There is a kind of pain called gout, and there is an antidote called powder, find out

When it comes to gout, many people must think it is very unfamiliar, in fact, the incidence of gout in the population is very high The pain caused by gout is unbearable. Gout is arthritic in nature. Gout can occur at any age and occurs more frequently in men than in women.

Many people don’t understand why they develop gout. The pain caused by gout makes them blame others and think they are the most miserable people in the world . In fact, gout will not choose you for no reason, and you are not the one chosen by gout.Once you have gout, it means that there is something around you or your body that causes gout. factors that occur.

I hope that through the analysis of this article, you can understand the causes of gout and how to prevent the recurrence of gout in the human body. And how to treat recurrent gout attacks with medication. First, a diet high in purines is the most important cause of gout in people.

1. High-purine diets cause gout in people

< span>Most gout is caused by the intake of high-purine foods. When the metabolic disorder of purine in the human body reduces the excretion of uric acid, the body will store most of the uric acid, causing people to suffer from hyperuricemia, which in turn leads to gout.

The metabolism of purine in the human body requires many processes. After metabolizing to the component and this stage of uric acid, it cannot continue to be metabolized. When uric acid deposits in the form of crystals in the kidney tubules and kidney tissue, it can lead to repeated attacks of gout, Let people experience unbearable pain and local redness and swelling.

Generally, gout can be divided into two categories: primary gout and secondary gout. gout.

Primary gout is when you have a certain genetic history in your family. If one or two people in your family have had gout, there is a 10% to 20% chance that you will develop gout through family inheritance.

Secondary gout is caused by life factors and unreasonable habits. For example, you don’t pay attention to the health of the kidneys, the diseases of the blood, or you eat too much food with high purines.

The attack of gout in the human body is divided into three stages: acute gout, indirect gout and chronic gout, different stages Gout can cause different symptoms in people.

Pain in the arms, finger joints, toes, and ankle joints occurs during an acute gout attack. These areas are also accompanied by swelling, redness, and sometimes a pounding sensation, like a meat grinder churning through the body.

When pain and swelling are felt in these areas, it is important to consider whether we are entering the stage of an acute gout attack.

If you have recurrent gout attacks,consider whether you have gout stage. Indirect gout The pain will be more and more serious when it reoccurs at intervals of several months or even half a year after each attack , the disease prolongs for longer and longer.

If your body has a history of acute gout attacks, and the body is accompanied by gout deposition, gouty nephritis, and uric acid stones, you should consider whether you are Entering the chronic phase of gout.

Gout in the chronic phase is difficult to treat, accompanied by a large number of stones in the kidneys. Tubes are stacked.Chronic gout is difficult to treat over time and will get worse and worse.

Some people will ask, I have not suffered from gout, and I have not entered different stages of gout, How should I know if gout has attacked? Will gout cause me Some obvious signs? The answer is yes.

Second, the obvious symptoms of gout in the human body

Generally speaking, the occurrence of any disease will give people a signal, and the occurrence of gout in the human body also has some common symptoms. It can be observed from the following symptoms, If the body has obvious symptoms, it is necessary to consider whether it is the occurrence of gout.

First, there is obvious pain in the toes Sometimes, toe pain is one of the obvious symptoms before the onset of gout, and it is also a common symptom experienced by gout patients.

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When the body produces too much uric acid and cannot be excreted normally, uric acid will Retained in the blood and sometimes accumulated in the toe joints, causing people to have severe pain in the toes. These pains can last for hours, or even throughout the day.

Second, there is a noticeable swelling in the joints. If uric acid accumulates in the joints and knees, there will be obvious swelling in the joints and limbs. and redness and swelling of the ears.

Third, peeling and exfoliative dermatitis of the skin. Gout can cause many adverse effects on the body, such as dryness and peeling of the skin, and sometimes local itching of the skin.

If gout remains untreated in the body for a long time, the skin may also be red, swollen and bleeding. If you suffer from severe gout, be sure to take care of your skin so that your appearance is not affected and you feel inferior.

Fourth, often feel tired, even without strenuous physical activity. If you often feel fatigued, and long periods of rest and sleep fail to restore your mental state, consider whether you have gout.

Fifth, repeated fever. When gout continues to transfer and spread in the human body, it will degenerate the immune function of the human body and cause people to have a low-grade fever. Sometimes low-grade fever is accompanied by throat swelling, hoarse voice and local joint pain.

Sixth, redness and swelling of the skin. When gout continues to attack in the human body, it will not only cause inflammation of the joints, but also make the skin red, swollen and inflamed. Sometimes, the gout attack area is accompanied by a sharp discoloration of the skin, such as the skin from the original flesh-colored and white to purple and green.

