Too much or too little amniotic fluid during pregnancy, what should I do?

Before the baby is born, amniotic fluid is an essential ingredient to keep the baby alive in the mother’s belly. The hospital will also judge the development of the baby by the amount of amniotic fluid and the color of the amniotic fluid. Occasionally, we will find words such as oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios appear on the checklist, and the doctor may even ask you to be hospitalized for observation. So, more or less amniotic fluid, what is the cause, and what impact will it have on the fetus?

What’s in the amniotic fluid?

Amniotic fluid, which resides in the amniotic cavity during pregnancy, plays a vital role in the growth and development of the fetus.

Amniotic fluid is mostly water, accounting for about 98%, in addition to some other substances, such as inorganic salts, shed fetal cells, etc.

The source of amniotic fluid varies from pregnancy to cycle. For example, we know that in the first trimester, the amniotic fluid is derived from the plasma components of the embryo. In the middle and late stages, amniotic fluid comes from fetal urine, respiratory secretions, etc.

The function and function of amniotic fluid

Amniotic fluid is water, but not just water. In addition to this it is also known as intrauterine conditioner, luxurious buffer, natural bacteriostatic water and birthing lubricant.

Intrauterine air conditioner

Amniotic fluid can provide a very comfortable growth environment for the fetus, and the space in the water can make the fetus move smoothly, so as to avoid the poor development of the fetal limbs due to the small space.

Luxury Buffer

Amniotic fluid acts as a buffer against external pressure, thus protecting the fetus from damage.

The baby is also moving from time to time. With the buffer of amniotic fluid, the mother will not feel particularly uncomfortable. And when there are contractions during childbirth, the amniotic fluid also acts as a buffer at this time.

Natural antibacterial water

It’s amazing that the amniotic fluid also contains some antibacterial substances that prevent infection, which can better protect the baby.

Birth Lubricant

During labor, the fetus is more likely to be born because of the lubrication of the amniotic fluid.

How to tell if the amniotic fluid is normal?

Common monitoring indicators are divided into monitoring amniotic fluid depth (AFV) and amniotic fluid index (AFI), both of which are indicators for assessing amniotic fluid volume.

Amniotic fluid depth (AFV): The amount of amniotic fluid is assessed by examining the vertical depth of the largest dark area of ​​amniotic fluid in the uterus by B-ultrasound. The normal range is 2-8cm, less than 2cm is oligohydramnios, and greater than or equal to 8cm is polyhydramnios.

Amniotic fluid index (AFI): Divide the uterus into four quadrants: upper left, upper right, lower left and lower right, measure the maximum depth of amniotic fluid in each quadrant, and add them together to obtain the sum, The final amniotic fluid index is obtained. The normal index value is between 5-24cm, less than or equal to 5cm will be judged as oligohydramnios, and greater than or equal to 24cm is polyhydramnios.

What should I do if there is too much or too little amniotic fluid?

In idiopathic polyhydramnios

For excessive amniotic fluid, actively seek out the cause and take individualized treatment measures. If the pregnant mother feels that her symptoms are mild, she can improve the uteroplacental circulation and rest normally. Whenever possible, lie on your side.

We should check the amniotic fluid index and fetal growth during the weekly obstetric examination to see if there are maternal and fetal complications or complications, and then take targeted treatment.

Those who have gestational diabetes are treated for diabetes, and those who have gestational hypertension to lower blood pressure. If it is caused by the incompatibility of maternal and fetal blood types, intrauterine blood transfusion can be performed if necessary.

If the expectant mother feels severe discomfort and needs hospitalization, she can apply amniotic fluid reduction surgery or oral indomethacin if necessary, and handle it according to the doctor’s advice.


Simple oligohydramnios means that the pregnant mother has no pregnancy complications or complications, and the fetal structure is normal. If it may be caused by abnormal fetal development, then you should check whether other indicators are normal at this time. If other indicators are normal, then pregnant mothers do not need totoo worried.

Secondly, it may be that the placenta is not functioning properly and needs to be further checked.

After 37 weeks of full term, if oligohydramnios is diagnosed, expectant mothers are advised to be hospitalized immediately and give birth as soon as possible.

The mode of delivery needs to be determined according to the intrauterine condition of the fetus and whether there is obvious intrauterine hypoxia.

What needs to be noted here is that no matter what causes the lack of amniotic fluid, pregnant mothers must follow the doctor’s advice, believe in themselves, and believe in the baby in the womb.

There are also some pregnant mothers who have heard that drinking water can replenish amniotic fluid. Drinking a lot of water does increase the amount of amniotic fluid in a short period of time, but the maintenance time is very short, and it will return after a long time. The lack of amniotic fluid and drinking a lot of water are a great burden on the pregnant mother’s heart and other organs. The most important thing is to find out the cause of oligohydramnios first, and prescribe the right medicine instead of listening to the remedies.