysters.

Type 2: Black Sesame

< p data-track="32">Black sesame can nourish the five internal organs, liver and kidney. Therefore, men can eat a handful of black sesame seeds every day.

However, many people don’t eat it in the wrong way, resulting in its nutrients not being absorbed by the body. Therefore, the best way to eat black sesame seeds is to grind them into powder and soak them in water.

Third: Walnut p>

For those men who suffer from kidney deficiency in their lives, they might as well eat more walnuts. It is very helpful for their health and can help nourish the kidneys. And being strong is also effective. Only when your kidneys are strong and improved will your body become healthier.

Walnuts as nuts, eating walnuts can not only promote the secretion of sex hormones, but also have a very important role in strengthening the kidneys. Good help, so men with kidney deficiency may wish to eat some walnuts every day. But no more than 5.

Type 4: Angelica

Angelica sinensis is a traditional Chinese medicine commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. Angelica sinensis can promote the secretion of estrogen, reduce vascular resistance, increase blood circulation, and nourish the skin. There are several ways to eat:< /span>

Angelica sinensis can be ground into powder and taken with water. The second type: Angelica sinensis can be taken in capsules. Three kinds: add some angelica powder properly when cooking porridge, which has a good effect of promoting blood circulation and nourishing blood.

Type 5: Internal organs< /p>

Men can eat some animal offal properly, because animal offal contains more cholesterol, cholesterol is an important raw material for synthesizing sex hormones, and also contains adrenaline and X hormone, can promote the division and maturation of primary cells.

Therefore, eating animal offal in moderation is beneficial to improve the level of androgen in the body and improve kidney function!


Extended Reading——Can High Androgen Cause Prostate Cancer?

The answer is: it is possible.

Many external factors may induce prostate cancer, but excessive secretion of androgen in the human body will also lead to prostate cancer. Relevant experts found that the new incidence rate of prostate cancer in China is 4 to 5 per 100,000 people each year, with an annual growth rate of 10%.

As China gradually enters an aging society, it is expected that after ten years, the number of new cases will reach 100,000 each year There are 60 to 70 will. In addition to eating and living habits that can lead to prostate cancer, excessive visual and psychological stimulation will also make the secretion of male hormones too strong, which is a major cause of prostate cancer.

Urinary malignancies, in some regions of the black population, the annual incidence of prostate cancer is 10% There are as many as 300 out of 10,000 people, and 200 out of 100,000 people in European and American countries. In China, prostate cancer has become a common malignant tumor.

However, because prostate cancer is a male geriatric disease, my country has a large population base and the aging speed is accelerating, it is expected In ten years will enter the aging society, if there is no way to control the prostate, it is possible to reach 60 to 70 out of 100,000 people.

Sexual stimulation is related to the rapid growth of the prostate gland. Prostate disease is closely related to living habits and diet. Related studies have found that hyperplastic and inflamed prostate glands contain twice as much cholesterol as normal glands, and elevated cholesterol is a major cause of prostate cancer.

The etiology of prostate cancer is related to hormones, especially male hormones, which may play an important role, and male hormones Excessive secretion leads to an imbalance of hormones in the body, which causes lesions. Hormone secretion is not only related to diet, but external stimulation may also be excessive secretion of male hormones.

This formulation comes from a survey on prostate diseases in Arab countries and European and American countries.