Analysis of the relationship between chicken feces color change and related diseases

The normal feces of chickens are strips of dry gray or taupe with a thin layer of white urate on the surface. In chicken production, when chickens appear white, green and red , black and other feces, the flock can be suspected of disease. Now the author summarizes it as follows based on years of clinical and production practice:

I. White loose stools

White loose stools are mostly caused by nutritional or infectious factors that cause kidney damage, which hinders the excretion of urate, resulting in white loose stools.

1. Pullorum of chicks

Symptoms of sick chickens: depression, clustering, fear of cold , Loss of appetite, white mushy feces, and death due to systemic sepsis. Necropsy: yolk malabsorption, grayish-white necrotic spots on the liver surface.

2 Infectious Bursa

Pull lime-like white loose stools. Necropsy: hemorrhage of chest muscle and leg muscle, bursal edema, hemorrhage or yellow jelly-like capsule, streak hemorrhage at the junction of glands and stomach, massive urate deposition in nephropathy, some serious bleeding due to leg muscle hemorrhage. Paralyzed state.

3 Colibacillosis in chicks

Severe diarrhea, fecal Grayish-white, necropsy revealed yellow-white fibrinous exudates in the liver and pericardium.

4 Renal Infectious Bronchitis

Chicken has severe respiratory tract in the early stage, and then pulls lime-like feces in the later stage, and the mortality rate is high.

5 Gout

Protein metabolism disorder, or due to high calcium and magnesium content in feed , The lack of VA in the diet or the involuntary discharge of white thin feces caused by renal insufficiency caused by infectious bronchitis, cecal hepatitis, etc., autopsy: severe cases have many surfaces on the thoracic peritoneum, heart, liver, kidney, intestine and mesentery Lime-like white dust.

6 Other

Such as nutritional factors, poisoning (sulfa drug poisoning), etc., can cause kidney and urate deposition, resulting in lime-like white loose stools.

Second, green feces

Due to certain diseases in chickens, bile It can not be fully oxidized in the intestinal tract and is rapidly excreted with the intestinal contents, mainly in the following situations:

1 Viral venereal disease

For example, chicken Newcastle disease and avian influenza all show green or yellow-green feces.

2 Bacterial diseases E. coli, acute typhoid, green or white stool, In addition, pasteurellosis, white crown disease, and infectious synovitis can also cause green feces, mainly because bacteria cause intestinal mucosal ulcers, gastrointestinal motility is accelerated, and bile is quickly emptied with feces.

Third, red dungFeces

The chickens with cecal coccidiosis had bloody feces, and in severe cases, bloody water, systemic anemia, and white cockscombs. In necrotizing enteritis, there are bloody mucus feces in the black row. The surface of the intestinal tract is dirty gray black or dirty green. The intestinal cavity is full of odor and contains blood samples. Small intestinal coccidiosis, enterotoxic syndrome, pink rotten meat or red carrot-like stool. In the late stage of Kaleukocytosis, blood-colored stools are drawn, and tapeworm disease and fluke disease can also cause bloody stools.

4. Yellow stools

Intestinal coccidiosis, cecal hepatitis, and necrotizing enteritis in the early stage of excretion of sulfur-like loose stools. Inclusion body hepatitis pulls light yellow watery loose stools. Infectious bursa can also cause a yellowish dip.

V. Black loose stools

Mainly feeding rotten fish meal and moldy corn , or secondary Clostridium infection caused gastrointestinal erosion, resulting in a large loss of beneficial bacteria, shedding of the intestinal mucosa, and black loose stools on the chicken body.

Six, watery loose stools

1 Non-infectious factors

Mainly due to high temperature in summer, causing chickens to drink a lot of water, or the salt content in the feed is too high, causing a lot of drinking water, resulting in watery stools , or due to long-term consumption of disinfectants caused by bacterial flora imbalance.

2 Infectious Factors

Acute Renal Infectious Bronchitis, Rotavirus Disease , Coronavirus disease can also cause watery stools.

Seven, foamy loose stools

Mainly due to the humidity or air pollution in the circle, the bacterial content in the air is too high, causing anaerobic bacteria or intestinal parasites to infect the intestinal tract, fermenting the intestinal contents and causing the feces to be foamy.