Fish oil can lower lipids, and Salvia miltiorrhiza can pass through blood vessels. Is it really effective? Mr. Zhang has something to say

The 46-year-old Mr. Zhang is a director of the company. Because of his busy work and social activities, he eats more and moves less. When he went to the hospital for a physical examination last year, he was found to have high blood lipids and cholesterol. and low-density lipoprotein are elevated to a certain extent, and are accompanied by atherosclerosis, plaques, and moderate stenosis of blood vessels. The doctor prescribed statin lipid-lowering drugs and aspirin antiplatelet drugs, and instructed to take them on time, to review regularly, to pay attention to eating habits, and to reduce blood lipids to the normal range as soon as possible, otherwise it is easy to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications such as stroke.

Mr. Zhang was very frightened after listening to the doctor’s words. Since he was diagnosed with the disease, he has been very obedient. Mainly light, and blood lipids will decrease every time you review. Although the blood lipid index has dropped, Mr. Zhang has always been concerned about the side effects of drugs. I heard that statin and aspirin have a lot of side effects. Although the probability of occurrence is low, he is not sure that it will happen to him one day. And these drugs seem to be taken for life, which increases Mr. Zhang’s concerns.

By chance, Mr. Zhang passed by a health product store, and the billboard in front of the health product store caught his attention. I saw the words “Newly arrived deep-sea fish oil, reducing lipids and preserving blood vessels, without side effects”, these words can speak to Mr. Zhang’s heart. Curious Mr. Zhang hurriedly went into the store to inquire, knowing that Mr. Zhang’s blood lipids were relatively high, and the clerk inside not only recommended him fish oil, but also brought him a salvia health product, and told Mr. Zhang that “fish oil can reduce lipids. Salvia can pass through the blood vessels, you can eat it with confidence.” Mr. Zhang, who came out of the health care product store, felt that Coke had blossomed in his heart. Now it’s good. Finally, he no longer has to worry about the side effects of the drug. Although this health care product is a bit more expensive, it is better than worrying about it all day.

Since I bought health care products, Mr. Zhang has not taken any medicines. He has taken a few capsules of fish oil every day and brewed some salvia tea, and his body has not shown any abnormality. It seems that these health care products still exist. It was really “useful”, so I took it for granted that I didn’t go to the hospital for re-examination. But the good times didn’t last long. When I woke up this morning, Mr. Zhang was just about to pack up and go to work when he suddenly felt numbness in his hands and feet, a pain in his head, and sat on the ground, unable to speak even if he wanted to speak, his consciousness gradually blurred, okay The family found out in time and dialed 120 to take him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a mild stroke. Doctor’s analysis: This is related to his random withdrawal of medicines and health care products.

So, can fish oil reduce lipids?

It has lipid-lowering effect, but it cannot replace lipid-lowering drugs!

At present, many people, especially the elderly, use health products such as deep-sea fish oil as lipid-lowering drugs. This is very wrong. Generally speaking, hyperlipidemia is divided into elevated cholesterol and elevated triglycerides. Among them, the pathogenesis of hypercholesterolemia is more complicated, and it is related to its own synthesis and dietary habits, but it is certain that fish oil is ineffective for lowering cholesterol. And Mr. Zhang’s hyperlipidemia is mainly due to elevated cholesterol, so taking fish oil has almost no effect.

The occurrence of hypertriglyceridemia is greatly affected by daily eating habits, so when it is mildly elevated, diet and exercise intervention are generally effective. can come down. Fish oil does reduce triglyceride levels to a certain extent, but the effect is very limited. It is better to eat some fish and control your diet, which is definitely not as effective as drugs. Therefore, if fish oil is used instead of lipid-lowering drugs, it will only delay the disease and cause serious consequences.

Salvia can resist platelet aggregation and has the effect of dredging blood vessels. Is this statement correct?

As a traditional Chinese medicine, Salvia miltiorrhiza does have some effects on improving blood vessels, such as promoting blood circulation and removing stasis, expanding blood vessels, and resisting platelet aggregation. However, compared with anti-platelet western medicines such as aspirin, although salvia has a certain effect, it is not known how much dose, how long, and how effective it can be.

Since no larger and longer-term studies have been conducted, there is no relevant scientific data to support this. Moreover, traditional Chinese medicine is not completely free of adverse reactions, but that its adverse reactions and risks are not very clear, and potential risks and hazards still exist. On the basis of scientific use of drugs, it is possible to add some traditional Chinese medicine health products, but it is still far from being able to completely replace drugs.

Therefore, health supplements and medicines are two completely different things. my country’s State Administration for Market Regulation issued the “Guidelines for Labeling Warning Words for Health Foods”, which also pointed out that health food labels should be marked with warning words: health food is not a drug and cannot replace drugs to treat diseases. Although many health care products are now marked, there are still many unscrupulous sellers who use methods such as “avoiding the important and sloppy” to induce customers to buy in a disguised form. Just like Mr. Zhang, the final victim can only be It’s me, if you ask Mr. Zhang again now, he will only say “I don’t know if it works, I won’t stop the medicine anyway”.