Daily practice questions for health managers! See if you can?

health management division daily exercise punch! Basic knowledge of clinical medicine 19-21

1. Renal function testing generally does not include ()

A Urine Volume and Urine Protein Measurements

B Serum Creatinine Measurements< /span>

C blood urea assay

D renal tubular reabsorption Function

E renal tubular acidification function

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Answer: A
Analysis: Renal function tests include: glomerular filtration function, serum creatinine measurement, blood urea nitrogen measurement, renal tubular reabsorption, Acidification and other functions

2. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy was officially used in clinical practice in 1967, and it is one of the important methods for the diagnosis and treatment of systemic diseases. One ()

A respiratory system

B nerve System

C Endocrine System

D Urinary System< /span>

E Digestive System

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Answer: A

Analysis: Fiberoptic bronchoscopy is One of the important methods for the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases.

3. The image performance of the heart valve in B-mode ultrasound is ()

A no echo

B low echo

C Strong Echo

D Equal Echo

E Weak Echo

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Answer: C
Analysis: The image of the heart valve in B-mode ultrasound shows strong echo.

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