Is it embarrassing to fart frequently? Try these tips to reduce the frequency of farting

In this world, you have to endure and endure all kinds of things, even the three emergencies… are no exception! For example, when there is no sound around you, you can’t help but ask yourself: Why do you fart so much? What’s the harm in holding a fart? Is there any way to reduce farting?

Where does the fart come from?

Most farts are created by E. coli and otherbacteriain your gut. These bacteria eat the fermented food in your body and microscopically fart together; the air you swallow and the alkaline secretions in your belly also have an effect on your fart. On averagecalculated, a fart is approximately 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7%methane, and 4% oxygen — all These gases are odorless. But less than 1% of that is made up of trace amounts of other chemicals — like ammonia and skatole, which give off an unbearablepungent odour in 100 million parts of the air As long as there is a single copy of this gas,people can smell it. Usually, there is always hydrogen sulfide in the fart, mostly from mucus, which makes the fart carry a kind ofrotten egg< span> the smell.

Farts occur because some of the food we eat is not broken down. The unbroken parts, including fiber and sugars, become the food for the coliform bacteria. After a full meal, the coliform bacteria will exhaust gas, and these gases will accumulate in the body, causing a burst of air pressure. When the pressure is too high, it will be pushed out of the body, forming a fart.

Why do you fart so much?

1. Eat gas-producing foods. Common gas-producing foods are: beans, sweet potatoes, carbonated drinks, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, radishes, etc.

2. Gobbling down during meals, talking too much, watching mobile phones and TV while eating, and finishing drinks in one go, these behaviors Will swallow a lot of air, eating habits have a certain impact on the fart.

3. Some problems of the gastrointestinal tract, such as poor digestive function and weak peristalsis are also one of the reasons for more farts, such as old age In humans and habitual constipation, the intestinal wall lacks tension, poor driving force, and food residues stay for a long time, resulting in more gas, which will lead to frequent farting.

Hazards of long-term fart holding

The harm of holding fart to the body , Mainly the farts contain harmful substances such as hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and indole. If it is not excreted in time, and if you hold it back, harmful components will be reabsorbed by the intestinal tract, which will cause harm to the human body. When farts appear, discharge them as much as possible. Farting is a normal digestive process in the human body. When the body eats food that produces gas, it produces farts and needs to be excreted.

Tips to reduce farting

1. Avoid talking while eating, and avoid swallowing dates.

2. Eat less foods that are prone to gas, such as beans, potatoes, taro, cabbage and carbonated drinks.

3. Moderate exercise, such as taking a walk after meals, can expel the gas in the intestines.

4. You can try to gently massage the abdomen and other methods to promote peristalsis of the large intestine.

5. Those with flatulence and gastrointestinal discomfort after meals can take appropriate drugs to promote gastrointestinal motility and exhaust.

Many people ask how many farts a person normally does a day?

The answer is about 10, it can be more or less. However, if the number of farts is too much, which is greater than the normal value, there may be problems such as indigestion, gastritis, enteritis, and gastrointestinal motility disorders.

This shit is going to the hospital

< span>1. Disgusting farts

People are eating meat, custard and fried After food, food is easy to stay in the digestive tract, producing more hydrogen sulfide, skatole and amines, and the smell of fart is easy to be pungent. Generally speaking, the main component of smelly fart is hydrogen sulfide.

However, if you don’t eat these foods and you release a very smelly fart, it may be intestinal inflammation, gastrointestinal dysfunction and other intestinal problems. , it may even be a signal of intestinal malignant transformation, which needs attention.

Therefore, excluding the reasons for the above foods, if the smell of fart is unbearable for the people around, accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating, and inconvenience in defecation. Symptoms such as smoothness, diarrhea, etc., it is recommended to go to a regular hospital for a careful examination.

2. The smelly fart

When there is bleeding in the digestive tract or malignant tumor bleeding and erosion, after the blood is decomposed by bacteria, the released fart will have a fishy smell.

Lanzhou TCM Gastrointestinal Hospital Tips:

Farting is a normal physiological phenomenon in the human body, and its quantity is usually related to diet and gastrointestinal function. If there is too much farting and there are no other symptoms, it may be caused by dietary factors. Exclude the influence of dietary factors, such as excessive farting , excessive odor, should be paid attention to, timely medical treatment, and a clear diagnosis.