Why diseases other than the hematopoietic system can also cause anemia

Why diseases other than the hematopoietic system can also cause anemia

The etiology and pathogenesis of anemia are very complex. In addition to the abnormality of the hematopoietic system itself, which can lead to primary anemia, other mechanisms other than the hematopoietic tissue and the body Anemia caused by organs is called secondary anemia, also known as symptomatic anemia. The etiology, pathogenesis and treatment effect of secondary anemia are closely related to the primary disease. Common types:

(1) Anemia of Chronic Disease: Anemia that occurs in chronic diseases, such as chronic infections (eg Tuberculosis, lung abscess, subacute bacterial endocarditis, etc.), chronic inflammation (such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, etc.), malignant tumors (such as breast cancer and lung cancer, etc.). Anemia is generally not severe, and treatment is mainly aimed at the primary disease.

(2) Renal anemia: Anemia that occurs in chronic renal insufficiency, mainly due to decreased erythropoietin It can also be caused by bleeding and excessive destruction of red blood cells.

(3) Myelopathic anemia: normal bone marrow hematopoietic tissue is invaded by abnormal tissue or cells and loses normal hematopoiesis function-induced anemia.

(4) Liver disease anemia: anemia combined with liver disease, the cause may be gastrointestinal bleeding, hematopoiesis Lack of raw materials and hemolysis.

(5) Endocrine diseases: Anemia caused by endocrine diseases such as thyroid, adrenal cortex and hypogonadism.

Bibliography: “Deng Jiadong Clinical Hematology”, “Williams Hematology”, “Clinical Prescription Manual of Hematology”, “Analysis of Difficult Problems in Hematology” “Hematology Chief Physician’s Ward Round Records”, “Hematology Clinician Questions and Answers”, “Traditional Chinese Hematology Attending Physicians Questions and Answers”, “Hematology”, “Diagnosis and Treatment Standards for Blood System Diseases”, “Hematology Diagnosis and Efficacy Standards”, “Hematology of Traditional Chinese Medicine” 》 “Blood Cell Morphology Diagnosis Atlas” invasion and deletion pictures from network invasion and deletion