These 6 behaviors may damage the liver. If you don’t want liver disease to come to you, try to avoid it. Don’t be careless

As the saying goes, All diseases can cure the liver first.The liver is the largest detoxification organ in the human body, and it is responsible for most of the metabolism and material transformation in the human body.

Otherwise, once the liver metabolism is abnormal, will affect the whole body heart, lungs, spleen, kidneys and other organs. If the liver is not well maintained in daily life, it will definitely be affected by some diseases.

At this time, we need to pay attention. The human liver is most afraid of the following things. I hope everyone can pay attention to it.

First, always eat big fish and big meat

Now living conditions have improved, big fish and big meat have become common foods on the human table, but this bad eating habit for a long time will affect the liver.

The liver has the function of metabolizing fat. If you consume too much fat every day, it will exceed the metabolic capacity of the liver, resulting in the accumulation of fat in the body and the induction of fatty liver.

If fatty liver is not effectively controlled, it may evolve into cirrhosis, which will bring great harm to people’s health.

Second, smoking and drinking

The harmful substances in tobacco and alcohol directly affect the metabolism of the liver, reduce the detoxification ability of the liver, lead to the increase of toxins in the body, and easily induce liver damage and various diseases, such as alcoholic fatty liver, hepatitis, severe liver cancer, etc. .

Therefore, it is usually necessary to be careful not to drink alcohol while taking the medicine to prevent adverse effects on the liver.

Third, unreasonable medication

As the saying goes, medicine is three-part poison, no matter what kind of medicine it is, it needs to be metabolized by the liver, and it will increase the burden on the liver over time.

In addition, some drugs can also have toxic side effects on the liver, such as acetaminophen, cimetidine, rifampicin, isoniazid, erythromycin, etc. If taken blindly, it will also cause liver damage, so it is recommended to take the medicine under the guidance of a doctor if you feel unwell.

Fourth, often stay up late

From From 11:00 pm to 3:00 am, the human body should sleep, which is conducive to detoxification and liver recovery, but many people have the habit of staying up late.

If you often stay up late, the liver will not be able to rest, and over time, it will affect liver function.

Studies found that people who slept less than 6 hours a day had a 44% higher risk of developing nonalcoholic liver disease than those who slept 6 to 7 hours. Therefore, if you want a healthy liver, you must make sure you get enough sleep.

Fifth, often depressed

depressed It will cause liver qi stagnation, and then lead to a series of diseases such as stomach pain, high blood pressure, headache, etc. If it is not conditioned for a long time, it will induce liver disease.

Therefore, in the early stage, it is recommended to take prescriptions for soothing the liver and regulating qi under the guidance of a doctor, such as Chaihu Shugan Powder, you can also eat fennel, radish, kumquat, or astragalus, red dates in stir-fried juice to drink , In this way, the effects of poor liver function can be avoided.

Sixth, obesity

fat, Sweets and fried foods are difficult to digest and can easily induce hepatitis. Excessive obesity can easily lead to fatty liver and even liver fibrosis, which affects health.

Generally speaking, as long as there is no malnutrition, one should stick to a normal weight, eat a light diet, and actively participate in outdoor activities such as walking and mountain climbing to avoid obesity.

According to the above introduction, if you want to maintain a healthy liver, you need to adhere to a reasonable life and eating habits, do itquit smoking, quit drinking, don’t take any drugs, and don’t stay up late.

Especially in terms of diet, you should avoid eating too much high-fat and high-calorie food, and eat more light and digestible food.

And those who like to lose their temper, should learn to control their mood, such as doing more things to calm people down. In short, only by paying more attention to the above six aspects, can we avoid liver disease.