Stroke-induced hemiplegia and aphasia

Stroke and hemiplegia are the main causes of death and disability among middle-aged and elderly people. More than 1.5 million people die from stroke every year in my country. Even if there is no death after a stroke, about 75% of the Patients will be left with permanent disabilities, including sequelae such as hemiplegia, aphasia, coma, skewed mouth and eyes, and fecal incontinence. The number of sequelae of strokes exceeds 2 million every year.

Atherosclerosis causes blood clots


As the human body ages, arteries and blood vessels will age to varying degrees. If there are bad living habits, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc., this ageing will be very early For example, some people have atherosclerosis in their 30s. Long-term arteriosclerosis will form plaques and thrombus. When the thrombus blocks the blood supply of the heart and cerebral arteries, it will induce stroke and then lead to hemiplegia. Disabled.

Hemiplegia can last for years or even a few Ten years, once hemiplegia occurs, it is almost impossible to recover effectively.

Stroke premonitory refers to various clinical symptoms that appear before stroke, stroke (cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage, etc.) Acute cerebrovascular disease such as infarction) is also known as stroke. Once the disease is dangerous, it will be fatal or disabled! Traditional Chinese medicine teaches prevention of disease before it occurs, and prevention of changes in disease. Treatment at the aura stage before the occurrence of stroke can greatly prevent the occurrence of stroke and hemiplegia. Today, I will explain a case of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of apoplexy apocalypse.

Recovery of limb function after stroke

Traditional Chinese Medicine for Symptoms of Stroke:

xx female 72 years old, 155cm tall and 50kg in weight. She sought treatment in traditional Chinese medicine because of dizziness and dizziness.

Complaints: Heavy dizziness, headache.

Consultation: Fear of cold, heavy and weak left lower limbs, feeling very frivolous and inattentive when stepping down; Chronic pharyngitis, dry cough with little phlegm, feeling of foreign body in throat, feeling of slap in the epigastric area with hands, can sleep or eat, no pain or distension, stool once every 1-2 days, forming, pale yellow urine.

Patient tongue coating

Inspection: The tongue is moist with thin white fur; the complexion is chlorotic with scattered pigmentation.

Pulse diagnosis: The pulse is slow.

Other conditions: Hypertension, usually 3 days of clean menstruation when young, menarche at age 19, menopause at age 53.

Diagnosis: Symptoms of stroke, TCM diagnosis: vertigo.

Syndrome differentiation: Qi deficiency and blood stasis, liver stagnation and qi stagnation.

Treatment method: Invigorating Qi and promoting blood circulation, soothing liver and regulating Qi.

Prescription: Buyang Huanwu Decoction and Sini San plus or minus.

Earthworm, called earthworm in traditional Chinese medicine , has the effect of activating blood circulation


strong>Astragalus Dilong, Peach Kernel, Safflower Guiwei, Chuanxiong, Red Peony, Bupleurum, Citrus Citrus, Licorice, Codonopsis, Eucommia, Achyranthes, Chuan, Sang, etc.

Usage: One dose per day, decocted twice for each dose, 200~250ml of medicinal juice each time, 2 times of decoction The juice is mixed and taken in two doses.

Second Clinic:The dizziness and headache disappeared, the hard feeling in the stomach was relieved, the heaviness in the left leg was relieved, the waist was heavy and the feeling of being unable to sit still, the throat was uncomfortable at night, and the eyes were a little dry after taking the medicine. Phlegm.

To: Bupleurum citrus aurantium, licorice, white peony, fried gardenia, green skin, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Chuanxiong, Dilong, Cypress tulip, Acacia skin, Zhebei, seven pairs.

Three consultations: The dizziness and heaviness disappeared, the pharyngitis and the foreign body sensation in the throat disappeared, the hard and dryness of the epigastric cavity was eliminated by 90%, the heaviness of the left leg disappeared, and the lumbar heaviness disappeared. It has improved. Recently, I feel that my blood pressure is on the high side. I have added Shi Cassia and Achyranthes to the top.

Four-diagnosis: The patient reported that his hands seemed to be stronger than before after taking the Chinese medicine, because the instant noodle package could not be torn apart, and he could not lift it. Moving heavy things, I didn’t think it was a normal old age imagination before, but now I think it is the effect of taking traditional Chinese medicine. At present, my hands and feet are strong, my left leg is very relaxed, I feel a solid feeling when I step down, the epistaxis has been eliminated, my blood pressure is stable, and I can treat it with the prescription!

Old God has the habit of recording medical records, It is convenient for follow-up consultation and prescription

This case is a typical apoplexy. Although the hospital examination did not find abnormal blood supply to the brain, However, many symptoms of the patient showed signs of stroke. During this time period, it is very important to pay close attention to the treatment. In this case, after taking traditional Chinese medicine for a month, most of the symptoms were eliminated, and the risk of stroke was successfully eliminated. The patient is still adhering to the traditional Chinese medicine treatment to consolidate the treatment. Effect.

Only healthy can you enjoy Healthy Life

Summary:Once a stroke occurs, it can be fatal or disabled. Therefore, prevention and treatment before the onset of the disease are the key. In the pre-stroke stage, the use of traditional Chinese medicine can regulate qi and activate blood, remove blood stasis and dredging collaterals, quickly eliminate various symptoms of apoplexy, prevent the occurrence of stroke and hemiplegia, and effectively protect the health of the general public!