Urine is yellow and smelly? Don’t Ignore These 3 Things Your Body Is Telling You

The urinary system is very important to us, and the urination function is also the most important physiological activity of the human body. Daily urine excretion is of great significance to the normal life activities of the body. Our urinary system is made up of four organs that make up the production and transport of urine.

So, excretion of urine is very important for the normal life activities of the human body. Urinating toxins from the body can also regulate the balance of water and inorganic salts in the body, thereby maintaining the normal physiological function of body cells.

Under normal circumstances, the urine that is excreted is clear, transparent or light yellow to be considered normal urine. In life, many people will experience yellow urine with peculiar smell when expelling urine, which is precisely a manifestation of abnormal body functioning.

Then, if your body frequently has this symptom, you should be vigilant, maybe your body is sending you a signal. What are the causes of yellow urine and odor?

First, the urine is yellow and smelly, maybe your body is sending you a signal.

1. Liver lesions

< span>If the excreted urine frequently has peculiar smell and yellowing, it may be a problem with the body’s liver function. When liver function is abnormally damaged, liver cells will become degenerated or necrotic, and bilirubin will be released into the blood pressure to increase.

Liver disease can change the color of the urine, which may turn yellow or brown in color. If urine with abnormal color appears, you should attach great importance to the problem of liver disease, and take corresponding treatment measures for the liver in time to avoid the continuous abnormal decline of liver function.

In addition, the continuous development of liver disease will reduce the body’s ability to excrete harmful substances, and the body’s metabolic capacity will also decrease, and finally lead to the inability of metabolic waste in the body. Normal excretion will produce a large amount of amines, which will cause the urine to emit an unpleasant odor. Therefore, if you have these symptoms in your urine, you should go to the hospital to check your body to avoid organic liver disease.

2. Urinary Tract Infection

If the urinary tract is invaded by pathogenic microorganisms, it will lead to urinary tract infection, such as urethritis, prostatitis, cystitis and other diseases are caused by urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infection can cause urine to be yellow, brown and other abnormal colors, and Staphylococcus aureus infection can also cause flocculent urine. The common gonorrhea, if it is infected with gonorrhea, most of the urine will be yellow, cloudy and smelly.

3. Kidney Disease

< span>In order to ensure normal urination, we should attach great importance to the maintenance of the kidneys. Only by maintaining the normal function of the kidneys can the discharged urine be healthy. In daily life, many people will find that the color of their urine is not right when they urinate, there is turbidity visible to the naked eye, and the color of the urine is yellow. At this time, if such a phenomenon occurs in the urine, it may be that the kidney function is damaged, and these symptoms are the signals it sends out.

In severe cases, it may even excrete hematuria, which is a phenomenon in which the local mucosa is damaged due to impaired kidney function. and the urine will be differentOften, not only is the color very yellow, but there is also a trace of blood, and the most important thing is that the odor is very strong.

For example, some of our common diseases include kidney stones, kidney failure, uremia and other diseases. Therefore, for the sake of your own health, you must pay attention to the color change of urine. If there is any abnormality, you need to be alert to kidney disease in time.

Second, what are the physiological factors other than pathological factors that cause abnormal urine color and taste?

1. Life Factors

< span>In addition to pathological factors, it may be normal for the urine to have yellowish or abnormal taste. After the human body enters sleep, the urine will be concentrated in the body at an accelerated rate, and the concentration of the desired waste will be higher, which will cause the urine to turn yellow or taste abnormal.

Also, abnormal urine can be related to the food eaten that day. For example, if you eat carrots or other foods with natural pigments during the day, your urine will change color when you wake up the next day. But these conditions are only temporary, as long as you drink a few more glasses of plain water, the urine will return to normal when you urinate again.

2. Drink less water

It is normal if you drink very little water each day, causing your urine to turn yellow. Because the body takes in very little water, less urine is formed in the body, and the urine becomes concentrated. If the normal diet metabolism of the human body will form a large amount of organic and inorganic products, the metabolites will produce urine deposition among these two products. Therefore, after the urine is concentrated, it will make the urine cloudy and yellow.

3. Drug effects

< span>After taking the medicine, the urine will also appear yellowish. This is because after the body takes medicine, the decomposition products of the drug after metabolism in the body are yellow, which will affect the change of urine color. For example, these common drugs will make metabolites yellow, such as vitamin B, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, berberine, Jinweita and other drugs will make metabolites change color.

But this phenomenon is normal and does not cause any problems for the body. Urine usually returns to normal within 24 hours of stopping the drug. To avoid these problems, you can change the way you eat. If you take medicine, you should eat a light diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and drink some boiled water appropriately to dilute the urine, which can prevent the urine from being too yellow and smelly.

