How many heartbeats per minute is healthy? Look at the indicators in our country, use the pulse to measure the heartbeat, is it accurate?

The heart is the “blood pump” of human beings, like the engine of a car, the absolute core. Because of this, heart health plays a pivotal role. If the health of the heart is affected, the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease will increase, and even life will be threatened.

So, how to pay attention to heart health in daily life? I believe that many friends think of heartbeat. Indeed, the heartbeat is arguably the most direct way to judge the health of the heart. Understanding healthy heartbeat indicators to compare your own health is also an effective way to take care of your heart.

What does a healthy heartbeat look like? Let’s take a look at China’s indicators

Because people in different regions have different dietary and living conditions, there are also some differences in the health standards of heartbeat. For example, most of the European regions are cold, and the heart needs to beat faster to give birth. The heat is released to keep out the cold, so the relative heart rate will be faster.

In China,heart rate in healthy adults is between 60 and 100 beats per minute, most peoplebetween 60 and 80 beats, people of different genders, heart rate will also There is a difference, usually women have a faster heart rate than men.

If the heart rate is too slow, even below 60 beats per minute, it is sinus Bradycardiacategory,such as thyroid hormone disorders, increased intracranial pressure, obstructive jaundice, drug poisoning, etc. strong>, may induce slow heartbeat.

And ifbeats greater than 120 beats/min, it is tachycardia, Mostly caused byfever, shock, hyperthyroidism, congenital heart disease and other symptoms. All in all, according to the rate of heartbeat, you can effectively judge your heart health. If there is obvious abnormality, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time.

I believe that most people’s heartbeats are within the normal range, but due to individual differences, even within the normal range , some people’s heartbeat will be faster, some people will be slower, which is more beneficial to human health?

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Within the normal range, is the heart rate fast or slow?

Within the normal heart rate range, span>A slower heartbeat is healthier than a faster heartbeat.

On the one hand, a slow heartbeat means that the heart can pump enough blood in relatively few beats, which means the heart is strong enough. The burden on blood vessels is also relatively small, which is a natural manifestation of health.

On the other hand, for people with relatively slow heartbeats, the impact of blood on blood vessels will be smaller, and the pressure on blood vessels will be reduced to avoid damage. , the risk of cardiovascular disease is also reduced.

In addition, many scientific experiments and studies have also proved this, such as the Framingham, the most famous epidemiological survey in the United States. Studies have shown that adults with a slow and stable resting heart rate in a survey of people between the ages of 30 and 90 are about 44% less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease than those with a higher heart rate. Therefore, in the normal heartbeat range, “slower” is the best choice.

Speaking of this, many friends may want to try to measure their heart rate and check their heart health. In terms of the method of self-testing heartbeat, most of my friends may choose the “pulse detection method”, that is, put your finger on the pulse to feel the beat, and the heart rate will be the number of beats a minute. Is this method really correct?

Using the pulse to detect the heartbeat, is this method really reliable?

Under normal circumstances, when the heart starts to beat, so does our pulse.

Therefore, for healthy people, it is completely possible to judge the heart rate by the pulse rate. butYesThe number of pulse beats, which may change with exercise, diet, etc., resulting in errors in heartbeat measurement.

and, for example,sinus arrhythmia, or in patients with congenital heart disease In other words, when the heart beats, sometimes the pulse “can’t respond”. After the self-test, the pulse beats less than the heart, resulting in inaccurate calculation.

So, from a rigorous point of view, pulse detection of heartbeat is not the most suitable method, want to be more accurate To measure the heartbeat, you can choose another reference method:

①Use a stethoscope

Compared with methods such as feeling the pulse, using a stethoscope can hear the beating sound of the heart more clearly and directly, and the recorded heart rate is also more accurate. Especially for the elderly with poor hearing, it is also very suitable to keep a stethoscope at home for self-testing.

②Detection by carotid artery

Compared with the wrist pulse, the carotid artery is closer to the heart, and the beating feeling is more obvious, which is a more suitable heartbeat reference. The position of the carotid artery is on the right back of the neck. You can remember the time by yourself, and then gently press the position of the carotid artery to get your heart rate value.

③Need doctor’s help

Some of the subtle changes in the heartbeat may be difficult to identify through self-testing. It is also a very good choice to go to the hospital for a doctor to check. In addition, the doctor can also give you more reasonable suggestions for nourishing the mind according to your physical condition during the examination process.

All in all, heart health is very important. Always paying attention in daily life and active self-assessment are also important ways to prevent cardiovascular disease. If the heart rate is not within the normal range, please go to the hospital in time for professional diagnosis and treatment, and please pay attention.


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