When uremia attacks, it will not only damage kidney function, but also these 5 kinds of complications, which should also be paid attention to

Uraemia is the end-stage manifestation of renal failure, and the patient’s renal function has already appeared irreversible decline.

The endocrine function of the kidney is seriously disturbed, resulting in a large number of metabolites accumulating in the kidney, resulting in various All kinds of problems are very harmful to the health of the kidney.

In addition, due to uremia, some metabolites and exogenous toxins in the patient’s body cannot be excreted in time, and will be in Excessive accumulation in the body , and cause relatively large damage to some other systems, the risk of some complications is relatively high.

What complications are prone to uremia?

I. Cardiac complications

For patients with uremia, cardiac function will be seriously affected. After suffering from uremia, the function of the kidneys has been irreversibly damaged, resulting in a rapid decrease in the excretory function, resulting in a large amount of water that cannot be excreted in time in the body.

The high pressure on the blood vessels can cause a more severe hypertension reaction, affecting the normal blood supply of the heart.

And due to the phenomenon of abnormal water metabolism, it will cause The overload of the heart affects the normal structure and function of the heart.

In addition, because the patient’s water and electrolyte has been disordered, resulting in impaired cardiovascular function, The probability of a series of cardiac complications such as heart failure is very high.

Second, gastric complications

After suffering from uremia, the functions of the kidneys such as detoxification, excretion will decline rapidly, and the body produces uric acid, phenols and urea nitrogen, creatinine, indole class and a series of toxic substances.

These substances cannot be excreted, they will accumulate in the body and enter into various systems with the blood circulation.

Once enters the stomach, it will cause a series of irritations to the gastric mucosa, and some inflammation, ulcers and other problems will occur, which will induce various gastric emergence of complications.

III. Intestinal complications

Due to abnormal metabolism in patients with uremia, a large number of metabolites will stimulate the intestinal tract, resulting in abnormal intestinal function.

And the bacteria in the gut will produce urease, which decomposes a large amount of ammonia. Ammonia can not only irritate the stomach, but also cause a series of uncomfortable reactions in the intestines.

In severe cases, it can even cause uremic ulcers, and the probability of a series of intestinal complications will increase.

IV. Pulmonary complications

Most patients with uremia will experience symptoms such as disturbed breathing and suffocation, which are caused by changes in lung structure.

Because after the disease, the patient will accumulate a large amount of small molecule toxins, which will affect the normal structure and function of the lungs, resulting in pulmonary edema and a series of lung diseases.

5. Bone complications

After suffering from uremia, the acid-base balance in the body will be disturbed, >Water and electrolytes will also be imbalanced, which will lead to a series of problems such as hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, resulting in massive loss of bone mass in the patient’s body >.

In addition, due to the patient’s reduced digestive function, the patient cannot absorb calcium from food, resulting in a lack of calcium in the body.

Not only will it induce the appearance of osteoporosis, but also the probability of suffering from fibrocystic osteitis and nephrosclerosis will be higher.

All in all, once suffering from uremia, it will damage the patient’s kidney function, the probability of suffering from the above 5 complications will be particularly high.

In addition, the normal function of the patient’s nervous system and blood system will also be abnormal, and a series of complications are prone to occur.

Therefore, for patients with uremia, once they become ill, they need to receive scientific and standardized treatment as soon as possible, and do a good job in daily nursing work in order to minimize the incidence of various complications.