How to effectively drive away cancer cells and inhibit recurrence and metastasis? 30 minutes is enough!

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Exercise is essential for good immunity. With the spring flowers blooming, it’s a good time to exercise again.

Many gastric cancer patients believe that their body is very weak and need to lie down for rest. activities that require effort. But this view is actually very old. The better the exercise, the better the body. The benefits of exercise for anti-cancer are far more than imagined. Epidemiological studies have confirmed that long-term physical activity can effectively prolong the survival period of cancer patients and improve their prognosis[1].

For gastric cancer patients, exercise helps patients at different stages of treatment achieve a variety of promoting effects.

01Immune boost

one On the one hand, exercise can help activate the activity of our own immune cells, thereby enhancing the killing effect of various immune cells, including the activity of NK cells, the body’s first anti-cancer defense line; on the other hand, studies have also shown that exercise can promote immunity. The generation of cells, in the dual role, exercise can better improve the patient’s immunity, fight against cancer cell.

02 creates the body’s “cancer suppressor environment”

A recent study in the journal JAMA Oncology found that [2], sedentary behavior (especially prolonged Sitting and physical inactivity) may affect survival in cancer patients, with sitting more than 8 hours a day associated with an 81% increased risk of all-cause mortality compared with those who sat less than 4 hours a day, Associated with a 127% increased risk of death from cancer.

On the contrary, long-term exercise can create an environment that inhibits cancer cells in cancer patients, so as to achieve anti-cancer effects and control cancer recurrence and progression [3]!

03 Alleviate symptoms of adverse reactions

Cancer-related fatigue is a common physical side effect in patients with gastric cancer, which often causes patients to suffer from long-lasting severe negative emotions, insomnia, irritability and other physical and mental fatigue, which cannot be relieved. , moderate aerobic exercise can regulate the patient’s physiological function and psychological state, relieve fatigue symptoms, effectively Promote the quality of life of patients[5].

Therefore, patients with gastric cancer must insist on doing rehabilitation exercises. So, which exercises are recommended for patients with gastric cancer? These five sports are worth trying!

1. Wu Qin Xi

“Han Han Shu. Fang Ji Zhuan” records: “Hua Tuo said: The ancient immortals are the guiding things. , in order to make it difficult to grow old. I have a technique called the play of five animals: the first is tiger, the second is deer, the third is bear, the fourth is ape, and the fifth is bird. It is also used to eliminate diseases, and also to sharpen hooves and feet, so that it can be used as a guide. “

Wu Qin Xi is a well-known traditional Chinese fitness exercise. It is said that it was created by Hua Tuo, a physician in the Eastern Han Dynasty. species of animals, tiger, deer, bear, ape, crane. Wuqinxi is well-known at home and abroad, and has always been effective in strengthening the body. At the same time, Wuqinxi is also a very suitable aerobic exercise for cancer patients during the recovery period.

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Practicing Wuqinxi can mainly improve the function of the nervous system to regulate brain function; improve myocardial oxygen supply, improve cardiopulmonary function, and make cancer patients refreshed.

To practice Wu Qin Xi, you need to follow some practice principles. Before exercising, seekers should warm up, and then proceed with a rhythm of 20 seconds of vigorous exercise and 10 seconds of rest Practice Five Animals. For weaker cancer patients, the practice of Wuqinxi can reach the level of “Perseverance and perspiration”, which means that there is no need to force too much. With effort and time, you can rest for a while after your body sweats slightly.

Two, Tai Chi

Tai Chi, yes A traditional Chinese boxing, showing the perfect combination of martial arts, Daoyin, breathing and traditional Chinese medicine, paying attention to the comprehensive training of mind, qi, shape and spirit. There is a growing body of research on tai chi, and more and more studies show that tai chi can be beneficial for cancer patients.

Tai Chi is helpful for cancer, osteoarthritis, heart failure, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Improve physical activity, improve quality of life, and relieve body pain[6].

In addition, Taijiquan can increase the number of immune cells in the blood circulating around the human body in improving immunity, and make immune The activity is enhanced and the immunity of the body is improved; in terms of cardiopulmonary function, Taijiquan promotes blood circulation and heart pumping function, and abdominal breathing through slow breathing improves lung ventilation function. Taijiquan improves the health of cancer patients from many aspects, such as body, mind, and emotion.

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Because Taijiquan is soft, slow and consistent, its intensity and amount of exercise are relatively small compared with general sports, and it is one of the most suitable sports for cancer patients.

tumor patients need to pay attention to:

  • In the early stage of rehabilitation and exercise, cancer patients should not be overtired. Tai Chi is more suitable for those already in the Cancer patients in convalescence;

  • Tai Chi should pay attention to the frequency of exercise, it is recommended to exercise twice a day for 30 minutes each time, the body does not feel special

  • Patients with tai chi need to keep their minds at rest and exercise in a relaxed and peaceful way without vigorous, Clumsy strength, more relaxed practice of Tai Chi is conducive to the recovery of cancer patients; Work hard and learn to “regulate your breath”.

