Chinese medicine treatment of breast hyperplasia

Breast hyperplasia is a common disease in women. refers to the imbalance of endocrine hormone metabolism and the increase of estrogen levels due to various reasons, resulting in breast lumps, periodic symptoms such as pain. In large cities in my country, about 50% to 70% of women suffer from different degrees of breast hyperplasia. Mostly occurs in women between the ages of 25 and 45.

The main cause is the imbalance of endocrine hormone metabolism and the increase of estrogen levels, which continuously stimulates the mammary glands, resulting in proliferative changes in mammary gland tissue. Major risk factors include smoking, alcohol abuse, mental stimulation, and improper bra wearing.

Breast hyperplasia belongs to the category of “breast addiction” in Chinese medicine. Multiple nodules (mass) of different sizes can be palpated in one or both breasts of the patient, ranging in size from soybeans to pigeon eggs, mostly scattered or fused into irregular lumps, tough, slightly hard, and tender , There is no adhesion between the skin and deep tissue, and it can be pushed.

The breast on the affected side often feels uncomfortable and painful, which is mostly related to the menstrual cycle. Some patients have exacerbated symptoms before menstruation. Some patients have nipple discharge or bleeding.

The pathogenesis of mammary gland hyperplasia may be related to ovarian dysfunction, the ratio of progesterone and estrogen is out of balance, the secretion of progesterone decreases, and the amount of estrogen is relatively increase. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the etiology and pathology of “milk addiction” is liver qi stagnation, Chong and Ren disorders, qi stagnation and blood stasis. The principle of treatment is to soothe the liver, regulate qi and remove blood stasis.

(1) Liver qi stagnation type: there is a lump in the breast, and the breast is uncomfortable and painful before menstruation. Insomnia, red tongue and yellow coating, stringy pulse, suitable for soothing liver and relieving depression.

Prescription: 12 grams of orange leaves, 30 grams of orange core, 12 grams of angelica, 15 grams of Bupleurum, 12 grams of red peony root, 12 grams of Cyperus officinalis gram, 12 grams of neem seeds, 15 grams of loofah, simmer in water.

(2) Qi stagnation and blood stasis type: nodules in the breast, pain like acupuncture, purple and black menstruation, ecchymosis on the tongue or Petechia, astringent pulse. Governance promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

Prescription: 20 grams of dew honeycomb, 30 grams of orange core, 30 grams of salvia, 12 grams of angelica, 12 grams of red peony, 12 grams of rehmannia, 10 grams of Chuanxiong, 10 grams of peach kernel, 10 grams of safflower, decoct in water.

Some people think that mammary gland hyperplasia is easy to turn into breast cancer, so early treatment of mammary gland hyperplasia is of great significance.

Single prescription for breast hyperplasia:

< span>1. 75 grams of porcine bitter bile, 2 grams of borneol, 100 grams of soft-shelled turtle, 100 grams of silver flower, 50 grams of jujube, 50 grams of walnut kernels, and 25 grams of roasted horse money. First boil the pig bile for one hour, add borneol and mix well, then grind the sage and other medicines to fine powder, mix with the bile, condense the honey into pills, each pill weighs 6 grams, take one pill each time, daily Second, swallow with boiling water. One month is a course of treatment, and three courses of treatment can be taken in a row. Use with caution in debilitated persons.

2. Equal amounts of dew honeycomb, bark lotus, shan cigu and shan bean root, grind them into fine powder, and make honey into pills. Each pill weighs 6 grams, one pill each time, twice a day, three months as a course of treatment.

3. Angelica 10 grams, Baisui 10 grams, Chaihu 10 grams, Poria 10 grams, Atractylodes 10 grams, Cyanophora 10 grams, 12 grams of Citrus aurantium, 12 grams of claw shells, 30 grams of Salvia, 30 grams of turmeric, 30 grams of raw oysters, 10 grams of mint, 6 grams of licorice, 30 grams of red peony, 30 grams of loofah, 30 grams of pangolin, Fritillaria 15 grams, 10 grams of antler cream. Decoction in water, one dose per day.

Because everyone’s constitution and condition are different, the prescription and dosage in this case are only applicable to the condition of the patient at that time. Without the diagnosis and treatment of TCM syndrome differentiation, the prescription and dosage in this case shall not be copied and used. If necessary, readers should go to regular hospital for diagnosis and treatment, so as not to delay the disease.