Third, the urinary system is particularly important, so from what aspects should we judge whether the urine is healthy?

1. Check urine status

First of all, in order to ensure a normal urinary system, you must ensure that your urine is normal. The color of healthy urine is generally clear, transparent, free of impurities and clean. If the discharged urine meets these standards, it means that the human body is in a normal state, and it is considered relatively healthy in terms of metabolism and urinary system.

But if the urine is very cloudy, or the color changes to yellow and brown, it means that the urinary system of the body has appeared. question. It may be caused by inflammation of the urethra. Faced with such a phenomenon, it is necessary to rush to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible.

2, Look at the speed of urination

When the human body takes in sufficient water and produces urine through the body’s metabolic function, it requires a relatively short period of time. long process. If the water stays in the body for a short time, for example, you want to go to the toilet before drinking water for more than 10 minutes. It may be caused by excess water intake, or by abnormal kidney metabolism in the body.

But the water stays in the body for too long, such as drinking water for more than 2 hours without feeling like going to the toilet, then Other factors have to be considered. Whether it is because of the objective factors of hot weather, our body is prone to sweating, and urine will naturally decrease after sweating.

But after excluding these objective factors, I didn’t feel like going to the toilet for a long time, which may be caused by the abnormality of the body’s urinary system. Due to the diseases of the urinary system, the urine that should be excreted will be hindered, which will lead to the phenomenon that urine cannot be excreted.

Under normal circumstances, the human body takes in sufficient water. Water is naturally circulated in the body to produce urine normally. It usually only takes half an hour or an hour to have a feeling of wanting to go to the toilet. If after drinking water, the speed of urination is not normal within this time period. That means that the urination function is in a shutdown state. If there is still no response after a few hours, further observation is required.

3. Night Watches

I believe that most people are troubled by getting up many times at night, which not only affects the quality of sleep, but also causes abnormalities in physical health. Because of many nights, in addition to drinking too much water at night, most of them are caused by health problems. Therefore, try not to drink water before going to bed, otherwise frequent waking up at night will affect the quality of sleep.

Normally speaking, after a person falls asleep, it is most reasonable to wake up about 1 time. Time to go to bed last time. Going to the toilet once before going to bed can relax the body and mind, reduce the psychological burden, and improve the quality of sleep.

In order to prevent waking up at night, most people usually drink very little water after 6 pm, because they do not want to wake up frequently at night and affect their sleep quality. However, in the absence of water intake for such a period of time, I was woken up at night by urine, and the amount of urine excreted was relatively large. Situations like this happen frequently, and they must be taken seriously, perhaps because of the metabolic function of the body or the problem of the urinary system.

4. Look at the number of urinations

A normal adult urinates about 4-8 times a day. Because there is a big difference in the urinary system of men and women, men’s urine holding function is better than women’s, so men expel urine less frequently than women. Although it is said that the number of bowel movements in men will be relatively reduced, it is also not far from this normal frequency range.big.

But it does not mean that the frequency of urination must be within this normal range to be considered normal. The specific frequency of urination will be affected by many external factors. For example, when you drink a lot of water, the number of urinations per day will increase, especially for those who socialize a lot and often drink alcohol.

5. Look at urine output

The amount of urine output is related to the daily water intake. For example, taking the normal daily intake of water as the standard of 2000mL, the daily urination volume of our average adult should be between 1000 and 2000mL, and the daily urination volume should not be at most. will exceed 3000mL. The specific amount of urination may also be affected by external factors such as the diet of the day or climate change, and the amount of urine excreted is also different.

Medical research shows that after the daily urination volume exceeds 2500mL, the urination volume is relatively large. However, considering that everyone’s lifestyle is different, there may be occasional occasional increases in urine due to external factors. If you occasionally urinate more than 3000mL a day, it can be considered normal.

But if the daily urination volume or the urination volume for a long period of time exceeds 3000mL, then it is necessary to consider whether it is because of caused by related diseases. And take appropriate treatment measures to avoid various diseases in the body that cannot be cured.


urine The state is closely related to our physical health. When we observe the symptoms of urine, we can also make basic judgments about the physical state. For example, urine turns yellow and smells bad. Excluding situations caused by external factors in life, you can consider whether there is a problem with your body.

Especially for urine in a very special state, it needs to be taken seriously. A careful observation of urine color, urination volume, urination speed, urination frequency, etc. at ordinary times can help us make a good judgment on our physical state. If there is a very big problem with the urine, it is recommended that you go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time. In this way, the impact of certain diseases on our physical health can be mitigated.