San, Ba Duan Jin span>

Ba Duan Jin was created in the late Northern Song Dynasty. It has the functions of adjusting the functions of the viscera and dredging the qi and blood of the meridians, which can improve the yang qi and metabolic function of the human body, and enhance its own ability to resist dampness and poison.

“soft and slow, round and coherent, combined with elasticity, both dynamic and static, spirit and form are combined, and air is contained in it”

strong>is the essentials of Baduanjin. It is advisable to be relaxed and comfortable, combine breathing, and perform a complete set of movements naturally and coherently.

In the previous article, we introduced that Aunt Diao has already broken through the ten-year survival period by insisting on practicing Baduanjin, and her quality of life has also improved. Friends can learn from Aunt Diao~ ()

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IV. Guo Lin New Qigong

Qigong is a traditional Chinese health care method. In ancient times, or called “Dao”, the adjustment of breathing, physical activity and consciousness (breath adjustment, body adjustment, and mind adjustment) were used as means to strengthen the body, prevent and cure diseases, exercise, prolong life, and develop A physical and mental exercise method for the purpose of potential.

Guo Lin Qigong can also be called “New Qigong Therapy”, which belongs to the Tuna School, its principle is through “inhale-breath-breath”‘s special breathing method to inhale a lot of oxygen, through physical exercise, mind guidance and spiritual inner protection Combined, in order to achieve the regulation of the patient’s immune function and viscera function.

Mr. Guo Lin suddenly suffered from uterine cancer in early 1949 and underwent a total resection. In the 1950s, it was discovered that the cancer had metastasized to the bladder. Teacher Guo Lin improved Qigong and created a new Guolin New Qigong, which has been verified by himself and is indeed beneficial.


1. Peaceful nature

“Loose” refers to the relaxation of the muscles and mind. “Quiet” means to get rid of distracting thoughts and calm the mind. “Natural” refers to the posture of practicing the exercises, the way of exhaling, and the spiritual thoughts. It should be natural, and do not forcefully practice or pursue too much.

2. Learn the “work” in advance

Practicing qigong is not a single physical exercise, it is more about the combination of posture, breathing and mind, so it is necessary to learn theoretical knowledge before practicing.

3. Gradually and moderately

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Everything should be done in a proper manner, and the temperature should be moderate in practice. The best time to practice is in the morning, about 1 hour a day, and the most important thing is to be physically fit.

5. Swimming

Mr. Tang Zhaoyou, a well-known liver cancer researcher in China and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, once pointed out that physical fitness is good of cancer patients can swim moderately, 20-30 minutes a day.

Swimming can fully utilize the muscles of the whole body and the coordination of functional organs, which can enhance cardiopulmonary function, relieve other pains in the body, and regulate the mind , soothe mood and improve sleep.

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But you should also do enough stretching or necessary warm-up exercises before swimming, and it is best to sweat slightly; do not swim on an empty stomach or hungry, and do not swim immediately after a full meal , to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort.

The right movement can give cancer. A stubborn protective wall for patients, immune and resist cancer cells to prevent cancer progression, recurrence and metastasis.

Responsible editor: Mijian Science Jun

Cover Image Source: Draft Design


[1]Bigley AB, Simpson RJ.NK cells and exercise:implications for cancer immunotherapy and survivorship[J].Discov Med, 2015, 19(107):433-45.

< p>[2] Cao C, Friedenreich CM, Yang L. Association of Daily Sitting Time and Leisure-Time Physical Activity With Survival Among US Cancer Survivors. JAMA Oncol. 2022;8(3):395–403. doi :10.1001/jamaoncol.2021.6590

[3]Myokine Expression and Tumor-suppressive Effect of Serum following 12 Weeks of Exercise in Prostate Cancer Patients on ADT [J] Medicine & Science In Sports & Exercise.DOI: 10.1249

[4] Zeng Lihong, Luo Zaiping, Lu Yuanyuan, Hu Manli, Zhong Guoting. The application effect of sports rehabilitation nursing in patients with liver cancer TACE in the perioperative period Research[J].General Nursing,2021,19(01):97-99.

< p>[5] Lu Yu, Yan Qiang. The effect of aerobic exercise on relieving cancer-related fatigue in patients with liver cancer[J]. China Modern Doctor, 2014, 52(25): 22-25.

[6] this “Effect of tai chi versus aerobic exercise for fibromyalgia comparative effectiveness randomized controlled trial.”


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