What are the physical manifestations of a person with yin and yang deficiency? Yang first or Yin first? tell you the answer

In Chinese medicine, there are two main “Qi” in the human body, namely Yin Qi and Yang Qi. In men, yang is often more abundant; on the contrary, in women, yin is heavier, and it is more likely to have insufficient yang. When yang qi is insufficient, it may lead to excessive yin qi in the body. The two balance each other and influence each other. If you are strong, we will be weak.

But there is a special case, that is, deficiency of both yin and yang. Logically speaking, if yin qi is insufficient, yang qi should be relatively strong, but there is a person who has both symptoms of yin deficiency and manifestations of yang deficiency. , may wish to check for yourself, have you?

What are the manifestations of the body when yin and yang are deficient?

First of all, the symptoms of yin deficiency are mainly dry mouth, anger, and five upsets. Insufficient yin qi in the body, insufficient body fluid, more prone to abnormal night sweats, after observing the tongue coating, it may also be found that the color is red, dry and other characteristics. If you have these manifestations, you may first put yourself in the ranks of yin.

If you have some symptoms of yang deficiency at the same time as these symptoms, such as fear of cold and chills, you will feel sick when you eat raw and cold food. It is easy to have diarrhea and abdominal pain, and often feel cold hands and feet, most of which are due to lack of yang qi.

This type of person may also be afraid of heat and cold, cold and heat due to deficiency of both yin and yang. In a relatively cold environment, it is easy to have cold hands and feet, but in a relatively hot environment, there will be hot performances, and the palms and feet will feel very hot and sweat constantly.

Yin and Yang deficiency syndrome, how to deal with it?

If it is simply yin deficiency or yang deficiency, it is to supplement the lack of Qi in the body. For example, people with yin deficiency should supplement yin qi more, eat some ingredients that nourish yin and qi, nourish yin fluid, and improve the problem of excessive yang qi. Yang deficiency should pay attention to replenishing yang qi, eat more nourishing and aphrodisiac ingredients, or supplement yang qi through sun exposure, moxibustion, etc.

But for people with yin and yang deficiency, is it better to replenish yin or yang qi first?

Here, we can regard the human body as a container. Insufficient yin qi may affect the body fluid circulation in the human body, while yang Lack of breath can make you lethargic.

It is recommended that you nourish Yin Qi first, after the blood circulation is improved and the water vapor runs smoothly, Then adjust the yang.

Try 2 methods to nourish yin qi

First of all, improve the problem of yin deficiency through nourishing diet.

You can choose millet, corn, buckwheat, duck, white fungus and other nourishing and nourishing ingredients. For example, duck meat is suitable for clearing and nourishing, nourishing the stomach and producing body fluid, and can also improve the problem of anger and yin deficiency. Tremella can also nourish yin and moisten dryness. It is especially suitable for people with lung yin deficiency and stomach yin deficiency. If you often have problems such as dry cough and dry mouth due to yin deficiency, it is also suitable to eat more white fungus to condition your body.

The second method islearn to relax< span>.

In tension, anxiety and other emotions, yin is more likely to be damaged. People who are often troubled and saddened by the little things in life should also adjust their mentality in time, learn to relax, and avoid aggravating the problem of yin deficiency.

When the problem of yin deficiency is resolved, we will treat the symptoms of insufficient yang qi. Most of the ingredients used in the past are nourishing yin and nourishing ingredients. HereIt is not recommended to use Dabu ingredients, and neutral and warming ingredients can also be used to regulate yang deficiency.

While nourishing yang qi, we should also ensure thatnot damage yin qi, you can use dodder , Morinda officinalis and other medicinal materials. For example, Morinda officinalis is warm and pungent, nourishes the kidneys and helps yang, and can also strengthen the muscles and bones. It can nourish the yang qi without damaging the yin qi. It is more suitable for people with yin and yang deficiency.

In addition, Dodderis a kidney-tonifying Refined herbs. Consisting of dodder, yam, wolfberry and other medicinal materialsZuogui Pill, it is also a common remedy for yin and yang deficiency. Insufficient kidney water, yin deficiency and yang deficiency can be adjusted, which can play a conditioning effect of seeking yang in yin and seeking yin in yang, and has a good effect on improving the discomfort symptoms that appear in the human body.

If you always have symptoms such as weak waist and knees, night sweats in sleep, dizziness and other symptoms, you can often get very good results with this prescription. effect, you can try it.

For the human body, yin and yang should balance each other, you are strong and I am weak. However, with the great changes in people’s living habits, yin and yang may also be damaged, resulting in a deficiency of both yin and yang in the human body, which also causes considerable damage to health.

If you do have symptoms of yin and yang deficiency, you can also seek professional Chinese medicine for syndrome differentiation in time, and you can also take effective measures in time. treat. Among the methods of regulating yin and yang deficiency, although there are simple methods such as diet therapy, it is not something that can be eaten casually.

If you are simply deficient in yin or yang, and adopting incorrect nourishing methods may also aggravate the deficiency of yang or yin in the body Symptoms are detrimental to health. According to the abnormal performance of oneself, take targeted conditioning plan, health is more beneficial.


1. An old friend asked “Yin deficiency fire What are the symptoms? What should I eat? · Beiqing Net · 2021-11-18

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