The high incidence of stroke in the middle-aged and the elderly, how to prevent it in life? Do these six points well to stay away from disease

Stroke, also known as stroke, is an acute cerebrovascular disease. It is not a disease, but a type of acute cerebrovascular disease, including our common cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, and cerebral thrombosis. , these diseases are a clinical manifestation of stroke. Stroke mostly occurs in middle-aged and elderly people over the age of 45. This is because the elasticity of blood vessels in middle-aged and elderly people is worse than that of young people, and the viscosity of blood vessels is higher, which makes them prone to stroke. In addition, middle-aged and elderly people often have underlying diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, coronary heart disease, etc. These diseases are also risk factors for causing stroke. Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people are a high-risk group for stroke. So, how much do you know about stroke? How to prevent stroke in daily life?

Stroke is an acute cerebrovascular disease with high morbidity, mortality and disability. According to statistics, there are currently 28 million stroke patients in my country, and an average of 1 in every 5 deaths. Stroke has become a fatal factor that threatens the health of middle-aged and elderly people.

How can we start prevention in our daily life?

If you want to prevent stroke, you must first know what are the risk factors for stroke, and only in this way can you better prevent it. So, what are the risk factors for stroke?

There are many risk factors for stroke, including hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, diabetes, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, smoking Alcohol abuse, unhealthy eating patterns, bad lifestyle habits, and climate change, mood changes, lack of exercise, etc. Therefore, if we want to reduce the risk of stroke, it is necessary to take action on the above-mentioned risk factors.

1. Manage the disease well

If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Diabetes, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and other diseases, then you must do a good job in disease control, and control these diseases within a reasonable and normal range. Only in this way can you better reduce the risk of stroke. For example, patients with high blood pressure should take antihypertensive drugs, measure blood pressure every day, make an analysis of the trend of blood pressure, eat less greasy, high-salt and high-fat foods, and eat more fruits and vegetables, so as to minimize the impact on health caused by elevated blood pressure.

2. Eat a healthy diet

Eating a healthy diet is important for everyone, This is because a healthy diet can reduce the likelihood of many diseases, while an unhealthy diet can increase the risk. There is a word called “Rich disease”, which is actually related to eating. For example, the occurrence of high blood pressure, high blood fat, and high blood sugar is related to eating, and stroke is inseparable from diet. Long-term consumption of high-salt, high-fat, high-calorie, high-cholesterol foods has a much higher risk of stroke than people who do not eat these things. Therefore, adjusting the existing diet, eating more fruits and vegetables, eating less animal offal and high-salt food, is good for health.

3. Quit smoking and drinking

The harm of tobacco and alcohol to health is obvious to all, and quitting smoking and drinking can reduce the Arteriosclerosis, reducing the risk of stroke. It is very necessary to quit smoking and drinking.

4. Moderate exercise

The material living conditions are better, and many people stutter every day Drinking a lot of meat, but the amount of exercise is reduced, the body takes in too many calories, so that the fat accumulation in the body cannot be digested, and eventually blocks the blood vessels and causes stroke. Exercise can speed up metabolism, improve immunity, expel waste from the body, reduce risk of stroke. Therefore, proper exercise in daily life is very necessary.

5. Keep a good mood

High blood pressure It can lead to stroke, and excitement and anger can easily increase blood pressure. Therefore, in daily life, try to be less angry, not angry, not excited, and try to prevent blood pressure from rising as much as possible, which will help reduce the risk of stroke.

6. Pay attention to climate change

Whether it is autumn or winter, or winter and spring, Changes in temperature can sometimes be very rapid. For example, it may still be sunny today and the temperature is 30 degrees, but tomorrow it may suddenly drop in temperature, or even close to zero degrees. The change of this high temperature difference will cause the blood vessels to shrink rapidly, resulting in increased blood pressure, which is not good for health. Therefore, always pay attention to the weather changes, to be prepared to keep warm and cold, in order to better reduce the risk of stroke.

In addition to these stroke prevention measures, technology can also prevent it. Technology prevention can achieve the purpose of quickly knowing the health of brain blood vessels. For example, the cerebrovascular warning headband, which can quickly detect the health of brain blood vessels in 3 minutes, allows you to know the health of the brain in a short time, understand the situation of the brain, and do not need to remind you every day. This is the reason for traditional preventive measures. impossible. In addition, if abnormal blood flow is detected, an early warning message will be issued to buy more time for you to seek medical treatment, and as a child, you can also view the test report remotely, reducing the worry of your family, and reassuring your child and yourself.