Take a walk every day and live to ninety-nine? People who insist on walking and exercising have 3 obvious benefits

Now that the weather is getting warmer and the spring is getting stronger and stronger, many people like to go out after dinner to take a look at the surrounding scenery and the streets. Variety. Not so deliberate, just walking around aimlessly, and going to bed at night will make it easier to fall asleep.

Of course, there are also some people who walk with a purpose, such as middle-aged and elderly people, who think that walking is not very tiring and can maintain their health. Happy to do it. However, there are also people who feel very tired after walking and wonder whether they have walked too much or are too lack of exercise. Why are their joints tired and painful? How many steps are just right every day?

How many steps per day should depend on age

The Lancet published a study that revealed the relationship between the number of steps and age. The two groups that walked the most and walked the least had the lowest risk of death, but the lowest risk of death was 6000-1000 steps, and also divided by age, the limit is 60 years old, before the age of 60, you can maintain 8,000 to 10,000 steps, After age 60, keep 6,000 to 8,000 steps, these two step ranges have the lowest mortality rates.

Every time the topic of walking steps is mentioned, many netizens are not convinced, saying that they walk more than 10,000 steps a day, and often go climbing. There is no problem with the body, but not everyone has such a physical quality, and the example of a few people or a few people can’t explain the problem. And those who are striving for tens of thousands of steps a day are likely to face meniscus wear or ligament damage in the coming months or years.

There are three benefits to just starting to walk

Office workers work long hours every day and have little time for activities. They should take time to walk. Usually they may not even reach 3,000 steps, but now they can increase to 4,000 or 6 steps. Thousands of steps are good for joints, hips, heart and lungs, and relaxes span>, take a break from your busy work.

For the middle-aged and elderly people with chronic diseases, they do not dare to find diseases after insisting on walking, because walking will help consume calories and fat, and can < /span>Massage the bowel and stomach to help with bowel movements and digestion. Talking with neighbors and family members while walking can help relieve loneliness and is good for prevention of depression and dementia.

Even if you are healthy and young, walking can benefit you. Young people with good physical fitness can walk 8,000 or 10,000 steps a day. As long as they are not very tired the next day and do not affect their work and life, they can maintain it for a long time. For Weight maintenance and prevention of high blood pressure all help.

However, not everyone ends up benefiting from walking , There are also people who have muscle or joint injuries while walking. What’s going on?

Uncle Huang and Aunt Liu are a couple, both of whom have the same hobby, that is to get up early in the morning When they go out for a walk, they believe in the saying “walk a day and live to ninety-nine”, a habit they have been sticking to for more than three years. But in the past two or three months, both of them have varying degrees of joint pain, chest tightness, and their nostrils are always gouged out Lots of black boogers, what’s going on?

It turns out that the two of them made three mistakes while walking

Mistake 1: Two people like to walk on the side of the road, there are many steps, a lot of car exhaust, and the air is not fresh

After walking every day, Aunt Liu would buy some vegetables and newspapers to come back, so she likes to walk around the streets and communities. When more, the exhaust gas and dust will enter the nasal cavity and mouth with the breath, which will definitely be detrimental to the respiratory tract for a long time.

Mistake #2: Not warming up well before walking and not wearing sneakers

Uncle Huang likes to wear flat-bottomed shoes at home. He feels very soft and comfortable, so he also wears cloth shoes when he goes out to walk. However, the soles of the cloth shoes are too thin, the uppers are not elastic, and the sides of the uppers are too short to help him protect the ankles and cushion the joint pressure. It’s easy to slap the feet and the knees hurt. And they don’t feel that walking is tiring, so they don’t warm up before starting, and the body can’t bear it after walking for such a long time.

Mistake 3: When walking with your hands behind your back, your posture is not open

When walking And limbs should be stretched out, step forward quickly, and the meridians and qi and blood are running vigorously. If you walk with a hunched back and hands behind your back, it will affect the oxygen supply to the chest and abdomen, and it will also cause back pain. The pressure on the knees is also relatively large, and the legs are prone to pain after walking.

The husband and wife realized that they had committed so many crimes. The mistake will never be repeated in the future. After that, the two changed to the park trail to walk, and even put on sneakers. Before starting to walk, they also stretched and moved in place. If the muscle strength of the elderly is insufficient, it is easy to walk when walking. If you are tired, you can do muscle building exercises first, and exercise for a while before exercising.

For examplepush-ups against a wall, which are easier and more effective than lying on the floor Upper limb muscles, in order to increase the difficulty, do not rush to get up after bending the arms, wait four seconds before getting up. Another example is walking on feet, put on floor socks, and then walk on the floor at home, raising your upper body while stepping on your feet , train your balance ability, you can also sit on the sofa, put your hands behind your back, and hook your insteps hard.

In a word, people who keep walking every day can help to run qi and blood, exercise lung capacity, strengthen heart function, and can also help middle-aged and elderly people consume Energy, increase muscle strength, and the elderly who insist on walking will have healthier blood vessels, better physical fitness, less likely to get sick, and have a certain effect of prolonging life.


[1]If you want to live longer, walk more! It’s a pity Many people are not walking right · Health Times. 2021-06-13

[2] How many steps are the best to walk a day? The latest Lancet study found that the number of steps and age Also related to ·Dr. Clove.2022-03-06

[3]Insist on walking like this every day, strengthen the heart, lungs and bones, and prolong life ·Elderly Daily.2021-05-09


[4]How many steps per day is the most beneficial for longevity? This is the healthiest way to walk!·Read Time Magazine.2021-11-29