Losing weight, how can you “reduce” a fatty liver?

Learn popular science and understand life

“I am young,

Never greasy at all times,

normally low body mass index,

How do you have fatty liver? ”

Case playback

Xiao Wu, 25 years old, graduated from the art department and has been engaged in his favorite hand model work in recent years. She is slender, 175cm tall and 51kg, a standard skinny beauty. In order to keep in shape, Xiao Wu usually pays great attention to his diet, stays away from greasy food, and doesn’t even dare to indulge himself once or twice.

Last month, the company organized a physical examination, and Xiao Wu’s liver and kidney function, blood lipids, blood sugar and other indicators were all very good, but the B-ultrasound showed moderate fatty liver. Seeing the results of the physical examination, Xiao Wu was surprised and puzzled: “I am young, I usually don’t eat greasy food, and my body mass index is lower than normal. How can I have fatty liver?” p>

The doctor learned through the conversation that Xiao Wu usually works diligently and conscientiously, and recently worked overtime and stayed up late. She already eats less, and when she is busy, she just drinks some plain cucumber juice to deal with it. She also likes to drink some red wine from time to time to relieve fatigue and regulate her emotions. Although she sometimes felt dizzy, flustered and hungry, she was restrained by her tenacious perseverance. So, how did her fatty liver come about?

Follow the cause

Many people don’t know that if a thin person is hungry or semi-starved for a long time, just like Xiao Wu, he loses weight or diets for a long time in order to maintain his body, and his daily life and behavior lack enough energy. The support of energy sources such as glucose and fat will inevitably consume fat and protein in the body. These fats and proteins will be converted into heat through the transfer station of the liver. As a result, a large amount of fatty acids enter the liver, and the body lacks enzymes and vitamins necessary for fat metabolism, resulting in excessive accumulation of fat in the liver, resulting in fatty liver.

Thin or thin people, because of poor nutrient absorption or supply, mostly have recessive hypoalbuminemia, and the production of lipoprotein in the liver will also decrease, so fat Failure to transport and metabolize normally in liver cells also causes or aggravates fatty liver. At this time, choline, amino acids, reduced glutathione and other substances involved in the normal metabolism of fat will also be reduced, and malondialdehyde and lipid peroxides in the liver will be produced in large quantities. The result is Negatively affects liver function.

Skinny as Xiao Wu, if she has the bad habits of drinking for a long time like her, drinking more than 160 grams per day, the probability of fatty liver will be 5~ 25 times. Low-alcohol beer, red wine, fruit wine, cocktails, etc. because of the low alcohol content, it is easy to tolerate or decomposed by the body in time without appearing intoxicated, and is more likely to become a hidden danger. Many people who drink alcohol on an empty stomach or substitute alcohol for meals are at greater risk.

Liver too hard

There is also a situation where fat people lose weight quickly after losing weight. For example, after someone learns that they have fatty liver, they quickly lose 10 to 20 kilograms of weight within one month, and then When the energy of the mind relaxes and life returns to the old state, body fat will rise and fall suddenly like a roller coaster, making the body quickly or repeatedly mobilize a large amount of sebum and visceral fat into the blood to the liver, accompanied by a large amount of lipids Production of peroxides. This will not only exacerbate fatty liver, but even develop into steatohepatitis, further impairing liver function.

The Lancet recently published a systematic review. After evaluating 932 studies involving 10.576 million people in 24 countries, it was found that about 40% of fatty livers in the world belong to non-obese people, and 1/5 of them are thin.

To discuss the reason, it may be that most thin people like to eat vegetarian food, and some are picky eaters, the long-term diet is single, the nutrition is unbalanced, and the intake of protein, vitamins and minerals is lacking. The hepatic synthesis of lipoprotein is severely reduced or insufficient, but the body’s lack of nutrition or energy will compensatively mobilize the secretion of adrenal glucocorticoid to increase to promote the entry of a large amount of free fatty acids into the blood vessels and liver. If the operating load of the liver is exceeded, it is easy to form fatty liver, or lead to aggravation of fatty liver.

Control this way

Most fatty liver patients involuntarily make “diet + exercise” changes within 1 to 3 months of learning about their condition, even if they don’t With any treatment, the weight and the degree of fatty liver will also decrease. But the good times don’t last long. After 3 to 6 months, it will enter the inert period, and the weight will rebound soon.

Whether you are fat or thin, cognitive transformation matters most. The first rule to control fatty liver is to try to avoid the abuse of drugs, especially the abuse of supplements and health care products. The liver is one of the most powerful organs in the human body. Many drugs and foods must be detoxified and decomposed here before they can be used or excreted. After the fatty liver is detected, abuse, multi-use or long-term use of various drugs is bound to further increase the burden on the liver.

Second, don’t over-diet. The metabolic function of the liver must involve the participation of fat and protein. Excessive dieting artificially affects this process, which can easily lead to the mobilization of body fat into the liver to accumulate. Many thin people insist on losing weight for a long time, and the intake of fat and protein in their daily food is deliberately reduced, which will inevitably disrupt the balanced absorption of nutrients and lead to malnutrition.

Third, avoid alcoholism. Long-term or heavy drinking can easily induce and aggravate fatty liver. If you have fatty liver, you can still go your own way without restraint, which may accelerate the transformation of fatty liver into more serious conditions such as steatohepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Most fatty livers are reversible and can be improved and controlled if detected early and treated appropriately.

Give a piece of advice

It is worth noting that losing weight and controlling fat is easier said than done.

Many people have been dieting and losing weight for many years. After achieving results, their alcohol addiction relapses, or they eat and drink. Fatty liver may come back within 1 to 2 months, and years of hard work will be in vain. .

In particular, some people have a very good appetite, they like to eat fat, sweet and greasy, even if they don’t like meat, or the amount of alcohol and wine are famous in the circle of friends, There will always be times when you can’t stand the temptation, often making the “weight loss great cause” a failure, giving up halfway, and making the fat load of the liver up and down like a roller coaster.

It shouldn’t hurt like this!

(Source: Healthy China)