If uric acid is smoothly excreted from the body, the redness and swelling of the skin will improve rapidly.

Third, powder for gout

Any disease has a corresponding treatment method, then, what are the treatment methods for gout? Next, let us introduce the traditional medical treatment of gout – powder.

Gout first originated in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, and the powder treatment method has an important position in the treatment history of traditional medicine. In the beginning, Zhu Danxi, a medical scientist in the Yuan Dynasty, put forward the concept of gout in the book “On Gout”, regarded gout as a disease, and established the seriousness it brings to people. Influence.

There is a sentence in the book “Danxi Heart Method”: strong>Obese people are often accompanied by pain in the joints, and sometimes rheumatism and blood stasis flow into various meridians.

From this sentence, we can see that the attack of gout will not only manifest in the skin, but also in the abnormal blood circulation. . Gout attacks can have serious consequences for people, and can lead to disastrous outcomes for people.

Why are powders so popular for the treatment of gout? The reason why the powder for the treatment of gout has attracted people’s attention and spread is that the powder is a component of traditional Chinese medicine.It is a combination of four Chinese patent medicines, which are Cortex Phellodendri, Coptis chinensis and Scutellaria baicalensis. , Ranunculus.

The four traditional Chinese medicines are processed into powder, and then mixed with honeysuckle, angelica, Fangfeng and red peony< /span>, make a paste with honey or milk and apply it to the place where gout attacks, twice a day for 4 to 6 hours each time, it can effectively treat gout and relieve ventilation The resulting rheumatoid and redness, swelling and peeling can also achieve the effects of diuresis, swelling, blood circulation and stasis in the local area of ​​gout.

The traditional treatment method of powder can directly act on the affected part of gout attack, with clear efficacy, not only can better protect the human body, but also will not let the drug in the gout attack. The human body is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, andavoids the drug causing irritation to the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Drugs are not excreted through the liver and kidneys, reducing the burden on target organs and cells. The preparation method of the powder is simple, the price is low, and the cost performance ratio is high. It is loved by many gout patients, and also reduces the economic and psychological burden of gout patients.

Fourth, pay attention to lifestyle intervention to avoid gout attacks

For gout For patients with recurrent attacks, we must pay attention to the development of living habits to avoid hyperuricemia in the human bodyTo prevent the formation of gout, gout has a huge impact on your body and life. You can reduce the content of uric acid in the human body through the following lifestyles and stay away from the sharp attack of gout.

First, eat a reasonable diet and pay attention to a low-purine diet. Animal viscera, animal skin, shell seafood, thick soup, and hot pot foods contain high purine ingredients, which are preferred by most young people.

You must be strict with yourself, avoid ingesting high-purine foods, and avoid high-purine foods that are difficult to digest in the human body.< strong>The excessive storage of uric acid makes us suffer from acute gout.

Sometimes, we can search on the Internet whether food should be ingested or not, so as to prevent the food from being digested by the human body. cause hyperuricemia in humans.

Second, don’t drink a lot of alcohol. Avoid alcohol to occupy most of the water after entering the human body, increase the viscosity of the blood, and increase the content of uric acid in the blood sharply, causing people to suffer from acute gout.

(Uric acid deposits cause gout)

Smoking is also a contributing factor to exacerbations of gout in people. If you are a smoker, quit smoking as soon as possible to avoid poor metabolism of uric acid in the body.

Third, control your weight. Weight control can be done by avoiding high-sugar foods. Although sugar does not produce too much uric acid in the human body, high-sugar foods contain a lot of calories, which can induce People get gout.

People who are already obese,have a higher risk of developing gout than the general population out a lot.

Fourth, pay attention to water intake. If we drink 2500ml to 3000ml of water every day, we can prevent us from developing hyperuricemia. Drinking water not only increases the frequency of urination, but also dilutes the blood and dilutes the concentration of uric acid in the blood.

Daily hydration can keep us from developing acute gout, and avoid having gout attacks at night possible.


Gout is inherently a metabolic disease. Although it is said that gout is often caused by its own metabolic abnormalities, gout is closely related to bad habits and bad daily routines. contact. Gout not only induces people to suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also induces people to suffer from chronic diseases. If the swelling of the joint is unbearable and the pain makes you unbearable, you can treat the inflamed area with cold compresses or heat therapy to reduce the severity of gout. Discomfort.

All in all, other diseases and gout are interrelated and bidirectional , gout is not a single disease, we must pay attention to the development of a healthy lifestyle, and use life intervention to avoid the occurrence of gout.