The Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued an emergency reminder: Seek medical attention immediately if the following symptoms occur, and do a good job in the prevention and control of plague.

On March 29, an epidemic of rat plague was found in Jilin Village, Yinhao Town, Guyang County, Baotou City, Inner Mongolia. Our city’s CDC issued an urgent reminder that people who have recently arrived in Xi’an from Baotou, Inner Mongolia, if they have symptoms such as fever, cough, lymph node pain, hemoptysis or bleeding, do not walk around, do not take public transportation, wear masks, and come to the nearest immediately. Fever clinics in medical institutions. After arriving at the fever clinic, take the initiative to report your possible high-risk behavior of plague infection, and follow the arrangements of the medical institution. Disease control experts said that although plague has an acute onset, a short course of disease, strong infectivity, and a high fatality rate, it is preventable, curable, and controllable. The key is early detection, early reporting, early diagnosis, early isolation, and early treatment. As long as it is detected and treated in time, it can be cured. The public does not need to panic too much, and at the same time, they should not spread or believe rumors.

It is reported that plague is a severe infectious disease caused by Yersinia pestis. It is a Class A infectious disease stipulated in the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases. The main sources of plague infection are infected animals and patients with pneumonic plague. Common host animals include Mongolian marmot, Daur chinchilla and gerbil. Wild carnivores, domestic animals (dogs, cats) can also be infected with plague. The modes of plague infection are divided into vector organism transmission, contact transmission and droplet transmission. In natural foci, vector transmission is the main mode of transmission, and fleas are the main vector for the spread of plague. The fleas parasitic on infected animals are infected with bacteria and then bite people, which can cause human infection. Plague can also be transmitted to humans when people touch, hunt or strip infected animals. Pneumonic plague can also spread when people or animals with pneumonic plague expel the plague bacteria into the surrounding air through breathing and coughing. After a person is infected with the plague, the following symptoms may occur: swollen lymph nodes under the armpit or in the groin, which are hard to the touch and feel particularly painful; high fever, body temperature can rise to 39-40 ℃, chills, cough, chest pain, expectoration ( Foamy bloody sputum); blood spots and ecchymosis appear on the skin and mucous membranes, and even shock occurs.

Entering April, the weather is getting warmer, and it is the peak period of rodent activity . Inner Mongolia is a natural plague foci, animal plague has been active in recent years, and human plague has occasionally occurred. The Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention reminded that if there are people in our city who go to Inner Mongolia to work or live in the near future, they should strictly follow the requirements of the “three nos, three musts and three cares” for plague prevention and control, and do a good job in personal protection and improve self-protection awareness and ability.

“Three Nos” means no contact, stripping and not carrying rats, Hares, foxes, wolves, stray dogs, stray cats, yellow sheep, marmots and other animals; do not rest in the wild, especially do not rest around animal burrows such as rodents (including marmots) and hares, and do not dig animal burrows; do not Contact with patients with sudden death, suspected plague patients, and confirmed plague patients.

“Three requirements” is to report sick and dead mice and suspected plague patients in a timely manner, Patients with unexplained high fever and sudden death; the residence and surrounding environment should be clean and tidy, cats should be kept in cages, dogs should be kept on a leash, and flea control should be carried out on a regular basis; patients should be treated locally to ensure that they can receive prompt and timely treatment .

“Three guards” means effective protection. When working, wear long trousers, long-sleeved tops, and high boots or flea-proof socks if necessary; health monitoring is required, and personnel engaged in high-risk occupations such as grazing personnel, rodent control personnel, field operators and residents in the foci are required. Health monitoring is carried out every day, and any abnormal situation should be reported in time; supervision and care should be carried out, and necessary supervision and care should be carried out for people entering and leaving the epidemic site to prevent people from entering the epidemic site without taking effective protective measures.

Xian Newspaper All-Media Reporter Wang Jiangli