alert! If this happens to the rice cooker, don’t use it! tell your family

Rice cookers are available in almost every household, and for those who love rice, they are used every day. However, have you paid attention to the precautions for the use of rice cookers?

“How should I clean the inner pot of the rice cooker every day?”< /span>

“The inner liner coating is peeled off or damaged and can continue to be used ?”

How can I safely use a rice cooker, cook Have a good meal? Let’s take a look~

Choosing the inner pot of the rice cooker is the most important!

When buying a rice cooker, people often pay attention to its style, volume, function, etc., but often ignore the inner pot that is “close to the rice”!

The rice cooker is mainly composed of two parts: the outer shell and the inner pot . Since the inner pot is in direct contact with the food, it can be said that it is the most important part of the rice cooker and plays a decisive role in the purchase of the rice cooker.

At present, the inner pots of rice cookers on the market are relatively common. There are aluminum liner, alloy liner, stainless steel liner, ceramic liner, and glass liner, etc. The most common combination is aluminum liner + coating. Because metal aluminum has the characteristics of uniform heating and fast heat transfer, it is the preferred material for the inner pot of the rice cooker. Since the aluminum liner cannot be in direct contact with food, generally the surface of the inner liner of this material will be coated with a coating, which is mainly divided into Teflon coating (that is, polytetrafluoroethylene) and ceramic coating. Its main function is to prevent sticking to the bottom or sticking to the pan, and it is easy to clean.

The coating of the inner pot of the rice cooker is resistant to acid and alkali, and is not easily decomposed by high temperature. It is sprayed on the aluminum inner tank for protection and anti-sticking effect. The upper limit of the safe use temperature of the commonly used Teflon coating is 250℃. The inner bladder will not cause harm to the human body, so there is no need to worry.

Be careful when there is paint peeling in the inner tank!

However, as the rice cooker is used for a long time or improperly operated in daily life, the inner pot is often prone to “paint peeling”, which is likely to cause health risks.

First, the rice cooker liner It is easier to stick to the pan after “painting off”, and food heated to high temperature on the inner pot for a long time is easy to burn, resulting in carcinogens such as acrylamide. At the same time, the subsequent cleaning is also quite laborious, posing a hygienic hazard. Even if the coating peels off seriously, the inner tank is equivalent to an “aluminum tank”. If you continue to use it for a long time at this time, the aluminum in the inner tank may be ingested into the body with food.

Since aluminum is not a micronutrient required by the human body , Long-term intake of aluminum, in adults, may cause neurological lesions and increase the risk of senile dementia. It will also affect the body’s absorption of phosphorus, calcium and vitamin D, causing bone damage and deformation, leading to rickets, osteoporosis and other diseases. Compared with adults, children’s tolerance to aluminum is lower, and the harm caused is even worse.

In addition, in order to save time and convenience, people often use rice cookers for cooking and long-term storage of sweet and sour pork ribs, hot and sour soup and other heavy acid and heavy vinegar soup dishes. Acidic substances in food can further accelerate the dissolution of aluminum in the exposed “aluminum bile”, which does not meet food safety standards and poses a food safety risk.

The peeling off of the inner liner will cause the rice to not be heated properly. Evenly, it will cause problems such as sticking to the pan, sticking to the bottom, dry pan, etc., affecting the use effect and the nutritional value of cooking. Moreover, most of the coated inner pots are made of aluminum alloy. After the coating is peeled off, the aluminum substrate of the inner pot will be exposed, causing the aluminum substrate to come into direct contact with food.

If you find the inner pot of the rice cooker The coating has obvious scratches or has fallen off in pieces, mostIt is best to stop using it immediately and replace the product in time.

When using a rice cooker, pay attention to these points

How to choose a high-quality and safe rice cooker?

Be sure to when purchasing Check if the product has the 3C mark. You should buy products from companies with CCC certification marks, good reputation and guaranteed after-sales service. At the same time, you can pay attention to the energy efficiency labels of products, and choose products with higher energy efficiency labels. In addition, choosing rice cooker products according to family needs, the volume and power of the rice cooker can be determined according to the population and the amount of food consumed.

In daily use, what habits should you pay attention to? How about extending the usage time of the rice cooker? Two experts provide answers.

(1) Before use

should be read carefully Instruction manual to understand the precautions and various functions of the product. Ensure that the inner pot of the rice cooker and the heating plate are clean before use, and avoid water spots, rice grains, etc., which will not only affect the effect of cooking, but may cause serious problems The failure of the rice cooker.

(2) In use

rice shovel It is best not to use metal spoons, so as not to damage the coating and affect the service life of the liner. It is recommended to use wood or hot silicone materials. Do not place food in the rice cooker for a long time, especially food that cannot be cooked and stored with strong acid and alkali. Avoid using the inner pot on other cooktops.

Empty burning is strictly prohibited. In the case of dry burning, the temperature can reach above 300 ℃ in a few minutes, which will cause some harmful substances to precipitate and endanger human health.

(3) After use

Clean in time after use.For rice cookers with coated inner pots, it is recommended that when cleaning the inner pot,< strong>Lightly wipe with a soft cloth.Be careful not to use a rough scouring pad or a hard object such as steel balls for cleaning, so as not to damage the coating and affect the service life of the liner.

Of course, you can also buy uncoated directly The rice cooker product with stainless steel inner liner, which not only saves some taboos in use, but also is healthy and safe.

In addition, under normal circumstances, the inner tank is separated by 3- It needs to be replaced every 5 years, but due to the different frequency of use of the rice cooker, the loss caused is also different. Therefore, should be considered in combination with actual usage. If there are obvious signs of falling off, it means it’s time to replace the rice cooker!

Source: Health Times, Jiangsu Market Supervision

Editor: Zhuhai Market Supervision Team

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