Toon scrambled eggs trigger a big rescue! Please remind everyone of this case

Spring is here, and toon has become a favorite dish for many people.

The editor shared a case today: Mr. Yu, a 75-year-old from Chongqing, suddenly developed symptoms of tremors, chills, vomiting and diarrhea at the same time. After being rushed to the hospital, he was diagnosed by the local hospital as food poisoning causing liver, kidney and other multiple organ failures. , After being transferred to the ICU (intensive care unit) for observation, he almost lost his life.

According to the local doctor’s judgment, the “culprit” is likely to be a plate of scrambled eggs with toon…

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It turns out that during dinner recently, the family picked half a catty of toon sprouts from the toon tree and scrambled all the eggs. Mr. Yu thought the scrambled eggs with Chinese toon was particularly delicious, and ate four-fifths of it in one go.

Relevant people explained that the reason why the old man felt that the multi-organ failure caused the toon was because his family members reported that they were directly fried without blanching water, and the old man ate too much, resulting in nitrite poisoning. – After nitrite enters the human body, it will occupy the hemoglobin in the human body, resulting in tissue hypoxia, often lips, nails, skin purple, and headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

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However, there are also professionals who question this statement. The elderly person in the case may have other illnesses. After all, with the nitrite content usually contained in toona sinensis, the body weight of 120 pounds is estimated to eat 4 pounds of poisoning. about!


Eat toon safely and do these two points well

Compared with ordinary fresh vegetables, the nitrite content of toon is indeed slightly higher. In fact, as long as toon is handled properly and eaten normally, the risk of its production is very low.

1. Boil water before eating

Blanching is one of the best ways to reduce nitrite. Studies have shown that blanching for 1 minute can remove more than 2/3 of nitrite and nitrate.

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2. It’s best to eat only toon sprouts

The contents of nitrate and nitrite in Toona sinensis are different in different periods. During the germination stage, the content of nitrate and nitrite in Toona sinensis is the lowest. As time goes by, the content of both will gradually increase.


Blank these dishes before eating

In addition to toon, these common dishes in life should also be paid attention to before eating:

1. Fungus

Buy fungus, usually dried fungus. It is best to blanch in hot water after soaking and before eating. The time should not be too long. Fresh fungus contains a porphyrin substance, which can easily damage cells or cause inflammation when exposed to light after entering the human body.

Image source: Miknow

Although most porphyrins are decomposed during the drying process of fungus, it is best to soak in water for a few hours or blanch in hot water before eating to reduce residual toxins.

2. Spinach

Spinach tastes astringent because it contains a lot of oxalic acid. The high content of oxalic acid not only affects the taste, but also affects the absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron.

Image source: Miknow

Blanch in boiling water for one minute before eating spinach can remove most of the oxalic acid. It can be served cold or put into a pot to make soup, which will improve the taste and nutrition. In addition, wild vegetables such as amaranth, water spinach and purslane are also high in oxalic acid, so be careful when eating them.

3, mustard greens

Mustard has an “odor” that many people don’t like. Mustard greens have a spicy, aromatic odor, which is irritating to the nasal passages and also has a tear-jerking effect on the eyes.

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Actually, blanch the mustard greens in boiling water, with plenty of water, and fast in and fast out when boiling to reduce its strong irritating odor. You can also fry it quickly to reduce the “peculiar smell”.

4, green beans

Uncooked green beans contain saponins, which are poisonous when eaten by humans. Fresh lentils contain saponins and alkaloids, which are toxic but dissolve when heated. Before eating this type of food, it is best to blanch it in boiling water or over oil, and fry it until it changes color before eating.

5, broccoli

Broccoli is a very delicious ingredient. It is undeniable that some small bugs are easy to hide in broccoli. How to clean it is very important.

Image source: Miknow

Wash broccoli 2~3 times with clean water first, and then soak it for 15~20 minutes, which can effectively remove insects and pesticides. Another way is to boil the water, which is more conducive to the cooking of broccoli.So you might as well blanch the broccoli after washing it.

After high temperature, the small insects will basically be killed, pay attention to the blanching time should not be too long. In order to ensure the crisp taste of broccoli, use cold water after blanching.

6, fresh day lily

We do not recommend that you eat fresh day lily, because fresh day lily contains colchicine, which is not poisonous in itself, but after being absorbed through the intestinal tract, it is converted into toxic dicolchicine in the body, which is harmful to the gastrointestinal mucosa. It has a strong stimulating effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, causing headache, thirst, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms.

Image source: Miknow

Fresh daylily can also be eaten if handled properly, because colchicine is soluble in water, blanching in boiling water before frying, or soaking it will reduce its content in vegetables and reduce its toxicity to the human body.

But once it is not handled properly, there is a risk of poisoning after eating, so it is better to eat as little as possible. Dried daylily does not contain colchicine and can be eaten with confidence.

(High Quality Living Home)