Dr. Liu Yi said that lung cancer (3648) was the first to find a 9mm ground glass nodule in the lung. Is it possible to directly cut it?

Today is the second day of a long holiday. Monday afternoon was my outpatient clinic, serving more than 30 patients. Most of them were patients with pulmonary nodules. At present, the detection rate of pulmonary nodules is still relatively high. The main reason is that people have increased health awareness and can take chest CT as soon as possible. If it is only the previous chest X-ray, many pulmonary nodules cannot be seen.

At the outpatient clinic, a 57-year-old man came with a notebook to find I, he had a physical examination some time ago and found a ground-glass nodule in his lungs. He downloaded the electronic version in his notebook. He was afraid that I would not have an optical drive here, so he brought the notebook and showed it to me. The man was very thoughtful, because the computer in my outpatient clinic did not have a CD-ROM drive and could not broadcast it. I saw his ground glass nodule, 9mm in diameter, just under the pleura. Although it was the first discovery, I first considered the possibility of early-stage lung cancer and suggested surgical resection. He has also seen other doctors before, and some doctors suggested that he should check again after anti-inflammatory. I think it is also possible.

For some pulmonary ground glass nodules, although they are first discovered, direct resection is possible. For example, if they exceed a certain diameter or look like typical lung cancer features, they can be directly resected without observation.

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