Be kind and let love continue

Source: People’s Daily

Be kind to kindness and encourage people from all walks of life, good deeds can sprout like mushrooms after a rain, and like a thousand sails racing, they can emit more light and heat, and illuminate more people


Recently, a steamed bread shop called “Eternal Sunshine” in Shishi, Fujian has become popular. Sanitation workers who just got off work, migrant workers resting, or other people in need, come to eat steamed buns, and the store will not charge a cent. And it takes 10 years for one delivery, and a total of more than 3 million steamed buns have been given away. The owner does other business to support the store, just to do some public welfare and give back to the society.

At the end of last year, the steamed bread shop had to announce the temporary closure due to the business difficulties of the owner. Everyone felt sorry, and the local government took the initiative to lend a helping hand after learning about it. Not long ago, the steamed bread shop reopened, and it also changed its business philosophy: while insisting on delivering steamed bread to specific groups, it also sold at a unit price of 1 yuan, and all income and donations were directly remitted to the Shishi Charity Federation account.

The small steamed bread shop has touched the hearts of many netizens. People are moved not only by the steamed bread shop’s persistence in doing good things year after year, but also by the love that continues with the help of many parties.

It’s not hard to do a good thing, the hard part is to keep doing it. During the epidemic, the landlord in Xi’an who cooked for 81 tenants for free every day; in Changsha, a small supermarket that kept lights for night returners for 10 years; restaurants that have launched free noodles and free meals for the poor for many years… These stories appear in the news, and without exception, they are always touched. In a fast-paced, high-mobility society, these day-to-day perseverance in delivering goodwill makes people feel warmer.

For this kind of persistence, we should share good deeds. It goes without saying that if everyone learns from good deeds, good deeds will become commonplace; especially when the good deeds also need help, they should lend a helping hand and try their best to help them overcome difficulties. “A person who loves a person will always love him”, return the sincerity with sincerity, care for the kindness and kindness around you, and let the warm baton continue to be passed on.

It is of great significance to treat kindness with kindness and let love continue. A good thing, when it is small, is a person’s love, and when it is big, it is related to the temperature of a city. A drop of water has a limited effect, and countless drops of water converge into a river. When dealing with kindness, if we can encourage and support in many ways, such as the guidance of the party and the government, school teaching, and shaping of social atmosphere, then good deeds can spring up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and like a thousand sails racing, we can send out more light and heat. Brighter more people.

Please take care of goodwill with kindness, and may more sunshine shine on the world. “People’s Daily” (13 edition on April 12, 2022)