Have you ever taken care of your own feelings?


today What I want to share with you is a story about feelings. A close friend of mine said that for many years she felt her body was tense and could not relax, and it even affected her relationships. The feedback from others was that she was always serious. She said she had been feeling very little about herself and couldn’t feel her own feelings.


It’s okay to accept that you don’t have too many feelings. When you try to accept that you can’t feel your own feelings, and it’s okay, the feelings slowly come back to you. When you have acceptance, greater space comes in. It’s okay to allow yourself not to feel too much, and then slowly try to experience the tension and seriousness in yourself. They’re here to tell you what they’re going to bring you, try to talk to your own feelings.


Be aware of what your feelings are telling you. What’s the underlying reason for noticing that you don’t have too many feelings? Is it protecting itself? Or in the past life, when you opened your heart to feel, you were hurt, and your body began to shrink and tense. If it is protecting you, be aware of it.


to feel your Feel it, be with it. I once had a teacher who said to me like this: “When you feel nothing, feel it!” Yes, when you feel, feel your body tense, feel your seriousness, this is It is also a feeling experience! Sometimes it’s our fear of being hurt that protects ourselves so tightly.


Acknowledge your own feelings, even if you think they are bad. We’re so used to wanting good feelings that we want to block out the ones we don’t want. There is no good or bad feeling, and when you can acknowledge it, it can bring you energy. For example, when you feel sad, you can let yourself cry, and you can cry like a baby without having to resist that feeling. When you can acknowledge your inner vulnerability, vulnerability begins to help you heal yourself.


to practice and practice feeling how you feel. Sometimes, by letting go of high standards for yourself, you also let go of high standards for others. Let go or lower the high requirements and high expectations for yourself, have more love and tolerance for yourself, and have more vision and understanding of others. Sometimes, the feeling needs to be experienced by oneself, just experience it.