Yunnan issues an important reminder!

▼The following is the text

April 2

Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Issuing disease prevention tips

April is a period of high incidence of infectious diarrhea

Pay attention to daily life

Do not drink raw materials Water, do not eat cold and spoiled food

Common infectious diarrheas include Salmonella enteritis, Campylobacter enteritis, Rotavirus enteritis, and Norovirus enteritis. The infectious sources of these infectious diarrhea are mostly patients, virus carriers, sick and bacteria-carrying animals, and can be spread through contaminated food and water, or through contact with patient excrement or vomit, contaminated hands, objects and utensils and spread by aerosols produced by vomit. In addition, people who have been in contact with infected patients, such as caring for patients, sharing food with patients, or sharing utensils, can also be infected.

If you want to prevent infection, you should develop a good habit of regular cleaning, disinfection and sterilization. Washing your hands with running water before meals and after toileting, when your hands are dirty, and after touching public items can also effectively reduce the risk of infection. Virus hazards. Wash fruits and melons when they are eaten raw. After purchasing aquatic products, they must be carefully handled and eaten in time. If they are to be stored, the period should not be too long. Drinking water should be bottled water that is hygienic and qualified, and try to drink boiled water.

Source: Yunnan CDC, Yunnan Radio and TV Station

Chief Editor/Kong Lingyong On-duty Editor/Kong Deyun Editing and Typesetting/Yang Chenxi