In addition to boiling water, it is safer to eat toona sinensis

It’s time to eat toon again.

When I was a kid, we had a big toon tree in our yard. My favorite thing to eat every spring was to use toon as a topping and pour it on noodles.

However, toona sinensis has a strong seasonality. “The sprouts are as tender as silk before the rain, and the sprouts are as woody after the rain.” It means that the toona sinensis should be eaten before the rain (April 20 this year).

In order for me to eat tender Chinese toon after the season, my mother would freeze the fresh Chinese toon for us to keep, thinking it was sweet.

Do you love toon as much as I do? This article will talk about the nutrition of toona sinensis, precautions when eating, and the main points of storage.

First, the biggest nutritional advantage of Toona sinensis is to supplement Vc

According to the data of the 6th edition of the Chinese food composition table, the biggest nutritional advantage of toona sinensis is that it is rich in Vc, with a content of up to 40 mg/100 grams [1], which is higher than rapeseed, Feather vegetables, mustard greens, purple cabbage, and cauliflower are higher than oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits in fruits.

Does the Vc content of Toona sinensis change in different growth periods?

A study conducted a study on six species of Toona sinensis buds from Nanjing, Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi on April 1, April 5, 9 and 13 respectively. The results showed that the content of Vc in Toona sinensis changed little in different periods. [2]

Secondly, its calcium content is also ok, it is 96 mg/100 g[1]. Although it is affected by dietary fiber, the absorption rate cannot be compared with that of milk, but it can supplement some calcium. , which is quite meaningful for us whose calcium intake is less than half of the recommended intake.

In addition, it is also rich in antioxidant polyphenols and flavonoids [3], which can eliminate free radicals in the body and reduce the oxidative damage caused by free radicals to the body.

Second, the most important thing to eat toon is to boil water

Toon is a vegetable rich in nitrite.

Nitrite can bind to hemoglobin and affect oxygen transport. Excessive intake can cause nitrite poisoning, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest tightness, weakness, heart palpitations, nausea, vomiting, and hair loss Symptoms such as purple, severe cases can cause slow heart rate, arrhythmia, and even coma and death.

Nitrite can also act with protein intermediate metabolites in the body to synthesize carcinogens nitrosamines, increasing the risk of gastric and esophageal cancer.

How to eat toon to reduce nitrite?


Studies have shown that the nitrite content of the 5 cm long toon buds picked on the same day was as high as 34.1 mg/kg, but after boiling for 50 seconds, drain the water and measure the nitrite content. Only 4.4 mg/kg. [4]

The World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations stipulate that the tolerable daily intake of nitrite is 0.13 mg/kg body weight, so for a 60 kg adult, each nitrite intake The tolerable daily intake is 7.8 mg.

For toona sinensis with a nitrite content of 4.4 mg/kg after blanching in boiling water, it is safe to control it within 1773 grams.

For ordinary vegetables, nutritionists basically recommend eating 100-200 grams per meal, and replace them with toon, which is much more expensive than ordinary vegetables. If you let go, it will only be two or three hundred grams. So you can eat it with confidence after boiling the water.

In addition, vitamin C can block the formation of nitrosamines, so when eating toon, you can also match some vegetables rich in Vc.

What are the vegetables rich in vitamin C? Broccoli, cauliflower, green peppers, cabbage, mustard greens, peppers.

3. How to eat toon?

There are three ways to eat the most in my family, they are scrambled eggs with toon, tofu mixed with toon, and noodles with toon.

The practice is very simple. After blanching and dicing the toon, you can eat it directly with tofu; for scrambled eggs, you need to mix the blanched and diced toon and egg liquid, and then stir-fry; The topping is to dice the toon after boiling water, then add some noodle soup water, salt, sesame oil, and then pour it on the noodles.

▲Picture: Toon Fried Egg

▲Picture: Toon with Toon

Today’s discussion: How do you eat toon in your family?


[1] Yang Yuexin. Chinese Food Composition Table 6th Edition Vol. 1 [M]. Peking University Medical Press, 2018

[2]Yang Yuzhen, Peng Fangren, Cao Yida. Study on the changes of nitrate, nitrite and VC content in Toona sinensis sprouts from different provenances[J]. Food Science, 2007, 28(6): 4.

[3]Wang Cheng, Zhang Jingfang, Zhang Yan, et al. Antioxidative effect and polyphenol oxidase isoenzyme analysis of Toona sinensis in different growth stages [J]. Food Science, 2013(17) :10-14.

[4] Li Yuanting, Dou Junxia, ​​Li Qing. Comparative study on nitrite content in Toona sinensis buds under different pretreatment methods and storage temperature [J]. Modern Agricultural Science and Technology, 2019.
