All five elements of purslane

Portulaca oleracea is a typical medicine and food homologous, it also has a magical name – five elements of grass. Because its leaves are cyan, the stems are red, the flowers are yellow, the roots are white, and the seeds are black. In the five elements, cyan is the liver wood, red is the heart fire, yellow is the spleen earth, white is the lung metal, and black is the kidney water. Therefore, purslane gathers the essence of the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

This is a good thing given to us by God. It has very strong vitality, is particularly cold-resistant, and can grow tenaciously in very harsh environments. Therefore, purslane is also called “longevity vegetable”.

Purslane occupies all five elements, which shows that its role should not be underestimated. Its heat-clearing effect is all-round, heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, no matter where there is heat, purslane can clear it.

If there is dampness and heat in the intestines, such as febrile diarrhea, you can choose purslane as a vegetable to eat. If the stool is bleeding due to heat, it has the effect of clearing heat and stopping bleeding. If you use purslane to boil water, use this water to wash the affected area, it can also play the role of clearing heat and relieving pain.

Portulaca oleracea enters the liver meridian, which can cool blood and reduce liver fire. After staying up late, the eyes will become red, which is the performance of liver fire, and it can be relieved by eating purslane.

There are also young people who have white hair. This kind of white hair is not due to kidney deficiency or premature aging, but is caused by the heat of the liver meridian and blood, which rushes to the top of the head. Eat more purslane to relieve the heat on the liver meridian.

Portulaca oleracea enters the heart meridian, can clear the heart fire, enter the lung meridian, and can dissipate lung heat, so people with skin diseases can use it orally and externally. If young people have acne on the face or boils on the skin, you can use fresh purslane smashed and apply it to the affected area, or you can buy dry products from the pharmacy and boil it for washing.

It can be seen that although the wild vegetable of purslane is cheap, its health care value is quite high.