It is youth, why do you age before you get old? These 4 bad habits are too harmful to the liver, stop hurting yourself

It is the time of youth, why is it premature to age? These 4 bad habits are too harmful to the liver, don’t hurt yourself again

Liver, one of the five internal organs of the human body. In the body, it plays the role of deoxidation, storage of glycogen, and synthesis of secreted proteins. The liver also makes bile in the digestive system. If the liver is damaged, the whole person will look dull and sick. The skin is rough and black and yellow, and the eyes are sore. Especially for many young people who stay up late, it hurts the liver the most.

Liver disease is a very common disease throughout history. Most liver diseases can be recovered with prompt treatment. Not all liver diseases are as difficult to treat as viral hepatitis such as Hepatitis B, so in the treatment of liver disease, we often hear doctors stressing that we need rest and balanced nutrition to protect the liver. At the same time, we must pay more attention to our own psychological adjustment. We must dare to face reality, face the disease, use a positive attitude, treat in time, and maintain optimism and peace. This is the real way to solve the problem.

The following liver damage behaviors, you must be vigilant!

1. Drinking alcohol: I heard many people say that drinking alcohol damages the liver. According to modern verification more than 95% of alcohol needs to be metabolized by the liver. For all kinds of alcohol, whether white, red, or beer, most men drink 40 grams per day, while women drink 20 grams per day.

2. Staying up late: going to bed at eleven o’clock in the evening can play a more positive role in the recovery of the liver. If you stay up late, it is easy to damage the liver blood, which is not good for the health of the body and liver.

3. Taking medicines indiscriminately: some people easily believe in folk prescriptions. Taking the drug indiscriminately for a long time can damage the liver.

4. Overwork: Chronic overwork can damage the liver, which can lead to liver disease outbreaks. So we have to combine work and rest!

The specific measures for nourishing the liver are as follows:

1. Regulate the mind with a peaceful attitude: people’s mental and physical activities Really closely related. For us, a good psychological state is also an important factor to adjust our internal environment, which is also the psychological basis for patients with liver disease to face reality with a peaceful attitude.

2. Establish a positive attitude towards life: If you are unlucky to suffer from liver disease, don’t be afraid, be pessimistic or disappointed, and don’t take it lightly, you should take normal To face it with an attitude and establish an optimistic attitude towards life can increase a certain resistance. As long as there is a strong will to fight liver disease, we can overcome the disease.

3. Vitamin supplements: Vitamin supplements are often added, which can accelerate the metabolism of substances and convert them into energy. It may also repair the body’s liver function, prevent hepatic steatosis, and prevent fatty liver.

4. Mastering relevant medical knowledge: Mastering certain medical knowledge and having a clear understanding of related diseases can better control emotions and adjust mentality. At the same time, knowing certain medical knowledge is not easy to be misled.

5. Reasonable diet: Healthy liver requires a balanced diet, and the proportions of various energy intakes are also different. The proportion of fat and protein is 20% each, and the remaining 60% is carbohydrates.

6. Learn to vent: When you encounter problems that cannot be solved, don’t keep them in your heart. You can find a professional and experienced expert for psychological counseling and frankly express your troubles , to talk about your depression, so as to release and reduce your psychological stress. Of course, you can also find your best friend and “spit out” your heart for relaxation. There are many ways to express your heart, of course, it can be chatting, it can also be writing letters and articles. As long as you vent all your depression and get some understanding, comfort, and guidance, you’ll be in a good mood.

7. Protein supplements: High-protein, low-calorie foods are definitely the liver’s favorite. It is rich in protein and has the function of repairing liver cells, thereby promoting liver cell regeneration.

8. Cultivate self-control ability: We should recognize the rationality and inevitability of the troubles and unhappiness caused by liver disease. In daily life, we must pay attention to the cultivation of personal self-control and have sufficient mental preparation and psychological endurance. Even if you are sick, you must keep your head calm and actively cooperate with doctors for treatment.

9. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables can speed up the metabolism of the human liver and reduce people’s fatigue under certain circumstances. Therefore, eating more fruits and vegetables can protect the liver.

Nourishing and protecting the liver is not a day or two’s work. It takes long-term persistence to work. I hope you can develop good habits in your daily life and stop hurting your body.

Finally, I wish everyone good health.