Blindly treat pharyngitis with traditional Chinese medicine, just soak it in water and drink it

People who smoke and drink for a long time, eat too much spicy food, stay up late, catch a cold, or use their voice excessively for professional reasons such as tour guides, teachers, singers, etc., do not drink water in time for work reasons, and are prone to long-term water shortages. pharyngitis. Usually manifested as dryness or even congestion and swelling of the pharynx, swallowing pain and so on. For pharyngitis caused by internal lung heat or throat heat toxicity, the treatment should be to clear the lung heat and clear the throat. The following Chinese medicine is recommended. It is very convenient to take.

Fat sea, also known as sea, big hole fruit, etc., is the mature dry seed of the plant fat sea. It is sweet and cold in nature and enters the lung and large intestine meridians. It has the functions of opening lung qi, clearing lung heat, and soothing the throat. It can treat phlegm-heat in the lung meridian, sore throat, hoarseness or even aphonia or cough, dry throat, and unpleasant cough. By. Another important role of Pang Dahai is to moisten the intestines and relieve constipation, treat constipation caused by heat, dry stool or headache caused by constipation, red eyes, mild fever and other symptoms. Use with laxatives. The lungs and the large intestine are related to the outside and inside, the large intestine is hot, and the qi of the viscera is blocked, which will affect the lung qi to descend, the large intestine conducts smoothly, and the dross descends, so that the lung qi can be benefited, and the clearing and descending of the lung qi can promote the conduction function of the large intestine. Therefore, it is said that Pang Da Da Hai treats heat and constipation while enhancing the effect of clearing lung heat and soothing throat. Judging from the two main functions of Fat Dahai, they are both good medicines for treating lung heat and sore throat.

Pang Dahai is very convenient to take. For people with mild pharyngitis, just take 2-3 pieces in water and drink it. In severe cases, drugs such as honeysuckle and Ophiopogon japonicus can be added to clear heat, detoxify and nourish yin.

Pang Dahai is cold in nature, easy to injure the yang, damage the spleen and stomach, and should be used with caution in those with deficiency of the spleen and stomach. The drug has a mild laxative effect, and should not be used by those with diarrhea and loose stools.