Before and after the Qingming Festival, northerners like to eat sashimi with green vegetables. Remember to blanch some vegetables before eating them.

Introduction: Before and after the Qingming Festival, northerners like to eat sashimi with green vegetables. Remember to blanch some dishes before eating.

For those who have lived in the south for a long time, it is very happy to have green vegetables to eat all year round Things, the northern friends are not the case. If you want to eat local vegetables in season, you have to wait until around Qingming. Most northerners like to eat green vegetables (dipping sauce) raw, which we call “green vegetables sashimi”, and there are many kinds of green vegetables. Some are wild vegetables, some are artificially planted, but they mainly eat young leaves and buds, and eat a lot of raw green vegetables, mainly around the Qingming Festival.

Northern pickles – miso is the soul, shallots are the vanguard

There is a saying in the Northeast region “scallion dipping sauce, the more you eat, the fatter you get“, In spring, when northerners are faced with stir-fried vegetables, their appetite is generally poor, but once they encounter pickles, it is completely different, and their appetites will increase, especially when they encounter shallots, bitter vegetables, endives, cabbage and radishes, etc. , has become a unique local food culture, and some people even eat pickled vegetables in all seasons, but it is a pity that there is a lack of fresh and tender wild vegetables and side dishes before and after the Qingming Festival.

There is a joke in the Northeast”Everything can be dipped“, it should have appeared before “everything can be baked”, northerners especially like to eat green onion dipping sauce, and there is an interesting story:

said that there was a local landlord whose ex-wife gave birth to a son and died. He married another wife and gave birth to a young son. This wife has a very vicious heart. She has double standards for her two children. She often makes the eldest son work hard and tiring, and the younger son does less work. He is very popular. One year, the family planted two fields, one with green onions and one with cantaloupe. , The woman let the younger son look at the melon field, and the older son looked at the green onion field. In the fall, the younger son found that his face was yellow and skinny, and the older son was red. The reason was that the younger son ate cantaloupe every day and had no intention of eating, while the older son ate green onions when he was hungry. The appetite is particularly good, and everything tastes delicious, which is also the origin of the northeastern saying “scallions dipped in soy sauce, the more you eat, the fatter you get“; span>

Green vegetables can not be eaten raw without high-quality soybean paste. Northeast soybean paste is made of high-quality soybeans, carefully selected, cooked and stirred Crushed, then made into “sauce cubes”, placed in a ventilated and dry place to ferment naturally, and when the weather is hot and the sun is shining in the coming year, the sauce will start. Douban that slipped through the net.

Northeast dipping pickles is a general term, and even there are many kinds of miso, such as pure sauce, chili Sauce, egg sauce, pork skin sauce, etc., there are more vegetables. The previous “everything can be dipped” said that most of the green vegetables dare to use it for dipping sauce;

Several vegetables that are not suitable for direct dipping in sauce, it is best to blanch them before eating

Some people learn from the Northeast people to eat dipping sauce, and sometimes they eat it wrong, because the Northeast people do not dip all the dishes directly in the sauce, and some dishes need to be blanched. Health can be harmful, so pay special attention to:

1. Wild vegetables: To eat wild vegetables raw, you must first consider the growing environment. Try not to eat wild vegetables with polluted environment. Now many vegetable farmers have learned to grow wild vegetables, such as: bitter vegetables, amaranth, purslane, plantain, etc. The elder’s wild vegetables cannot be eaten raw, as the taste will be bitter. Once amaranth and purslane are eaten raw, they will cause stomach discomfort;

Plant seeds

2, celery : We know that celery has a very good effect on intestinal cleansing and also has a very good blood pressure reduction effect, so many people like to eat it, and some people don’t even throw celery leaves, it is also a must A vegetable that can only be eaten after blanching;

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3, wild leek, wild onion, wild garlic: Some people call wild leeks “sand onions”, no matter what they are called, wild leeks or green onions and garlic, they taste very spicy, and eating them directly in the sauce is very irritating to the stomach, especially for the stomach. Little friends with poor functions, don’t covet temporary appetite;

The best dipping pickles – tenderness and smallness are the core

Before and after the Qingming Festival, wild vegetables are just beginning to sprout. At this time, wild vegetables are both small and small. Tender, while we are out on the green, we can pick some by ourselves, then wash it with water, and then fry a bowl of egg sauce. There is no need to eat other stir-fried vegetables at all. >

In life, in addition to tender wild vegetables suitable for dipping sauce, there are also some common side dishes on the market, including: radishes, Cabbage, lettuce, bitter chrysanthemum, spring onion, etc., because they are eaten raw, must be washed thoroughly, especially small vegetables such as cabbage and lettuce that are prone to bugs and require pesticides.


If you’re also experiencing loss of appetite, consider Northeastern dipping sauces.