Repeated diarrhea is not a disease? It sucks to pull it up, Gu Ailing will teach you to cure it

A ​​few days ago, Mr. Zhou from Xi’an suddenly started to have diarrhea. He thought that he had eaten hot pot the night before and broke his stomach. He did not pay attention to it, but recently he found that he was eating slightly stimulating food every day. I have to pull 6-8 times, I feel like the whole person is about to “collapse”…

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After a doctor’s diagnosis, I finally understood the cause of Mr. Zhou’s diarrhea, because he There was inflammation in the intestines, but he did not know that due to the stimulation of these spicy foods, the intestinal inflammation was further aggravated, causing the problem of repeated diarrhea.

And after the diarrhea problem occurred, Mr. Zhou did not take effective measures. He thought that it would be better in a few days. Make yourself miserable.

If there is inflammation in the intestine, what harm will it cause if it is not taken seriously?

If intestinal inflammation is not eliminated in time, it is easy to cause various discomforts in the body.

Mild, repeated diarrhea and vomiting, abdominal cramps, and fever may occur, which will affect our life and work, and cause normal life to be affected. .

In addition, if intestinal inflammation is not eliminated in time, under long-term stimulation of the intestinal tract, it is very prone to dehydration, acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding, shock, and even abnormality and hyperplasia. , thereby causing diseases such as intestinal polyps.

Inflammation of the gut and repeated diarrhea, what should I do?

1. Medication for relief

Actually, many people don’t know Yes, Gu Ailing, the popular Winter Olympic champion some time ago, has also suffered from diarrhea repeatedly over the years.

In a documentary about her, she said that she likes Chinese food very much, and that she has an amazing appetite.

In the documentary, the food she ate in just 4 hours has shown us her amazing appetite. However, as a world champion, she also suffers from diarrhea problems.

At this time, Mama Gu will always be the first time She gave Gu Ailing the Changyanning tablets that she kept at home to relieve the discomfort caused by diarrhea. After taking the bread, Gu Ailing took the medicine on time, and then she felt much more comfortable.

For many people, they will also be troubled by diarrhea repeatedly. This is actually because intestinal inflammation is “disrupting”. At this time, in order to solve diarrhea, the most important thing is to To eliminate intestinal inflammation, so as to completely solve the problem of repeated diarrhea.

For patients with intestinal inflammation, choosing a Chinese patent medicine with mild medicinal properties is the best for relieving diarrhea and improving intestinal inflammation. Pure traditional Chinese medicine preparation, the medicinal properties are milder than western medicine, safe and reliable, and the stimulation to the intestines is very small. Starting from the root cause of diarrhea, it can eliminate intestinal inflammation in a targeted manner.

If the intestinal inflammation can be completely relieved after four weeks of medication, it can be described as a “savior” for people with diarrhea, which is not available in many antidiarrheal drugs.

2. If symptoms are severe, seek medical attention in time< /strong>

If the diarrhea is more serious, seek medical attention urgently to avoid serious consequences caused by delay.

Many people have diarrhea for a long time afterIf you don’t eat, and the body water is quickly excreted, this can easily lead to dehydration.

At this time, if water is not replenished in time, it is easy to induce shock or other complications.

Although diarrhea is a very common disease in life, we should not ignore it too much.

Because many diseases can be big or small, prevention should be done in time in life. When it is time to avoid food, it should be strictly avoided, and medicine should be taken in time to solve it, and other protective work should be done well. , so as to better ensure health.