Today’s Health Recipe | Diet + Exercise to Eliminate Spring Fatigue

The spring is getting thicker, and sometimes there is a little mist, and the city is lightly locked. At nine or ten in the morning, I especially want to sleep, and the problem of spring sleepiness will become more and more obvious.

How to get rid of sleepy embarrassment, experts say, Dampness due to deficiency of the spleen should be relieved and invigorated by the spleen, while hyperactivity of liver yang will clear the liver and purify fire, diet and exercise can eliminate spring fatigue without mercy.

Warm and humid more prone to spring sleepiness

Spring sleepiness is a relatively common phenomenon, as the saying goes: “Spring sleepiness, autumn sleepiness and winter nap”, there are sleepy periods throughout the year. However, spring sleepiness naturally has the unique seasonal characteristics of spring.

Professor Wang Qinghai, a famous Chinese doctor in Guangdong Province, said: “Spring is the main factor for hair growth and all things grow. The yang qi in the body begins to rise, and in summer, yang qi reaches its peak, while in autumn it converges, and in winter it stores essence and yang qi.”


Why does spring make people drowsy and unable to wake up? “This is mainly at the stage of this season’s transition, when the human body changes from Tibetan to hair, and blood qi increases. If you have a strong qi and blood, you will naturally be able to adapt to this change, and you will not feel it, but such as< strong>If one’s own blood qi is insufficient, then the symptoms of spring dyspnea are prone to occur, which is mainly due to the fact that the yang qi in the body cannot keep up with the pace of the rising yang qi outside.“.

Residents in Guangdong are more prone to spring sleepiness, because in spring it gradually rains more, especially in the Lingnan area. This area is humid and rainy, there is a lot of moisture in the air, and the relative humidity is high, so the human body is also prone to signs of damp heat.

Dampness traps the spleen, and the yang qi in the body cannot rise. Oxygen, so people will be easily drowsy.

In more detail, the yang qi is also divided into five stages in a day: “birth, growth, strong, old, and already” , and 9-10 am is the time when yang qi rises, and at this time, due to the dampness trapping the spleen, the original balance of yin and yang is broken, so this hour is difficult for people who are trapped by water dampness.

Spleen deficiency, dampness, liver fire, and easy fatigue

The sun can dissipate humidity, just like when the sun comes out, the moisture dissipates. Therefore, people with heavy yang qi have strong qi and blood, energetic, ruddy complexion, and quick reactions. Such people will not have dampness in their bodies, and generally do not suffer from spring sleepiness. But there are two types of people who are particularly prone to spring sleepiness.

The first type: spleen deficiency

This category is relatively troublesome, mainly manifested as fatigue, drowsiness, heavy head, dizziness, and some even have nausea, loss of appetite, etc. Generally, the tongue coating is thick and greasy, the tongue quality is pale, and tooth marks can be seen.

“Spleen deficiency cannot transport and transform water-dampness, and water-dampness in turn aggravates the symptoms of spleen deficiency. Internal dampness and internal and external harmony aggravate the symptoms of spring dyspnea.” Wang Qinghai said, “In Guangdong, there are many people with spleen deficiency and phlegm dampness constitution.”

Second: Liver Fire p>

In spring, it is advisable to soothe the liver, and if the liver fire is usually too strong, such as irritability, palpitation, insomnia, dizziness, headache and other symptoms, it is also easy to be weak at this time. induced fatigue.

It is worth noting that for hypertensive patients with liver and gallbladder damp-heat, hyperactivity of liver fire, it is particularly easy to cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. According to Wang Qinghai, in the past 1-2 weeks, the hospital has admitted more than a dozen stroke patients, three of whom are only in their thirties and forties.

Experts remind that patients with high blood pressure may experience lack of energy, laziness, dizziness , fatigue, heavy limbs and other symptoms, don’t just think it’s spring sleepiness, it may be a stroke.

Spleen and dampness diet treatment

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Spring sleepiness is originally just a physiological reaction of the body. If the situation is not too bad, it can be adjusted with diet first. Experts have different preferences for different situations.

span>Spleen deficiency:

AvailableLean meat, pork bone, optional Beiqi, Codonopsis, Baishao, PoriaDrinking with other medicinal materials in soup, this medicinal diet is mainly for strengthening the spleen.

Dampness:< /p>

Drowsy, sleepy and heavy, you can use Huoxiang, Cardamom, Barley, Gorgon, Lentil, Chixiaodou and other soups to drink, this medicated diet is mainly to dehumidify.

Liver Fire:< /p>

Food to clear the liver and purify fire, edibleWinter melon, Chinese cabbage, white radish, cold melonetc. .

Pork Bone with Kapok, Atractylodes Powder and Gelatin

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