[Traditional Chinese medicine medical records] An experimental case of acupuncture combined with traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of chronic neurological tinnitus

Acupuncture combined with traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of chronic neurological tinnitus A Case Test

Xu Lan1 Wu Youming2 (#guidance)

1Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhejiang Hangzhou 310053

2Quzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhejiang Quzhou 324002

Keywords Nervous Tinnitus Acupuncture Therapy Chinese Medicine Medical Cases< /p>


Patient Huang Moumou, female, 24 years old. He visited a doctor on January 28, 2020 because of “tinnitus and dizziness for more than 3 months”. The patient developed tinnitus more than 3 months ago due to continuous overtime work for more than 1 month, accompanied by dizziness, and tingling in the temples on both sides. Hearing was not abnormal in a hospital ENT examination, and the diagnosis was “” Nervous tinnitus”, he was treated with methylcobalamin and furanthiamine for more than 2 months, but the condition did not relieve, so he came to our hospital for treatment.

Diagnosis:tinnitus buzzing, Dizziness, tingling in the head, accompanied by mental weakness, insomnia and dreaming, weak waist and knees, significant increase in hair loss, fat tongue with tooth marks, stasis under the tongue, dark tongue, white and greasy coating, thin and weak pulse . The card is qi deficiency and blood stasis, liver and kidney deficiency. It is suitable for nourishing qi, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and nourishing liver and kidney. Fangzong Taohong Siwu Decoction: 15g each of Shudi, Chishao, Astragalus, Achyranthes, Salt Eucommia, 10g each of Angelica and Peach Kernel, 5g of Chuanxiong, 6g of Safflower, 9g each of Shichangpu, Anemarrhena, Dilong and Fried Scutellaria. 5 doses. 1 dose per day, decoct in water and take separately. At the same time, acupuncture was performed on acupoints Fengchi, Yifeng, Baihui, Tinggong, Jiaosun Tousu, Huizong, Hegu, Houxi, Zusanli and Taixi. The patient was placed in the supine position, and the needle was inserted with a 1.5-inch filigree needle by shallow needling, and the needle was retained after degassing. Electroacupuncture was added to the two acupoints of Fengchi and Yifeng on the head, Huizong and Houxi on the hand, and the needle was retained for 30 minutes. 1 time a day, 10 times as a course of treatment.

Second consultation on February 2: tinnitus Relief, head tingling, mental fatigue and other symptoms have improved significantly, followed by adding Codonopsis 15g and Fushen 12g in the front. 5 doses.

Third visits on February 7:Light Tinnitus, obvious when quiet. Continue to the front 5 doses, acupuncture changed once every 2 days for 2 consecutive weeks, the tinnitus disappeared.

This patient has a weak constitution, Often have insomnia and dreaminess. Continuous overtime can damage the liver and kidneys. Liver governs dredging, and if it is not controlled, liver stagnation and blood stasis lead to mental weakness, poor sleep, dizziness, and headache. Kidney governs bone and marrow, and its blossoms are in full bloom. Soft legs, increased hair loss; dark tongue, stasis of tendons under the tongue, and thin pulse are signs of qi deficiency and blood stasis. Taohong Siwu Decoction uses peach kernel and safflower to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis; Shudi and Angelica sinensis nourishes yin and nourishes blood and liver; collaterals, stir-fry Scutellaria baicalensis to relieve heat in the liver, astragalus root and Codonopsis radix tonify the spleen and stomach qi, salt Eucommia ulmoides, Achyranthes Radix Achyranthisis to nourish the liver and kidney, at the same time Achyranthes Radix Rhizoma Achyranthes induces blood heat to go down, Fu Shen, Shi Changpu dispel phlegm, open the orifices and soothe the nerves, Anemarrhena clears the liver and gallbladder damp-heat . The whole recipe has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, invigorating kidney and replenishing qi. Fengchi and Shugu belong to the gallbladder meridian of Foot Shaoyang, and acupuncture strengthens gallbladder qi, disperses dampness and turbidity; Yifeng, Jiaosun, Hui The sect belongs to the hand Shaoyang Sanjiao meridian, which can sparse the Sanjiao meridian, relieve internal heat, clear the Sanjiao, soothe the nerves and calm the mind, and dredge the meridians; Baihui belongs to the Governor Vessel, which can open the orifices and refresh the mind;Hegu belongs to the Large Intestine Meridian of Hand Yangming, dredging the meridians and relieving headaches of Yangming; Zusanli belongs to the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming, which is good at regulating the spleen and stomach, drying the spleen-dampness, invigorating the middle and benefiting qi, and raising the stomach qi; Outside and inside, it can stabilize the mind, open the orifices and listen to the ears; The two acupoints of Fengchi and Yifeng on the head, Huizong and Houxi on the hand and electro-acupuncture are used to benefit Qi, clear the orifices, relax the meridians and activate the collaterals. The combined use of acupuncture and medicine has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, invigorating the kidney and replenishing qi, soothing the qi, clearing the orifices and stopping the noise, and achieving the effect of comprehensive treatment. effect.

Received date 2021-04-29


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This article is from: “Zhejiang Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine” 2022- 02-16

Picture from: Bing images

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